News on The Potato Supply Chain

Seedlings of Agris in the square
November 26, 2023

Solynta is planning to introduce Hybrid True Potato Seeds to Central Europe in partnership with Agris.

After several meetings and visits to each other, a powerful collaboration has emerged. The Hybrid True Potato Seeds from Solynta and the plant raising facilities and skills from Agris are turning out to be a golden combination.
Peter VanderZaag, President and CEO of World Potato Congress (WPC).
November 26, 2023

World Potato Congress Webinar: Fostering Potato Partnerships for Food Security

World Potato Congress Inc. is pleased to present the Webinar: "Declaration of Dublin and the World Potato Congress, Fostering Potato Partnerships for Food Security"
Nigeria’s GM Potato project concludes first-year trial, shows 300% yield advantage
November 23, 2023

Nigeria’s GM Potato project concludes first-year trial, shows 300% yield advantage

The Genetically Modified (GM) Potato Project ongoing in Nigeria has concluded its first-year multi-locational confined trial in three locations
Side Delights offers a variety of choices of nutritious, economical potato products
November 23, 2023

Side Delights Shares Insights that Potatoes Pay Off During the Busy Holiday Season and Beyond

Side Delights shares insights on the retailer benefits of incremental potato sales through the holiday shopping season and beyond.
Germicopa firma acuerdo exclusivo de representación en Argentina
November 22, 2023

Germicopa firma acuerdo exclusivo de representación en Argentina

La empresa francesa Germicopa acaba de firmar un contrato de representación exclusiva con Agroplant S.A para el desarrollo de sus variedades en Argentina.
Dewulf Enduro Self-propelled 4-row sieving harvester
November 22, 2023

Potato harvester Enduro Generation 1 - It's a wrap! Generation 2 is here!

Dewulf's 4-row sieving harvester Enduro has become more than an established player in the self-propelled harvester landscape in recent years.
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Hortalizas De Mayor Importación 2022
November 22, 2023

Paraguay: producción local insuficiente, dependencia de las importaciones

En Paraguay la papa producida localmente no alcanza a cubrir el 5% de la demanda.
México: fertilización eficiente de cara a una temporada competitiva
November 22, 2023

México: fertilización eficiente de cara a una temporada competitiva

En México los productores se capacitan sobre técnicas de fertilización de cara a una nueva temporada.
Brasil: bajan los precios por problemas de calidad
November 21, 2023

Brasil: bajan los precios por problemas de calidad

Cae el precio de la papa en Brasil debido a problemas de calidad.
Chile: baja levemente el precio de la papa
November 21, 2023

Chile: baja levemente el precio de la papa

En Chile la papa tiene una pequeña baja en el precio y se anticipa una reducción de hasta 10% antes de fin de año.
Sweet potato is a tropical plant which, despite its name, is not related to potatoes.
November 21, 2023

New recommendations and standards for sweet potatoes should facilitate international trade

While most of the United states is more focused on sweet potato recipes - as sweet potatoes are a tradional Thanksgiving dish - Industry is focused on their trading standards. Sweet potato is a tropical plant which, despite its name, is not related to potatoes.
Schönbuchschule Dettenhausen during the potato harvest, DKHV school garden project "Kids an die Knolle"
November 21, 2023

Join the Fun: Register Your School for 'Kids an die Knolle' 2024 – A Potato Education Program by the German Potato Trade Association (DKHV)

Schools all over Germany take part in "Kids an die Knolle", an educational program run by the German Potato Trade Association (DKHV).
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Bryan Bender hosts the 2023 Leadership Institute class on his farm in Chambersburg, Pa., as the class traveled through New York and Pennsylvania in Feb. 2023.
November 20, 2023

Potato LEAF’s Leadership Institute Class of 2024 Announced

The Potato Leadership, Education, and Advancement Foundation (Potato LEAF) is pleased to announce the 2024 class of the potato industry’s Leadership Institute.
High Potato Prices: Bangladesh Government Deputes Officials at Cold Storages to Prevent Supply and Price Manipulation After Meeting At PMO
November 19, 2023

Government of Bangladesh takes urgent measures to stabilize potato prices ahead of National Elections early 2024

With national elections scheduled for January 7, 2024, the Bangladesh government has implemented measures to address the alarming surge in potato prices.
Es la primera vez que tantos municipios pinareños incursionan en este cultivo
November 17, 2023

Cuba apuesta por la producción de papa duplicando su área de siembra en Pinar del Río

La provincia de Pinar del Río en Cuba duplicara este año la superficie dedicada al cultivo de papa. Una apuesta por el abastecimiento del tubérculo en la isla.
El sector de la patata apuesta por la calidad desde el origen hasta el consumidor
November 17, 2023

España: Castilla y León a la vanguardia de la producción nacional

En España, Castilla y León, la comunidad dominante en materia de patatas y responsable por un 40% de la producción nacional, apuesta por una integración vertical para garantizar la calidad de su producto.
Agrico Potato Varieties Seedlings Show
November 16, 2023

50 years of Agrico: with heart and soil committed to the next generation

On 9 and 10 November, potato company Agrico held its annual Variety and Seedling Show at Agrico Research in Bant. This year was dedicated to its 50th anniversary.
Germinación exitosa de la papa en secano con riego por goteo subterráneo. (Courtesy: Conci)
November 15, 2023

Argentina: Riego por goteo subterráneo, la última tendencia en irrigación

En la provincia de Córdoba, Argentina, el grupo empresarial Conci se posiciona a la vanguardia de los sistemas de riego con su propuesta integral e innovadora de riego por goteo enterrado.


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