Potato Suppliers in Wisconsin

Alsum Farms

Alsum Farms & Produce is a grower, packer and shipper of Wisconsin Potatoes and Onions.

Bushmans Inc.

Bushmans' Inc. is a vertically integrated potato supply company.

Heartland Farms, Inc

Heartland Farms is a fifth generation irrigated Potato & Vegetable farm operating in five counties of Wisconsin covering 15.000 acres.

Okray Family Farms

Okray Family Farms produces over 1800 acres of potatoes and over 5900 acres of sweet corn, green beans, peas, soy, and maize annually. They are closely affiliated with Indian Hills Cranberry, LLC.


RPE is an industry leader with consistent year-round Idaho russet, red and yellow commodity, non-Idaho russet, and bite-size potato supplies, packed and distributed for customers as part of their private label initiatives, as well as in proprietary Tasteful Selections® bite-size potato and Farmer’s Promise commodity brands.

Schroeder Brother's Farms

Schroeder Brothers Farms grows over 2200 acres of foundation and certified seed potatoes mostly in the Antigo area, but also in Suring, Mountain, Post Lake Pearson and Phlox. They grow over 20 varieties each year including reds, russets, chips and Frito Lay varieties.
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Wisconsin Certified Seed Potatoes

The company Wisconsin Potato and Vegetable Growers Association established in 1948.They are Ranking third in the nation for potato production, and number one east of the Mississippi, their 140 growers work together to provide the best Wisconsin potatoes and vegetables for consumers.

Worzella & Sons, Inc.

Worzella & Sons, Inc. is a potato and vegetable farm, located in Plover, Wisconsin.

Wysocki Family of Companies

Wysocki Family of Companies, as they exist today, has come a long way through the years. The history that surrounds them is rich and deep, much like the soil that supports the potatoes and other crops integral to the companies' success.

Wysocki Produce Farm

Planting is one of the most important pieces to the success of their organization. With precision planting technologies and the help of extraordinary staff, they plant and grow exceptional produce.


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