Potato News

August 02, 2009

Belgisch aardappelareaal stijgt 16%

Recent maakte het NIS (Nationaal Instituut voor de Statistiek) de voorlopige areaalcijfers bekend voor 2009. Het NIS baseert zijn gegevens voor deze landbouwtelling op 60% van de bedrijven. Uit deze cijfers blijkt dat het totale areaal aardappelen dit ...
Frito Lay apuesta por lo peruano y lanza nuevo snack Lays Peruanísimas
July 31, 2009

Frito Lay apuesta por lo peruano y lanza nuevo snack Lays Peruanísimas

Frito Lay siempre ha apostado por lo peruano, y lo seguirá haciendo. Con esta premisa y el reconocimiento mundial que tiene la cocina peruana en la actualidad, la marca de snacks aprovecha no sólo la riqueza de ésta, sino también su variedad de sabores...
Potatoes Goodness Unearthed
July 31, 2009

USPB trademarks 'Potatoes Goodness unearthed' slogan

The Potato industry’s “Potatoes … Goodness Unearthed” slogan has officially become a registered trademark.The slogan — which grower-shippers, packers, retailers and other allied industry have been using on bags, bins and boxes since 2008 —  will now in...
July 31, 2009

Opbrengst aardappelen in Belgie op 30 ton/ha

De gemiddelde opbrengst van Bintje consumptieaardappelen bedroeg vorige week in België 30 ton per hectare. Dat is meer dan het tienjaarlijks gemiddelde. Het Belgische Proefcentrum voor de Aardappelteelt (PCA) heeft vorige week de eerste proefrooiinge...
July 30, 2009

California expide nuevas leyes sobre la información nutritiva en restaurantes de comida rápida

Con el inicio del año fiscal en California, también entran en vigor varias leyes como la que hará pública la información nutritiva de comida en restaurantes de comida rápida, así como la extensión de beneficios de salud para personas que hayan perdido ...
 Potato Council
July 30, 2009

Potato Council: 'Me for a Day' inspires to cook with potatoes

Fresh potatoes take a starring role and inspire families to build them into their weekly meal repertoires.Thanks to its innovative ‘Me for a Day’ life swap experiment, which was captured on film and has been airing nationally, the Potato Council’s camp...
 Potato Council Limited
July 30, 2009

Amended estimates of planted potato area in Europe

Some EU 5 countries have amended their estimates of planted area for the 2009 crop over the last month. In Holland the Dutch Statistical Office published results of its May survey of growers which shows Ware plantings at 68,800 ha, which is now slightl...
July 30, 2009

Potato Commission chairman resigns

The recently appointed chairman of the Washington State Potato Commission resigned last week following his arrest on assault charges July 5. Robert Halvorson Jr., of Toppenish, was arrested by Yakima County Sheriff’s deputies after injuring a relative ...
 Food Standards Agency
July 29, 2009

Food Standards Agency: Organic 'has no health benefits'

Organic food is no healthier than ordinary food, a large independent review has concluded.There is little difference in nutritional value and no evidence of any extra health benefits from eating organic produce, UK researchers found. The Food Standard...
July 28, 2009

'Personeel Avebe wil niet méér uren maken voor zelfde loon'

De medewerkers van aardappelzetmeelconcern Avebe willen in overgrote meerderheid niet méér werken voor hetzelfde loon. Dat zegt de FNV, die maandagavond een bijeenkomst heeft gehouden voor vakbondsleden binnen het bedrijf.De directie kwam met het plan,...
 Supermarket guru
July 28, 2009

Package size changes replace price adjustments

Over much of 2008 and 2009, CPG manufacturers imposed price hikes without being blunt about it, usually by shrinking the amount of food inside of cleverly designed boxes, bags, bottles and jars that don’t look much smaller than before, but often are.  ...
 Food Standards Agency
July 28, 2009

Food Standards Agency launches consultation on reducing saturated fat and added sugar

The Agency is today launching a consultation on its proposals to introduce voluntary recommendations for food manufacturers for reductions in saturated fat and added sugar and increased availability of smaller single-portion sizes in a number of key ...


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