Kiremko Retro Grader

Kiremko Retro Grader

Kiremko Retro Grader

The Retro Grader conditions the potato shreds through drying and chilling to help ensure a formable product. Retro gradation is a process that takes place within the potato itself when it is cooled down after boiling or blanching. It changes the structure of the cells inside the potato.

During boiling or blanching, the starch in the potato absorbs the water, resulting in a mealy, firm structure.

A retro gradation machine will cool down the potato over a longer period of time, which will partly remove the water from the starch, while reinforcing the cell wall. This is an important process in the hash brown line.


  • Conditions the potato shreds through drying and cooling 
  • Ensures a formable product of the best quality and texture 
  • Ensures that the product holds together during the baking process