The Potato Supply Chain in Norway

Agdir Drift AS

Agdir Drift AS, located in Arendal, Norway, develops technologies to help farmers better manage their operations by delivering information on essential parameters such as air temperature, humidity, soil temperature, and wetness.

Graminor AS

Graminor AS develops plant varieties for the agricultural and horticultural industry in Norway. Their social mission is to deliver new plant varieties adapted to Norwegian and Nordic growing conditions.

Grønt Maskin AS

With a history dating back to 1912, Grønt Maskin is now the largest equipment supplier to Norwegian vegetable producers.


Kverneland is the titular brand of Kverneland Group, an international company developing, producing and distributing agricultural implements, electronic solutions and digital services to the farming community.

Kverneland Group

Kverneland Group is an international company developing, producing and distributing agricultural implements, electronic solutions and digital services to the farming community.

Produsentpakkeriet Trøndelag AS

Produsentpakkeriet Trøndelag AS is based in Frosta, Norway. The company offers various packed potato to the consumers.
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Vicon is a brand of Kverneland Group, an international company developing, producing and distributing agricultural implements, electronic solutions and digital services to the farming community.

YARA International ASA

Yara International is a manufacturer of (nitrogen) fertilizer and strongly focuses on knowledge on optimal application of fertilizers in food production


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