News on The Potato Supply Chain

Tong’s new MonstaFill box filler transforms throughput for UK potato grower
December 09, 2020

Tong’s new MonstaFill box filler transforms throughput for UK potato grower

Two of the newest machines within Tong Engineering’s wide range of vegetable handling equipment are proving invaluable in transforming post-harvest operations for Hampshire-based potato grower, Whitewater Potatoes.
Maine researchers are developing genomic tools for potato breeders
December 08, 2020

Maine researchers are developing genomic tools for potato breeders

Two University of Maine researchers, Greg Porter and Han Tan, are part of a team of plant geneticists and breeders working to develop tools that will help Maine scientists and farmers become more efficient in bringing novel, improved potato varieties to market.
Working together on sustainable potato production in Kenya
December 08, 2020

Working together on sustainable potato production in Kenya

Viazi (potatoes in Kiswahili) are grown in Kenya since the 19th century. The production and consumption of the potato have grown steadily since.
Pepsico UK are cutting carbon emissions by bringing potatoes full circle
December 08, 2020

Pepsico UK are cutting carbon emissions by turning potato peels into fertilizer

Pepsico UK has joined forces with British clean-tech firm CCm Technologies to reduce their carbon footprint by turning their potato waste into fertiliser.
Winter cover crop research yields positive results for environment
December 08, 2020

Winter cover crop research yields positive results for environment

In humid climates, there is a high risk of topsoil loss from erosion on bare soil as well as nitrogen from fertilizers leaking or leaching from the soil into water sources, which can cause groundwater pollution.
Se busca promover el consumo de la papa peruana
December 07, 2020

Se busca promover el consumo de la papa peruana

Se busca promover el consumo de la papa peruana y destacar el trabajo de más de 711 mil familias dedicadas al cultivo de este tubérculo. En el Perú se producen más de 3500 variedades de papa.
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Spar Gran Canaria fomenta la papa local con el reparto de 100.000 kilos de semillas
December 07, 2020

Spar Gran Canaria fomenta la papa local con el reparto de 100.000 kilos de semillas

Spar Gran Canaria renovó ayer su convenio para el Fomento de la Producción y la Comercialización de la Papa Local de Calidad en la Isla de Gran Canaria.
Cienfuegos, provincia de Cuba, Inició siembra de papa
December 07, 2020

Cienfuegos, provincia de Cuba, Inició siembra de papa

La siembra de 350 hectáreas de papa inició en la Empresa Agropecuaria Horquita, enclavada en el municipio cienfueguero de Abreus.
Christophe Vermeulen to become the new CEO of Belgapom and director of FVPhouse
December 04, 2020

Christophe Vermeulen to become the new CEO of Belgapom and director of FVPhouse

Belgapom has selected Christophe Vermeulen as the successor to Romain Cools as the CEO of Belgapom. He will also act as the director of FVPhouse.
Rwandan entrepreneur Apollinaire Karegeya is growing potatoes without soil and with little water.
December 04, 2020

Aeroponics: growing potatoes in the air - agricultural innovation in Rwanda

A Rwandan entrepreneur is pioneering the use of innovative farming technology that, he believes, is set to play a major role in feeding the growing population in his country, amid increasing pressure on arable land.
P.E.I. Potato Board elects new executive team
December 01, 2020

P.E.I. Potato Board elects new executive team

Wayne Townshend has been named chairman. Townshend has been on the board for five years serving as a seed director.
Azerbaijan increased production and export of potatoes
December 01, 2020

Azerbaijan increased production and export of potatoes

In the period between January and October of 2020, 982,1 tons of potatoes were produced in Azerbaijan. According to the State Statistics Committee, compared to the same period last year, this indicator increased by 1,6%.
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Presence of Potato wart (Synchytrium endobioticum) confirmed in Prince Edward Island
December 01, 2020

Presence of Potato wart (Synchytrium endobioticum) confirmed in Prince Edward Island

The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) has recently confirmed the presence of potato wart in two fields on a farm in Prince Edward Island (PEI). Potato wart is a regulated quarantine pest in Canada.
Gobierno de Perú promueve mayor consumo de papa
November 30, 2020

Gobierno de Perú promueve mayor consumo de papa

Desde el Programa Agroideas del Ministerio de Agricultura y Riego (Minagri), se busca promover el consumo de la papa peruana y destacar el trabajo de los agricultores que han mantenido una producción constante de este alimento, pese a la pandemia.
Gobierno Colombiano no autorizó la importación de 65.000 toneladas de papa de Bélgica
November 30, 2020

Gobierno Colombiano no autorizó la importación de 65.000 toneladas de papa de Bélgica

La desinformación surgió al sacar de contexto unas proyecciones que hizo Fedepapa en marzo. Le explicamos las raíces de la crisis y los efectos que, según los expertos, se pueden producir si no se toman medidas estructurales.
Se levanta el veto a la plantación de patata en la práctica totalidad de Asturias
November 30, 2020

Se levanta el veto a la plantación de patata en la práctica totalidad de Asturias

El Principado anulará en 2021 la prohibición de cultivar patata en todo el territorio, excepto en San Tirso de Abres y Vegadeo.
Los 10 errores que cometes al elegir patatas
November 30, 2020

Los 10 errores que cometes al elegir patatas

Preguntamos a expertos para saber qué errores comentemos cuando las escogemos. ¿Por qué nos quedan demasiado duras o demasiados blandas? ¿Qué variedad es mejor para freír? ¿Y para hacer tortilla de patatas?
La empresa vallisoletana apuesta por las variedades 'Agria' y 'Lady amarilla' para seguir ofreciendo patata nacional y de Castilla y León a los consumidores.
November 30, 2020

Juan Manuel Coello, Patatas Meléndez: 'La patata de calidad para lavado ha soportado bien la incertidumbre generada por el Covid-19'

La empresa vallisoletana apuesta por las variedades 'Agria' y 'Lady amarilla' para seguir ofreciendo patata nacional y de Castilla y León a los consumidores.


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