News on Potato Storage from Europe

November 27, 2009

Belgische aardappelen in geimproviseerde opslag kiemen vroeg door warme herfst

Als gevolg van de uitzonderlijk zachte temperaturen dreigen nogal wat aardappeltelers die hun aardappelen proberen te bewaren zonder een professionele bewaarplaats hun oogst te verliezen. Aardappelen die niet in geïsoleerde en klimaatgecontroleerde loo...
November 24, 2009

Aardappel opbrengst en voorraad metingen BAI

Bureau Aardappelmarkt Informatie (BAI) van het Productschap Akkerbouw heeft rond 15 november de gebruikelijke telefonische opbrengst- en voorraadmeting enquête gehouden onder consumptieaardappeltelers.Marktschattingen zijn gebaseerd op de reacties van ...
November 18, 2009

Aardappeldemodag: Europese aardappelsector in zwaar weer

De Europese aardappelsector heeft het moeilijk. Dat komt deels door de economische crisis, maar ook door een onbalans tussen vraag en aanbod.Pas als de economische crisis achter de rug is kan een betere situatie ontstaan. Dat zei Kees van Arendonk vand...
 Stootblauw in oogst 2009 (Source: PCA)
October 28, 2009

Quality 2009 potato crop major headache for European potato processors

Harvesting throughout Northwest Europe is virtually finished and markets are entering a new phase of the season. Quality concern and wastage, resulting from high dry matter levels and difficult harvest conditions, are now becoming the main influence ...
Restrain Ethylene generator wins Potato Europe 2009 innovation award.
September 08, 2009

Restrain Ethylene generator wins Potato Europe 2009 innovation award

The PotatoEurope 2009 Innovation Award was handed out this evening to the company Restrain Company Ltd for its Restrain Generator.
 British Frozen Food Federation (BFFF)
April 11, 2009

BFFF: Energy savings possible in the Frozen Food cold chain

The British Frozen Food Federation (BFFF) identified opportunities for energy savings and the related CO2 emission reductions related to improved temperature management in frozen food manufacturing and in cold stores.The project had support and fundin...
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 Pootaardappelen bewaren met Talent: met Talent behandelde Innovator (Agrifirm)
March 30, 2009

Talent (carvon) houdt kiemontwikkeling pootaardappelen onder controle

Door pootaardappelen de hele winter elke dag met een snufje Talent (carvon) te behandelen, komen alle kiemogen op de knollen los, maar de kiemontwikkeling blijft keurig onder controle.
January 02, 2009

Wet rot in potato storages poses threat to potato crop in the UK

After one of the most difficult harvest periods in recent memory in the UK, potato farmers are being advised to be on the lookout for any storage problems from wet stock.Following a delayed, damp and extended harvest season, problems are continuing to ...
October 10, 2008

Monitoring Potato Storage key to rot control

POTATO growers must handle stored crops carefully to avoid the risk of rots developing, the Potato Council’s Sutton Bridge Experimental Unit (SBEU) has warned. As harvest progresses, reports indicate crop quality entering stores is poorer than last sea...
June 26, 2008

Free ethylene advice service for the potato industry

In response to growing demand for residue-free potato storage techniques, biofresh - the country’s most advanced supplier of ethylene control systems, in association with Air Products -  the world’s largest producer of ethylene, have joined forces to ...
August 17, 2007

Potato storage in the UK: keep on top of disease control

Tight blight management will be crucial if this year's crop is to survive in store, warned specialists who joined a record 500-plus visitors to the BPC-sponsored event hosted by SCRI,SAC and CSC PotatoCare. Tuber blight was the biggest immediate issue...
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