News on The Potato Supply Chain

Michiel y Frank
September 06, 2021

¿Patatas holandesas todo el año?

¿Por qué importar patatas cuando están disponibles en el país? En los Países Bajos, la disponibilidad de patatas se amplía continuamente, gracias al desarrollo de variedades y a la mejora de los métodos de almacenamiento.
Local potato dealers at a market in Khulna, Bangladesh in 2016 (Courtesy: Mathess)
September 06, 2021

Facing excess potatoes, Govt of Bangladesh plans to support both export and potato processing

Facing excess potatoes, the government of Bangladesh has decided to provide all sorts of support for both export and processing
Dug Potato Milk
September 05, 2021

Is potato milk the most sustainable dairy alternative yet?

There’s no escaping plant-based milk in the 21st century. In the United Kingdom, nearly a quarter of British people now consume plant-based milk. Entering into this market is a new plant-based milk, claiming to be the most sustainable dairy alternative yet: potato milk.
Belgapom quotation from 2021-2022 season only for potato variety Fontane
September 03, 2021

Belgapom quotation next season only for potato variety Fontane

As of the new storage potato season, the Belgapom price committee will only note the most frequently used price for the trade-in potatoes of the Fontane variety.
PotatoEurope's Golden Innovation Award goes to EGG Microtubers.
September 02, 2021

EGG Microtubers receive PotatoEurope’s Golden Innovation Award

During a special award ceremony on Wednesday, September 1st, a professional jury awarded the PotatoEurope Gold Innovation Award to the Microtubers of E Green Global (EGG).
Idaho potato growers brace for poor crop amid drought, heat
September 01, 2021

Idaho potato growers brace for poor crop amid drought, heat

The hot, dry and smoky growing season has left some Idaho potato farmers bracing for a poor crop. For Randy Hardy of Oakley, harvest will likely be the worst of his career.
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Yara acquires Finnish Ecolan to expand its organic fertilizer business
September 01, 2021

Yara acquires Finnish Ecolan to expand its organic fertilizer business

Yara Suomi Oy announced today the acquisition of Ecolan Oy, a Finnish producer of recycled fertilizers. This is Yara’s first acquisition in the organic fertilizer segment.
La papa es un cultivo de mucho impacto que genera 5,800 empleos permanentes en Honduras, la principal fuente de ingresos en el área rural.
September 01, 2021

Honduras: Paperos emiten un nuevo SOS en demanda de condonaciones

Productores de papa de Honduras emitieron un nuevo llamado de auxilio en demanda al gobierno de condonaciones de deudas y subsidios que les permita salir adelante con deudas financieras y recuperarse de pérdidas millonarias.
Las plantaciones de patata de A Limia (Ourense), principal comarca productora de este tubérculo en Galicia.
August 31, 2021

España: Previsiones de muy buena cosecha de patata en A Limia, Ourense

Las lluvias recurrentes durante la primavera y el verano propician un crecimiento excelente de los tubérculos. Se espera buena producción y de calidad y un adelanto de la recogida. Preocupa el incremento de costos para productores y mayoristas por las limitaciones en los antigerminantes.
McCain tiene como principal cliente a McDonald's y también es dueña de la marca de pizzas Sibarita.
August 31, 2021

Argentina: El negocio de las papas congeladas repunta tras la apertura de bares y restaurantes

A medida que la pandemia va permitiendo la apertura de los distintos sectores de la economía argentina, uno de los negocios con perspectivas de crecimiento en el corto plazo, es el de las papas congeladas. En este contexto, la canadiense McCain, espera crecer en volumen más del 35 porciento en el próximo año.
El consejero Guillermo Blanco ha ofrecido apoyo para avanzar en una Indicación Geográfica Protegida.
August 31, 2021

España: Las buenas patatas de Valderredible ya tienen una asociación que las defienda

Once productores fundan en Polientes la Asociación Calidad Diferenciada Patata de la zona. El consejero Guillermo Blanco ha ofrecido apoyo para avanzar en una Indicación Geográfica Protegida, IGP.
After one and a half years without potato events, it was time to meet up again
August 30, 2021

'After one and a half years without potato events, it was time to meet up again'

Thirty-four potato growers took the opportunity to discuss potatoes, exchange information about the potato market and simply make small talk again at a variety presentation at Europlant.
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Heat, drought stress Red River Valley potato crop, resulting in quality, yield reduction of table stock
August 29, 2021

Heat, drought stress Red River Valley potato crop, resulting in quality, yield reduction of table stock

The toll that hot dry weather took on the Red River Valley 2021 potato crop won’t be visible until harvest begins in a few weeks, but it’s already clear it has affected yields and quality.
Burns and Stenzel Announce Industry Officers of New Association
August 29, 2021

Cathy Burns (PMA) and Tom Stenzel (United Fresh) Announce Industry Officers of New Association after its merger.

Future Co-CEOs Cathy Burns of Produce Marketing Association (PMA) and Tom Stenzel of United Fresh have named the Executive Committee that will serve as officers for the new association.
Cynthia Wilson (Diné), director of Utah Diné Bikéyah Traditional Foods Program, holds potatoes that have grown in Utah for more than 11000 years
August 29, 2021

11000 year old solution to modern problem: Ancient potato could thrive in changing climate

With drought a persistent problem in the Southwest, Hopi/Tewa seed keeper Valerie Nuvayestewa has eagerly joined the effort to bring back an Indigenous superfood that her ancestors cultivated for 11000 years.
Five million kilos of unsold potatoes in the Canary Islands.
August 27, 2021

Five million kilos of unsold potatoes in the Canary Islands

The Canary Islands Farmers and Ranchers Association (ASAGA Canarias ASAJA, for its acronym in Spanish) has made a call to encourage consumers to prioritize in their purchases the potato of Canarian origin.
Pepsico has constructed a large potato storage in Novosibirsk, Russia
August 27, 2021

Pepsico has constructed a large potato storage in Novosibirsk, Russia

A USD 30 million warehouse for potato storage was built in the Industrial and Logistic Park of Novosibirsk Oblast (Russia) to supply the potato chips plant, which is currently under construction.
United States potato imports continue to grow
August 27, 2021

United States potato imports continue to grow

United States imports of potatoes and potato products for the July 2020 – June 2021 marketing year increased by 12% in fresh weight equivalent volume and 16% in value, compared to the previous marketing year.


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