Order Crop Protection equipment

The Crop Smith CS1
A Concentrated Natural Seaweed Extract of Ascophyllum nodosum for Plant and Crop Health
CS1 is manufactured from Ascophyllum nodosum, a type of brown seaweed found in the North Atlantic Ocean. Extracts from this macroalgae improve the growth and development of crop plants.
Syngenta Spray Assist App
Spray Assist App
The Syngenta Spray Assist App helps potato farmers to make the right decisions related to spraying their crops. The app combines weather conditions, spray nozzles and Syngenta's knowledge. That's how you receive tailored recommendations
Biocontrol Technologies - RootDei Biocontrol
RootDei Biocontrol
RootDei Biocontrol® is an innovative biofungicide for controlling Rhizoctonia spp. on potatoes, formulated with the T34 strain of Trichoderma asperellum, an authorized active substance in the EU for use as a plant protection product.
Syngenta Interra Scan
Interra Scan
InterraScan from Syngenta uses the latest scanning technology to deliver accurate soil scans, analyses and soil maps.
Nufarm - Sustainable Potato Platform
Sustainable Potato Platform
Nufarm, together with Geersing Potato Specialist, launched the Sustainable Potato Platform (SPP).This platform focuses on researching and testing new biological crop protection products in combination with conventional pesticides, as well as studying the effects on the resistance of potato varieties.
Certis Belchim - Areli (fungicide)
Certis Belchim - Areli
The strategy to control phytophthora is undergoing major changes. That is why we are happy to introduce Areli, the new fungicide for potatoes. Areli offers strong preventive protection, even for new growth. Thanks to its rapid rainfastness, it remains effective even in changeable weather conditions.
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