News on Potato Storage from Europe

La Interprofesional de la Patata reclama usar los mismos antigerminantes que el resto de la UE 'para no tener las manos atadas'.
June 11, 2021

España: La Interprofesional de la Patata reclama usar los mismos antigerminantes que el resto de la UE 'para no tener las manos atadas'

El mayor problema al que se enfrenta la patata española es no poder emplear los mismos antigerminantes que otros países de la Unión Europea, lo que sitúa al sector en una posición de debilidad.
May 26, 2021

Reconnecting the potato chain: Interpom 2021 is a go!

We can now confirm that INTERPOM will go ahead! From 28 to 30 November 2021, the global potato sector will be able to gather in Kortrijk Xpo, as it used to do in the past.
Ukrainian Potato Day will be held on August 26-27, 2021, co-located with the 1st Irrigation Show and Conference
May 26, 2021

Ukrainian Potato Day will be held on August 26-27, 2021, co-located with the 1st Irrigation Show and Conference

Ukrainian Potato Day, with a catchy subtitle 'Potato Blockchain', goes ahead on August 26-27, 2021 in Chulakivka, Kherson Region. It is the only specialized event for potato production in Ukraine organized in close cooperation between the Ukrainian Association of Potato Producers and DLG Ukraine LLC.
Weight loss and compression damage in potato storage
May 23, 2021

UK: High levels of weight loss and compression damage in potato storage

This season AHDB (United Kingdom) is receiving a lot of reports of high levels of softening, dehydration and compression damage from potato store managers.
AHDB winding down horticulture and potatoes operations after farmers vote down levy continuation
May 18, 2021

AHDB winding down horticulture and potatoes operations after farmers vote down levy continuation

AHDB has announced it is winding down significant activities on behalf of the horticulture and potatoes sectors. While awaiting a decision on the future by Ministers in England, Scotland and Wales, AHDB wants to reassure levy payers their views have been heard.
La patata nueva andaluza parte este año con ventaja respecto a la de conservación
May 03, 2021

La patata nueva andaluza parte este año con ventaja respecto a la de conservación

Bruselas prohíbe el uso de Clorprofam (CIPC), lo que acorta el almacenamiento de la patata en cámaras y favorece al producto fresco de Andalucía.
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Robert Koch, mayorista de patatas
April 26, 2021

Robert Koch, mayorista de patatas: 'La regionalidad es un factor importante en la decisión de compra de los consumidores alemanes'

Si bien el mercado de las patatas industriales se paralizó en gran medida durante la pandemia de coronavirus, el mercado de la patata de mesa en la región alemana de Baviera está en auge.
AHDB coordinates potato sprout suppression position paper
April 23, 2021

AHDB coordinates potato sprout suppression position paper

The British potato industry remains in a state of great uncertainty and at significant risk of crop wastage and economic failure as a result of minimal progress on the availability of suitable sprout suppression chemistry.
Agriculture company Vandamme opts for a quality boost with new cooling
April 15, 2021

Agriculture company Vandamme opts for a quality boost with new cooling

According to Vandamme, mechanical cooling is an excellent basis for long-term storage of potatoes without loss of quality. In addition, cooling, in combination with 1,4SIGHT, is a suitable alternative to chlorpropham as a sprout inhibitor.
Preparations for PotatoEurope 2021 trial fields in Lelystad have started
April 02, 2021

Preparations for PotatoEurope 2021 trial fields in Lelystad have started

The PotatoEurope organization has started preparing the potato trial fields at the event location near the central Dutch city of Lelystad.
Storing potatoes long-term: ambient (outside air) vs refrigeration
March 31, 2021

Storing potatoes long-term: ambient (outside air) vs refrigeration

Storing potatoes long-term is challenging, especially so if you rely on ambient ventilation. In the UK it is seldom possible to hold crops at optimum temperature in ambient stores beyond early May. Can refrigeration help?
Voting Report on AHDB Potato ballot is with Ministers
March 27, 2021

Voting Report on AHDB Potato ballot is with Ministers. A majority voted against continuation of a levy.

A ballot to decide the future of the AHDB Potato levy has concluded and the voting report has been passed to Ministers for a decision on what happens next.
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The EU clarifies the application of the LMR of sprout inhibitor CIPC in potato
March 08, 2021

The EU clarifies the application of the LMR of sprout inhibitor CIPC in potato

Good news for the potato sector: the European Commission has recently formally set the value of 0.4 ppm as the temporary maximum residual limit (LMRt) in potato (products).
Ukrainian State-Funded Program on Development of Potato Sector
March 03, 2021

Construction of 35 new potato storages in the Ukraine thanks to government support

The Institute of Agrarian Economics jointly with the Ukrainian Association of Potato Producers have developed a state-funded program for the development of industrial potato growing for 2021-2025.
Tolsma-Grisnich supplies potato receiving, handling and storage equipment in Russia
March 02, 2021

Tolsma-Grisnich supplies potato receiving, handling and storage equipment in Russia

Together with a leading processor a greenfield project was developed in Russia, where Tolsma-Grisnich will supply potato receiving, handling and storage equipment.
Potato Europe 2021 trade show theme resonates: 'What's Now, What's New and What's the Future'
March 01, 2021

Potato Europe 2021 theme resonates: 'What's Now, What's New and What's the Future'

With the event theme 'What's Now, What's New and What's the Future', PotatoEurope 2021 promises to provide insight into current developments in the potato industry as well as a look at the future of the sector.
UK Potato Storage Specialist Crop Systems Limited sees growing business
February 21, 2021

UK Potato Storage Specialist Crop Systems Limited sees growing business

UK Potato Storage Specialist Crop Systems Limited is responding to major growth in its business with further investment at its factory and new appointments, including Tony Barnes as Sales Manager.
España: Operadores de patatas piden que se apruebe el antigerminante 'Dormir'
February 08, 2021

España: Operadores de patatas piden que se apruebe el antigerminante 'Dormir'

La asociación de operadores de patata Asopocyl y la Interprofesional de la Patata de Castilla y León van a solicitar al Ministerio de Sanidad que dé el visto bueno al antigerminante Dormir.


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