News on Potato Defects and Diseases

UMaine researchers testing lobster shells to thwart potato soil pathogens
December 22, 2022

University of Maine researchers are testing lobster shells to thwart potato soil pathogens

Scientists at the University of Maine are evaluating if lobster shells can cultivate beneficial microbial communities that ward off soil borne potato pathogens.
Celebration as Nigeria harvests first batch of biotech-potatoes
December 20, 2022

Nigeria harvests first batch of biotech-potatoes

Elder Isaiah Buwah is growing potatoes for forty years in the Plateau State, North Central Nigeria. Having seen the impact from late blight first hand, he truly enjoyed the harvest of the first batch of - resistant - biotech potatoes.
Cultivo de patatas en Panamá
December 18, 2022

Tierras Altas, Panamá: Resultados alentadores en cultivo de papa

Tras pruebas en la Estación Experimental del IDIAP en Tierras Altas y fincas de productores colaboradores, hay resultados alentadores en el cultivo de papa.
María Gómez, joven universitaria intibucana
December 05, 2022

Honduras: Joven universitaria sigue legado ancestral del cultivo de la papa

María Gómez, es la joven universitaria intibucana de 20 años de edad; un ejemplo de su generación para los que no estudian y abandonan el campo.
RNA-based biopesticide technology delivers 98% mortality of Colorado potato beetle in independent test
December 03, 2022

Renaissance BioScience Corp adds Senior Executive Expertise to Push Commercialization of its RNA Production and Oral Delivery Platform Technology

Renaissance BioScience Corp., a leader in bioengineering for the global agriculture and food industries, has retained the services of S. Brad Griffith to assist Renaissance in commercializing its RNA production
Local seed potato research promising in Zimbabwe.
November 24, 2022

Local seed potato research promising in Zimbabwe

The Zimbabwe Potato Micro-propagation Association (ZPMA) has spearheaded the resuscitation of seed potato production since this stalled around 2008. The current mandate is to substitute imported seed potato.
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7 supermarkets sign up for 100% robust potatoes in an organic range
November 19, 2022

In the Netherlands, 7 supermarkets sign up for 100% robust potatoes in an organic range

In the Netherlands, 31 parties in the table potato chain sign a covenant in which they commit to switch completely to organic robust potato varieties, including 7 supermarkets.
New bill would allow P.E.I. to limit what crops can be grown in potato wart index fields
November 18, 2022

New bill would allow PEI government to limit what crops can be grown in potato wart index fields

The minister of agriculture of Prince Edward Island (PEI), Canada has tabled legislation that would give the provincial government a lead role in trying to prevent the spread of potato wart in the province.
Capacitan en manejo de plagas y enfermedades en el cultivo de papa.
November 01, 2022

Perú: Capacitan en manejo de plagas y enfermedades en el cultivo de papa

Productores de papa de Huánuco, Ambo y Pachitea fueron capacitados en el manejo integrado de plagas, enfermedades en el cultivo de papa y manejo de suelos.
New Antibiotic Comes From a Pathogenic Bacterium in Potatoes.
October 24, 2022

New Antibiotic Solanimycin discovered in a Pathogenic Bacterium in Potatoes (Dickeya solani)

The growing threat of antimicrobial resistance has led researchers to search for new compounds everywhere. This week in mBio, a multinational team of researchers in Europe report the discovery of a new antifungal antibiotic named solanimycin.
Texas A&M Potato Breeding Program targets french fry, chipping, fresh markets
September 04, 2022

Texas A&M Potato Breeding Program targets french fry, chipping, fresh markets

New potato varieties bred by the Texas A&M Potato Breeding Program could enter the french fry market before long, said Isabel Vales, Ph.D., Texas A&M AgriLife potato breeder in the Department of Horticultural Sciences
Protect potato crops from pests and disease for stands that deliver.
August 24, 2022

Syngenta: How to give your potato crop the strongest possible start

As potato growers are working to maximize their yield potential for the 2022 harvest, it's also time to start thinking about maximizing crop potential for the 2023 season.
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Chinese Scientists clear up further details of the complex regulation of Potato blight resistance
August 23, 2022

Chinese Scientists clear up further details of the complex regulation of Potato blight resistance

In recent work published in the journal Horticulture Research, researchers from Northeast Agricultural University and Huazhong Agricultural University characterized a negative regulator of late blight resistance in potato.
Potato LEAF Awards 2022-23 Scholarship to Paige Hickman
August 14, 2022

Potato LEAF Awards 2022-23 Scholarship to Paige Hickman

The Potato Leadership, Education, and Advancement Foundation (Potato LEAF) awards its 2022-23 Academic Scholarship to Paige Hickman, a Ph.D. student at University of Idaho, studying plant-parasitic nematodes, insect pests, and diseases of potato.
Ecuador: Se reduce la producción de papa en Tungurahua.
August 02, 2022

Ecuador: Se reduce la producción de papa en Tungurahua

La producción de papa de Tungurahua dejó de abastecer a mercados de otras ciudades desde hace tres años de manera definitiva. La paratrioza fue una de las causas para interrumpir el proceso.
Farmers upbeat about new potato variety
July 26, 2022

Potato farmers in Rwanda upbeat about new variety

Potato farmers have welcomed the government’s on-going trials on the use of agricultural biotechnology in producing a new Irish potato variety resistant to the devastating late blight disease.
No potato wart found in 5,000 samples tested by CFIA.
July 23, 2022

No sign of potato wart in 5,000 Prince Edward Island soil samples tested so far

With testing completed on 5,000 Prince Edward Island (PEI) soil samples collected by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency from March to June no potato wart has been found.
Seeding the future: Students gain summer experience working MSU seed potato program.
July 16, 2022

Students gain experience working in MSU's seed potato program

Students in tank tops with sunscreen-dotted noses walked down the rows of a potato field, frequently bending over to pluck leaves for sample boxes headed to the MSU potato lab.


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