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New bill would allow P.E.I. to limit what crops can be grown in potato wart index fields
november 18, 2022

New bill would allow PEI government to limit what crops can be grown in potato wart index fields

The minister of agriculture of Prince Edward Island (PEI), Canada has tabled legislation that would give the provincial government a lead role in trying to prevent the spread of potato wart in the province.
Capacitan en manejo de plagas y enfermedades en el cultivo de papa.
november 01, 2022

Perú: Capacitan en manejo de plagas y enfermedades en el cultivo de papa

Productores de papa de Huánuco, Ambo y Pachitea fueron capacitados en el manejo integrado de plagas, enfermedades en el cultivo de papa y manejo de suelos.
New Antibiotic Comes From a Pathogenic Bacterium in Potatoes.
oktober 24, 2022

New Antibiotic Solanimycin discovered in a Pathogenic Bacterium in Potatoes (Dickeya solani)

The growing threat of antimicrobial resistance has led researchers to search for new compounds everywhere. This week in mBio, a multinational team of researchers in Europe report the discovery of a new antifungal antibiotic named solanimycin.
Texas A&M Potato Breeding Program targets french fry, chipping, fresh markets
september 04, 2022

Texas A&M Potato Breeding Program targets french fry, chipping, fresh markets

New potato varieties bred by the Texas A&M Potato Breeding Program could enter the french fry market before long, said Isabel Vales, Ph.D., Texas A&M AgriLife potato breeder in the Department of Horticultural Sciences
Protect potato crops from pests and disease for stands that deliver.
augustus 24, 2022

Syngenta: How to give your potato crop the strongest possible start

As potato growers are working to maximize their yield potential for the 2022 harvest, it's also time to start thinking about maximizing crop potential for the 2023 season.
Chinese Scientists clear up further details of the complex regulation of Potato blight resistance
augustus 23, 2022

Chinese Scientists clear up further details of the complex regulation of Potato blight resistance

In recent work published in the journal Horticulture Research, researchers from Northeast Agricultural University and Huazhong Agricultural University characterized a negative regulator of late blight resistance in potato.
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Potato LEAF Awards 2022-23 Scholarship to Paige Hickman
augustus 14, 2022

Potato LEAF Awards 2022-23 Scholarship to Paige Hickman

The Potato Leadership, Education, and Advancement Foundation (Potato LEAF) awards its 2022-23 Academic Scholarship to Paige Hickman, a Ph.D. student at University of Idaho, studying plant-parasitic nematodes, insect pests, and diseases of potato.
Ecuador: Se reduce la producción de papa en Tungurahua.
augustus 02, 2022

Ecuador: Se reduce la producción de papa en Tungurahua

La producción de papa de Tungurahua dejó de abastecer a mercados de otras ciudades desde hace tres años de manera definitiva. La paratrioza fue una de las causas para interrumpir el proceso.
Farmers upbeat about new potato variety
juli 26, 2022

Potato farmers in Rwanda upbeat about new variety

Potato farmers have welcomed the government’s on-going trials on the use of agricultural biotechnology in producing a new Irish potato variety resistant to the devastating late blight disease.
No potato wart found in 5,000 samples tested by CFIA.
juli 23, 2022

No sign of potato wart in 5,000 Prince Edward Island soil samples tested so far

With testing completed on 5,000 Prince Edward Island (PEI) soil samples collected by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency from March to June no potato wart has been found.
Seeding the future: Students gain summer experience working MSU seed potato program.
juli 16, 2022

Students gain experience working in MSU's seed potato program

Students in tank tops with sunscreen-dotted noses walked down the rows of a potato field, frequently bending over to pluck leaves for sample boxes headed to the MSU potato lab.
Tenerife, España: La Asociación de Desarrollo Rural Icod de los Trigos-San Juan de la Rambla apoya las movilizaciones en defensa de la papa local.
juli 10, 2022

Tenerife, España: La Asociación de Desarrollo Rural Icod de los Trigos-San Juan de la Rambla apoya las movilizaciones en defensa de la papa local

La Asociación de Desarrollo Local Icod de los Trigos- San Juan de la Rambla cree que las reuniones y movilizaciones de los agricultores de la isla son tremendamente necesarias para reivindicar un precio justo de nuestra papa, además de propiciar la autonomía de nuestra gente del campo.
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Fundamental change in blight strains impacting Irish potato crops.
juni 19, 2022

Fundamental change in blight strains impacting Irish potato crops

There is a major displacement of potato-blight strain populations taking place in Ireland at the present time. Speaking on a recent edition of the Tillage Edge podcast.
June 23: WSU Potato Field Day offers a look at seed and pest studies, virus-sniffing dog
juni 16, 2022

June 23: WSU Potato Field Day offers a look at seed and pest studies, virus-sniffing dog

At their 400-acre Othello research farm, Washington State University scientists study seed quality, new varieties, pests, and growing practices to help Northwest potatoes thrive
Joint industry project in the United Kingdom to tackle wireworm damage
juni 15, 2022

Joint industry project in the United Kingdom to tackle wireworm damage

Following an upward trend in wireworm damage in root vegetable and cereal crops throughout the UK, industry leaders have joined forces to co-fund a Fera-led R&D project to find an end-to-end solution
WPC: Teagasc discussed breeding new potato varieties.
juni 06, 2022

WPC: Teagasc discussed breeding new potato varieties

Teagasc used its presence at this week’s World Potato Congress (WPC) to network with comparable organisations, in particular those undertaking similar projects regarding breeding new potato varieties.
Texas A&M AgriLife researchers use CRISPR technology to modify starches in potatoes
mei 28, 2022

Texas A&M AgriLife researchers use CRISPR technology to modify starches in potatoes

Humble potatoes are a rich source not only of dietary carbohydrates for humans, but also of starches for numerous industrial applications. Texas A&M AgriLife scientists are learning how to alter the ratio of potatoes’
Granada, España: Prohíben regar cultivos de patatas con aguas procedentes del río Velillos afectadas por una bacteria en Moclín.
mei 25, 2022

Granada, España: Prohíben regar cultivos de patatas con aguas procedentes del río Velillos afectadas por una bacteria en Moclín

La Dirección General de la Producción Agrícola y Ganadera de la Junta ha detectado un brote de bacteria 'Ralstonia solanacearum' en las aguas superficiales del río Velillos, en Moclín, Granada.


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