SNAC International Elects New Officers & Directors
SNAC International President and CEO, Elizabeth Avery, recently announced the election of new Board officers and directors.
August 29, 2021
11000 year old solution to modern problem: Ancient potato could thrive in changing climate
With drought a persistent problem in the Southwest, Hopi/Tewa seed keeper Valerie Nuvayestewa has eagerly joined the effort to bring back an Indigenous superfood that her ancestors cultivated for 11000 years.
May 03, 2018
Arizona Red Potatoes available from May 10th from Pinto Creek
Potandon Produce L.L.C., the exclusive marketing agent for Pinto Creek Co., LLC in Eloy, Arizona, has announced that its fresh potato season will begin on Thursday, May 10th, 2018.
May 11, 2017
Potandon Produce Now Shipping Potatoes From Arizona
Potandon Produce L.L.C., the exclusive marketing agent for Pinto Creek Co., LLC in Eloy, Arizona, announced Monday that its fresh potato season has begun in Arizona.
May 07, 2014
Potandon Produce Begins Shipping Potatoes Out Of Arizona
Potandon Produce L.L.C., the exclusive marketing agent for Pinto Creek Cooperative., Inc. in Eloy, Arizona, announced that its fresh potato season has begun in Arizona.