News on Potato Varieties and Seed

(LR) Jan van Hoogen, General Director and Adrie Vermeulen previous Chairman of Agrico
December 19, 2023

Jan van Hoogen hands over the baton to Mark Zuidhof as potato cooperative Agrico passes EUR 400 million in sales

Last week Agrico held its annual central members’ meeting, during which the financial statements of 2022/2023 were explained and the members looked ahead to the new harvest year.
Sostenibilidad: la nueva vanguardia entre los obtentores de variedades como HZPC
December 11, 2023

Sostenibilidad: la nueva vanguardia entre los obtentores de variedades como HZPC

La sostenibilidad de las variedades de papa es el nuevo horizonte para los obtentores como HZPC.
Patatas crudas después de sacarlas de los campos cultivados.
December 04, 2023

Argentina: comienza la cosecha de papa en la provincia de Buenos Aires

Comienza la cosecha de papa en la zona central de la provincia de Buenos Aires.
Potato cultivation in Uttar Pradesh, India
December 01, 2023

Ramban’s high altitude areas to emerge as major potato seed producers

High-altitude areas of district Ramban like Gool, Mahu Mangit and Sanasar could become major potato seed producer areas and make the local farmers self-sufficient.
Agrico Ukraine and Ukrainian Institute of Potato Research Tackle Challenges in Ukraine's Seed Potato Industry
November 30, 2023

Agrico Ukraine and Ukrainian Institute of Potato Research Tackle Challenges of the Seed Potato Industry in the Country

After Potatodays in the Netherlands, Agrico Ukraine together with Ukrainian Institute of Potato Research initiated a round table to discuss challenges in seed potato production in Ukraine.
Agrico and Agrico PSA to expand their activities into Tanzania
November 29, 2023

Agrico and Agrico PSA to expand their seed potato activities in Tanzania

By signing the distribution agreement with Fraxen Consult Ltd, Agrico seed potatoes will be exported to small-scale farmers in Tanzania later this year.
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Rob Sears hopes his bioengineered potato radiation sensors will open the door to future innovations in organic technology. Image courtesy UTIA.
November 29, 2023

UTIA PhD Student Bioengineers Potato Plant to Detect Gamma Radiation

PhD student Rob Sears engineered the potato plant, also known as a phytosensor, to indicate high radiation levels through changing leaf fluorescence.
HCİP210, newly launched potato variety suitable for Vietnam
November 27, 2023

HZPC and CIP develop an early-maturing potato variety suitable for Vietnam: HCIP210

Vietnam has just welcomed a new potato variety HCIP210 developed through a public-private partnership.
Seedlings of Agris in the square
November 26, 2023

Solynta is planning to introduce Hybrid True Potato Seeds to Central Europe in partnership with Agris.

After several meetings and visits to each other, a powerful collaboration has emerged. The Hybrid True Potato Seeds from Solynta and the plant raising facilities and skills from Agris are turning out to be a golden combination.
Nigeria’s GM Potato project concludes first-year trial, shows 300% yield advantage
November 23, 2023

Nigeria’s GM Potato project concludes first-year trial, shows 300% yield advantage

The Genetically Modified (GM) Potato Project ongoing in Nigeria has concluded its first-year multi-locational confined trial in three locations
Germicopa firma acuerdo exclusivo de representación en Argentina
November 22, 2023

Germicopa firma acuerdo exclusivo de representación en Argentina

La empresa francesa Germicopa acaba de firmar un contrato de representación exclusiva con Agroplant S.A para el desarrollo de sus variedades en Argentina.
Sweet potato is a tropical plant which, despite its name, is not related to potatoes.
November 21, 2023

New recommendations and standards for sweet potatoes should facilitate international trade

While most of the United states is more focused on sweet potato recipes - as sweet potatoes are a tradional Thanksgiving dish - Industry is focused on their trading standards. Sweet potato is a tropical plant which, despite its name, is not related to potatoes.
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Schönbuchschule Dettenhausen during the potato harvest, DKHV school garden project "Kids an die Knolle"
November 21, 2023

Join the Fun: Register Your School for 'Kids an die Knolle' 2024 – A Potato Education Program by the German Potato Trade Association (DKHV)

Schools all over Germany take part in "Kids an die Knolle", an educational program run by the German Potato Trade Association (DKHV).
Agrico Potato Varieties Seedlings Show
November 16, 2023

50 years of Agrico: with heart and soil committed to the next generation

On 9 and 10 November, potato company Agrico held its annual Variety and Seedling Show at Agrico Research in Bant. This year was dedicated to its 50th anniversary.
Primer variedad genéticamente modificada en América Latina
November 14, 2023

América Latina: el futuro de la edición genética

Cieníficos argentinos están muy próximos a presentar la primer variedad de papa genéticamente modificada en todo América Latina.
Tecnología coreana fortalece la producción de papa a través de semillas certificadas. (Cortesía: Nicole Vargas)
November 14, 2023

Bolivia: desarrollos tecnológicos para el cultivo de papa

En Bolivia, dos organizaciones publico-privadas desarrollaron un proyecto de comunidades modelo de producción de papa con el fin de actualizar los métodos de trabajo en el país.
Venezuela: en tres estados ya no se produce papa para industria
November 13, 2023

Venezuela: en tres estados ya no se produce papa para industria

En Venezuela, la producción de papa pierde terreno en por lo menos tres estados debido a disrupciones en la cadena de suministro de la semilla.
La pasada cosecha se distinguió por el buen rendimiento agrícola. (Cortesía:Escambray)
November 09, 2023

Cuba: la región de Sancti Spíritus se adelanta en su siembra de papa agroecológica

Cuba se encuentra próxima a la temporada de siembra de papas y por tercer año seguido la región de Santi Spíritu, en el centro de la isla, se incluye al programa de papa agroecologica del país.


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