Potato Suppliers in Europe

Corkers Crisps

Corkers Crisps is a start-up potato crisp manufacturer in Cambridgeshire, United Kingdom

Country Crest

Country Crest is a farming operation in Ireland focused on growing and pre-packing fresh potatoes for the retail sector.

Cullen Allen Ltd

Cullen Allen is one of the longest established potato businesses in the UK, specialising in production and marketing of seed potatoes from Scotland and Northern Ireland.

Culture Pom

At Culture Pom, In Champagne, France, everything they do is driven by the ambition to develop and enhance the Potato production.

Cygnet PB

Cygnet PB is Britain's biggest potato breeder and one of the largest seed potato growers in the country.

Danespo A/S

DANESPO A/S is the leading company in the field of breeding and producing quality seed and ware potatoes in Northern Europe.
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De Aardappelhoeve

De Aardappelhoeve is a family business specialized in the growing, washing and packing of table potatoes.

Decock Plants

Decock Plants is specialised in the production of young plants and have become one of the leading companies in this market. High-quality cuttings thanks to their wealth of knowledge and expertise.

Den Hartigh

Den Hartigh is a Dutch supplier of seed potatoes, specialized in global distribution

Deschout Potatoes

Deschout Potatoes is a Belgium based potato producing firms offers potatoes for various uses.

Desmazières SA

Desmazières SA is a subsidiary (89%) of Agrico. They supply organic varieties of potatoes(Agata & Lalk).

Dr. K.-H. Niehoff

Saatzucht Dr. K.-H. Niehoff is a formerly state owned breeding station in Germany that has developed several starch potato varieties.

Dyson Farming

Dyson Farming is a UK, Lincolnshire based company that works on growing the future of sustainable agriculture through innovation and people. The company also grows Potatoes for pre-pack and processing markets.

E. Park & Sons

E Park and Sons is one of the few remaining family owned and run potato businesses in existence today in the United Kingdom.

E.W. Button & Son Ltd

E W Button & Son is based at Tregawn Farm in North Cornwall. The main crops produced are blueberries, potatoes and cereals. Today the company is managed by Joe Button with support from his parents, Andrew and Jean.

East Suffolk Produce Ltd

Formed in 2013, East Suffolk Produce was set up to assist its members to market their potatoes more effectively to a wider segment of the potato market than they were previously achieving.


East4Fresh is an innovative company, specialized in fresh, authentic, exotic fruit and vegetables. They bring color 2 your assortment, they stimulate your senses by selling special exotics

Elorn Plants

Elorn Plants was established in 1996 and based in Sizun, France. The company produces and exports seed potatoes in diffrent countries. The company has strong technical expertise, logistics and sales departments, which make it stands in the market.


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