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News on The Potato Supply Chain from Denmark

Michael Jensen and Uffe Andreassen
April 09, 2010

KMC CEO Michael Jensen: interview on potato starch challenges

For 17 years Danish company KMC had Uffe Andreasen as its CEO and he transformed the company from a raw material supplier to the food industry to dedicated partner and supplier of functional solutions worldwide. Late last year Michael Jensen took ove...
KMC launches Fiberbind, functional potato fiber
March 18, 2009

KMC launches Fiberbind, functional potato fiber

In a world where obesity and overweight are a growing concern for many people and where the well being of each and every one of us is becoming more important, KMC has launched FiberBind, a range of potato fibers that not only offers the individual ben...
McCain picks up Danish potato variety 'Royal'
January 14, 2009

McCain picks up Danish potato variety 'Royal'

A new variety of Danish potato, the 'Royal', will be used to make French fries worldwide after being picked up by a Canadian company. The Agriculture Potato Association (LKF) developed the new variety.
January 06, 2009

Starch Manufacturer KMC strengthens the area of Functional Ingredients

KMC introduces Stig Groven as the latest addition to their marketing organisation. As of January 1, 2009 Stig will fill a combined position as Product Manager, Functional Ingredients and Group Manager, Application Services. The position as Product Man...
January 18, 2008

Petrol-Contaminated Potatoes Provoke Nationwide Products Recall in Denmark

Danish Crown's subsidiary Tulip Food Company has had to recall a number of products from its frozen meal range due to some risk that the potatoes contained within them may have been contaminated with petrol, local media report. The potatoes used by Tu...
September 13, 2007

KMC: potato starch market prediction fall 2007

Very low grain harvests and an increasing interest in crops for bio-ethanol has sent world market grain prices sky-high. Starch potato farmers in the EU are consequently putting heavy pressure on the starch factories to obtain higher prices for their ...
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