Manufacturers of Extruded Snacks

Frito Lay - Rancho Cucamonga

Frito Lay production facility in Rancho Cucamonga, California

Frito Lay - Randolph

Frito Lay production facility in Randolph, Massachusetts

Frito Lay - Rosenberg

Frito Lay Rosenberg, Texas

Frito Lay - San Antonio

Frito Lay San Antonio, Texas

Frito Lay - Topeka

Frito Lay production facility in Topeka, Kansas

Frito Lay - Vancouver

Frito Lay production facility in Vancouver, Washington
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Frito Lay - West Valley

Frito Lay - West Valley Plant (Salt Lake City), Utah

Frito Lay - Williamsport

Frito Lay - Williamsport, Pennsylvania

Frito Lay - Wooster

Frito Lay production facility in Wooster, Ohio

Frito Lay - York plant

Frito Lay - York, Pennsylvania

Frito Lay Canada

Canadian operations of Frito Lay North America

Frito Lay Canada - Cambridge

Frito Lay production facility in Cambridge, Ontario

Frito Lay Canada - Kentville

Frito Lay production facility in Kentville (New Minas), Nova Scotia

Frito Lay Canada - Lauzon (Lévis)

Frito Lay production facility in Lauzon (Lévis), Quebec

Frito Lay Canada - Lethbridge

Frito Lay production facility in Lethbridge, Alberta

Frito Lay Canada - Taber

Frito Lay production facility in Taber, Alberta

Frito-Lay North America (FLNA)

Frito-Lay North America (FLNA) includes Pepsico's snack operations in the United States and Canada where the company dominates the market with a range of savory snacks brands including Lay's, Ruffles, Doritos, Tostitos, Fritos, Cheetos and Sunchips

Gee Pee food products Ltd

Gee Pee food products Ltd is an Indian manufacturer of chips, sold using the Pogo brand.


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