Directory of All Companies active in the potato sector

Neal Brothers Foods

Neal Brothers Foods is a Canadian manufacturer of Snack foods and dressings/sauces

Near East

Founded in 1962, the Near East family of products includes more than 30 different flavors and varieties of rice pilafs, couscous, and other grain dishes. Near East is a Pepsico brand.

Nebraska Irrigation

Nebraska Irrigation is manufacturer and supplier of Irrigation components and center pivot components to dealers domestically and internationally.

NEC Corporation

NEC Corporation is a Japanese multinational information technology and electronics company, headquartered in Minato, Tokyo. The company was known as the Nippon Electric Company, Limited, before rebranding in 1983 as NEC.

Necap B.V.

NECAP is a dutch manufacturer of High Quality Potatoboxes.


Nedato is a Dutch potato packer for export and retail.
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Nederlandse Aardappel Organisatie (NAO)

The Nederlandse Aardappel Organisatie (NAO; Dutch Potato Organisation) represents the interests of the Dutch potato sector, including the seed potato industry, the table potato industry and the sector producing potatoes for processing. 

Nederlandse Akkerbouw Vakbond

The Nederlandse Akkerbouw Vakbond is an organization representing the interest of dutch farmers.

Negonor SAS

Negonor SAS is a leading family owned potato packer in France, operating 9 packing stations throughout the country.


Neiker, the Basque Institute for Agricultural Research and Development, is a nonprofit state-owned company assigned to the Department of Environment, Regional Planning, Agriculture, and fisheries of the Basque Government.

Nelson Irrigation Corporation

Nelson Irrigation is a world leader in manufacturing irrigation equipment for agricultural and industrial applications.They are providing products – including Pivot Sprinklers, Rotator Sprinklers, Pressure Regulators, Control Valves, TWIG Wireless Controls and Big Gun Sprinklers – for agricultural and industrial applications.

Nene Potatoes Limited

Nene Potatoes Limited</strong> is a farmer controlled business in the United Kingdom that was set up to market potatoes on behalf of its members.

Neologic Engineers Private Limited

Neologic Engineers was founded in 2007 with the goal of providing cutting-edge process solutions and automation to the food, dairy, fruits and vegetables, beverages, pharmaceutical, cosmetic, and allied industries.


Nesmaral specializes in the production, storage, washing and bagging of potatoes for fresh consumption, and on a smaller scale they produce soybeans, corn and wheat. Every year they produce, wash and bag potatoes for the local and export markets.


Nestlé is the world's foremost Nutrition, Health and Wellness company


Netafim is the world leader in drip irrigation systems and agricultural projects.

Netfoods Frozen

Netfoods Frozen are combining Turkey’s agricultural competence and their traditional experience in this field. They know how valuable the land is; they gather their experience in the industry


NetterVibration is internationally active in the field of vibration technology. Since 1953 They have been supplying vibrators to the construction industry, as well as a wide range of other industries, such as the chemical, mechanical engineering and food industries, etc.


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