Potato innovations in the fight against hunger and climate change at HZPC's Potato Days 2021

HZPC variety show PD21
HZPC variety show PD21
November 07, 2021

The Potato Days of HZPC are dedicated to the future of the potato. A future in which the potato provides an important contribution to the food security in the world and helps to combat climate change. HZPC wants to join this challenge by using more sustainable potato varieties and hybrid potato breeding; a new form of breeding in which potatoes can also be grown from seeds.

The results were shown and could be tasted during the Potato Days in the Research Centre of HZPC in Metslawier. A live event with the aim of breaking down barriers. To contribute to equal opportunities for everyone, anywhere in the world.

Over 1,000 participants from Asia, Africa, South America, North America and Europe were connected during Potato Days 2021. A connection that is needed, because the challenges are great.

Martin Kropff, Global Director at CGIAR:

"By 2050, we will be living on a planet with twice as many citizens, half as much space to grow food and the need for a varied nutritious diet."
His organization is working on system transformations in food, land and water use. Martin sees potatoes as one of the solutions to fight hunger.
Martin Kropff, Global Director at CGIAR

Martin Kropff, Global Director at CGIAR

Martin Kropff:
"Per hectare, potatoes can produce more food under the right conditions. In addition, potatoes provide more variety in the diet, which helps us combat malnutrition."
800 million people are suffering from hunger

Right now, 800 million people are starving. They owe it to the world to be more aware than ever of this crisis. Gerard Backx, CEO of HZPC, opened the Potato Days together with host Emmelie Zipson.
Gerard Backx & chef cook Elise Calkoen, tasting hybrid potatoes

Gerard Backx & chef cook Elise Calkoen, tasting hybrid potatoes

Gerard Backx:
"We want to contribute to feeding the world. We realize that food production will take place more and more locally. Local connection is essential to this."
Local growers in Africa and Asia

Growing food locally requires knowledge of the climate, the soil and most of all people. Local growers must be ‘in the lead’, as Peter Berghuis (LTO), Romain Cools (World Potato Congress), Jasper Spikker (Agriterra) and Gerard Backx discussed during one of the table talks.

Jasper Spikker, Business Advisor for the Great Lakes Region at Agriterra:
"First of all there is the climate. There is no winter in Rwanda. This causes more diseases in crops. Also, not all of the growers are working with motorized farm machinery yet and they don’t have all the knowledge."
Hybrid breaks boundaries

Contributing to food security is harder in places that are logistically challenging to reach, such as parts of Africa and Asia. Moreover, the potato is a vulnerable crop and a journey from, for instance, the Netherlands to Africa is long and intensive. Moreover, the outcome, whether a potato variety yields well elsewhere, is not always certain. That is why HZPC invests in hybrid potato breeding,
Ad Vrolijk explaining hybrid breeding

Explaining hybrid breeding, Ad Vrolijk

Ad Vrolijk, project leader at HZPC:
"Hybrid potato breeding is a method that goes further than crossing two varieties. When crossing, the outcome is uncertain: which good characteristics have been adopted in the new variety and which not?"

With hybrid potato breeding you don’t have to guess, you go to the core, the DNA. And thanks to big data, we know everything about the DNA and which genetics to combine in new varieties."
Niels Louwaars was one of the experts who spoke during the second table talk.

Niels Louwaars the CEO of Plantum:
"Hybrid breeding is not new. With corn they have been doing this for 100 years. One of the big advantages of hybrid breeding is that you get more uniform crops, but the biggest gain is in speed."
It is possible to get a variety resistant to diseases much faster. Being able to grow hybrid seed potatoes from seeds brings significant advantages. Especially in terms of logistics.

Seeds can be transported a lot easier and in larger numbers, under better conditions. Besides logistics, customization is another advantage; it becomes easier to grow varieties that perform well in a specific (dry) climate.

Climate Change

The potato is one of the most sustainable crops. For example, the cultivation of potatoes consumes only 200 liters of water per kilogram. Little, compared to for example rice that uses 1,200 liters of water per kilogram. HZPC proves that it can be even more sustainable with Even Greener. A selection of sustainable potato varieties with an (even) lower impact on the environment.

Michiel ten Duis, Senior Head of Marketing at HZPC:
"Each variety from this selection scores above average on 5 characteristics: limited water consumption, less fertilizer required, high disease protection, long storage period and a high yield."
Buyers decide which traits they consider most important using the Even Greener calculator. With this, they select the sustainable potatoes that meet their requirements. Food security and sustainability. Two crucial challenges for the coming years. HZPC invests in both, with the Even Greener selection and hybrid potato breeding.
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