News on The Potato Supply Chain

Tough harvest, how to proceed in storage?
January 04, 2024

Tough harvest, how to proceed in storage?

The storage season for potatoes is in full swing and has proven to be quite a challenge so far. Tolsma-Grisnich provides some tips for drying and storing of challenging crops...
(ID) Variedades de papa Quintera y Farida
January 03, 2024

Honduras: nuevas variedades de papa introducidas para la comercialización

Honduras introdujo dos nuevas variedades de papa para su comercialización, Farida y Quintera, de la compañía HZPC.
Chile: contrabando de papa es fiscalizado
January 03, 2024

Chile: contrabando de papa es fiscalizado

El Servicio Agrícola y Ganadero de Chile fiscaliza con dureza el contrabando de frutas y verduras hacia regiones protegidas.
Tecia solanivora
January 03, 2024

Perú: gobierno promueve medidas para controlar la polilla guatemalteca

Peru aprobó medidas para controlar a la polilla guatemalteca en la región, una de las plagas con mayor impacto sobre la producción de papa.
Grimme UK announces new deals for the new year
January 02, 2024

Grimme UK announces new deals for the new year

The UK’s leading farm machinery manufacturer has started the new year by launching several new money-saving promotions.
Potato production through zero-tillage with straw mulch (PZTM)
December 28, 2023

CIP Introduces Zero Tillage Potato Farming Innovation in India, Bangladesh, Cambodia, and Peru

Zero tillage not only boosts soil fertility and raises carbon stocks but also prolongs the potato growing season by harnessing the residual moisture after the rice harvest.
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Potato Prices Spike Again in Bangladesh As Reports of Crop Damage Due to Cyclone Michaung Pour In
December 28, 2023

Potato Prices Spike Again in Bangladesh As Reports of Crop Damage Due to Cyclone Michaung Pour In

After Cyclone Michaung, heavy rains caused crop damage, leading to a decrease in supply and subsequent price spikes. Potato prices may remain high until the affected areas recover their potato production capacity.
Expanding Foreign Markets: U.S. Chief Agricultural Negotiator to Address Potato Expo 2024
December 27, 2023

Expanding Foreign Markets: US Chief Agricultural Negotiator to Address Potato Expo 2024

Potato Expo 2024 is primed to be a unique opportunity to explore the world of potatoes, network with industry leaders, and gain insights into the future of this essential crop.
Sustainable cooperation in Brabant's potato processing industry
December 27, 2023

Joint project by the potato processing industry in Brabant (the Netherlands) focused on sustainability

Agristo, Peka Kroef, Lamb Weston and Duynie have teamed up to create a groundbreaking partnership with a view to sustainability and ecological awareness.
Brotes de la patata granadina 'copo de nieve' (Cortesía: UGR)
December 26, 2023

España: rescatan variedad al borde de la desaparición

La universidad de Granada, España, rescata a una variedad llamada Copo de Nieve de su desaparición por haber sido abandonado su cultivo.
Revista Campo ha acompañado a Contagri en un día de siembras
December 23, 2023

España: siembra temprana comienza en el sur en un contexto de sequía

Comenzó en el sur de españa la siembra de papa temprana, con optimismo a pesar de la sequía.
A, Virus particles visualized in the transmission electron microscope (TEM); scale bar equals 100 nm. B, Electrophoretic migration pattern of nucleic acid extracted from purified virions of the virus coded SB26/29.
December 22, 2023

Potato rugose stunting virus, a newly characterized potato virus

In the 1990s, a previously uncharacterized disease of viral aetiology was observed in cultivated potatoes (Solanum tuberosum) in Southern Peru.
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Attend the 2024 Michigan Winter Potato Conference and tour the nearby facilities
December 22, 2023

Michigan Winter Potato Conference attendees can tour nearby facilities

As part of the 2024 Michigan Winter Potato Conference in East Lansing, attendees get a tour of nearby facilities. There are four options from which to choose.
Farmers show the potato fields affected by late blight attack in Machhiwara block of Ludhiana.
December 21, 2023

Late blight damages potato crop in Punjab, India

In a full-blown attack by the disease late blight, more than 50% potato crop in the fields has suffered extensive damage, leading to heavy losses for the farmers who had opted for diversification instead of growing wheat after paddy.
Argentina: riego por goteo enterrado, un nuevo sistema con grandes resultados
December 21, 2023

Argentina: riego por goteo enterrado, un nuevo sistema con grandes resultados

En Argentina se implementa el sistema de riego por goteo enterrado con muy buenos resultados.
December 21, 2023

Europatat calls for information about ongoing projects to control the spread of wireworms

Europatat, the European Potato Association, is calling upon researchers and industry professionals to share information about ongoing research, and any other related activities which will help to control the spread of wireworms in potatoes.
El cambio climático y la producción de papa en Europa
December 20, 2023

El cambio climático y la producción de papa en Europa

En un reciente estudio publicado en la revista 'Climate', investigadores buscan comprender el impacto del cambio climático sobre la producción de papa en Europa, y las estrategias para sobreponerse a él.
Brasil: aumentan los precios debido a una oferta disminuida
December 19, 2023

Brasil: aumentan los precios debido a una oferta disminuida

En Brasil aumentan los precios debido a una oferta disminuida.


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