Directory of All Companies active in the potato sector in the Netherlands

Necap B.V.

NECAP is a dutch manufacturer of High Quality Potatoboxes.


Nedato is a Dutch potato packer for export and retail.

Nederlandse Aardappel Organisatie (NAO)

The Nederlandse Aardappel Organisatie (NAO; Dutch Potato Organisation) represents the interests of the Dutch potato sector, including the seed potato industry, the table potato industry and the sector producing potatoes for processing. 

Nederlandse Akkerbouw Vakbond

The Nederlandse Akkerbouw Vakbond is an organization representing the interest of dutch farmers.

NewCold Advanced Cold Logistics

NewCold Advanced Cold Logistics is an integrated service provider for cold chain logistics, using fully automated high bay storage systems.


Niverplast develops innovative film packaging solutions to protect and transport a wide range of products. Niverplast’s primary focus lies in packaging all products that require bag-in-box enclosures. It is a Dutch packaging company determined to find the best solution for packaging and also focus on automation, machinery, and products.
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NivobaHovex became part of the company SiccaDania

NNZ the packaging network

The Royal NNZ Group bv, the multinational packaging specialist for agricultural and industrial markets. We create packaging solutions for our partners through a worldwide network.

Nordex Flexibles 

Nordex Flexibles is a dutch producer of packaging films.

North-western European Potato Growers (NEPG)

Association of potato growers in Belgium, The Netherlands, France and Germany.

Nova Exhibitions BV

Nova Exhibitions organises International Trade Exhibitions with a focus on new and upcoming markets.

Novidon B.V.

Novidon is innovative and entrepreneurial with potato starch. They extract the value of sidestream potato starch and produce new products, services and applications.

Oerlemans Foods Nederland BV

Oerlemans Foods is a specialised manufacturer and supplier of fresh frozen vegetables, fruit and potato products.

Omnivent Techniek B.V.

Omnivent is an international specialist in the development, manufacture and installation of modern ventilation and climate technology for various agricultural sectors. Omnivent specializes in specific storage solutions for various arable crops,including potatoes.

Optimum Sorting

Optimum Sorting (formerly known as Concept Engineers) is a Dutch company manufacturing optical sorters for e.g. potatoes.

OptiServe BV

At OptiServe they go to extremes. Thinking along with solutions that work is second nature to them. Thanks to more than 15 years of overhauling and selling optical sorting machines

Orangefreezing Solutions B.V.

Orangefreezing Solutions is a Dutch Manufacturer of Industrial Freezers. Orange Freezing is a leading company with a full range of specialised and customer orientated freezers.

Organic Flavour Company

OFC, one of the organic business pioneers, has 40 years of Pure Organic Tastes experience. They provide a comprehensive line of organic herbs, spices, and seasonings for a wide range of food industry applications.


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