Ziektes en gebreken

oktober 17, 2011

Morocco rejects Northern Ireland potatoes for silver scurf

Stormont officials are facing a grilling by Assembly Members over an embarrassing international incident in which potatoes exported from Northern Ireland were rejected for being diseased. Department of Agriculture and Rural Development (DARD) represen...
DLV Plant
oktober 12, 2011

Sclerotinia in aardappel: speuren naar sporen

Afgelopen zomer heeft een perceel aardappelen dat zwaar werd aangetast door de schimmelziekte Sclerotinia de pers gehaald. De teler had nooit eerder last van deze ziekte en ook in de omgeving (veenkoloniën) komt de ziekte niet voor.
oktober 12, 2011

Miljoenengift voor Wagenings Phytophthora onderzoek

Het Wageningen Universiteits Fonds (WUF) heeft een toezegging voor een donatie van 2,5 miljoen euro ontvangen van een particulier persoon. De gever, die anoniem wil blijven, schenkt de middelen voor fundamenteel onderzoek naar de aardappelziekte en naa...
 Zebra chip
oktober 11, 2011

Zebra Chip Finds Its Way to Idaho’s Potato Fields

A potato pest from points south has reached Idaho, University of Idaho Extension specialists with the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences confirmed this week. It was reported last month in Oregon and Washington.
oktober 09, 2011

Bruising costs British potato growers £26 million a year

With dry weather exacerbating the risk of bruising potatoes at harvest, Potato Council has called on growers to take a proactive stance and make quality assessments at all stages of harvesting, from lifting to store loading.
University of Alaska Fairbanks
oktober 04, 2011

Scientists look for source of Alaska potato blight

Potato late blight, that same disease that caused the Irish Potato Famine, resurfaced in Alaska this fall. This wasn’t the first time the disease, widespread in the Lower 48 and worldwide, came to Alaska. Plant pathologist Jenifer McBeath suspects it...
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oktober 01, 2011

Idaho Potato Cyst Nematode containment area to expand

Potato growers in Eastern Idaho are questioning the effectiveness of the USDA's efforts to contain the pale cyst nematode (Globodera Pallida), a small wormlike pest that endangers Idaho's potato export markets. Several U.S. trading partners, including...
Meer kans op schilbrand in consumptieaardappelen
september 21, 2011

Meer kans op schilbrand in consumptieaardappelen

Door het droge voorjaar is de knolzetting matig en de maatsortering dit jaar grof. Grote aardappelen beschadigen sneller tijdens het rooien, waardoor het risico op schilbrand groter is. Schilbrand wordt veroorzaakt door chloor-profam. Deze werkzame st...
 Potato Psyllid
september 12, 2011

Zebra chip disease hits potatoes in Oregon and Washington

Zebra chip, a disease that annually costs Southwest U.S. potato growers millions of dollars in crop loss, has been found in Washington and Oregon. A USDA scientist and an Oregon State University plant pathologist confirmed zebra chip in tuber samples ...
University of Alaska Fairbanks
september 01, 2011

Late blight hits potatoes in Alaska

Late blight has shown up in the fields of two potato producers, in Palmer and Delta Junction. Alaska. The University of Alaska Fairbanks Cooperative Extension Service is working with major potato producers to help prevent the spread.
Bayer CropScience Nederland: Moncereen Pro toeglaten in aardappelen
augustus 30, 2011

Bayer CropScience Nederland: Moncereen Pro toeglaten in aardappelen

Aardappel met Rhizoctonia Al jarenlang is Moncereen (met als werkzame stof pencycuron) hét belangrijkste knolbehandelingsmiddel ter bestrijding van Rhizoctonia. Moncereen Pro bevat naast het vertrouwde pencycuron ook prothi...
 Potato Psyllid
augustus 29, 2011

Potato Psyllids costly for New Zealand Potato Industry

A major pest called the tomato potato psyllid, has cost the potato industry over a $120 million since its initial discovery in 2006, according to a new report from Potatoes New Zealand. Ron Gall, Business Manager for Potatoes New Zealand, presented th...
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augustus 18, 2011

Potato Rot Nematode Confirmed in Ontario

The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) has confirmed a detection of potato rot nematode (Ditylenchus destructor) in garlic from a two-acre farm field in the Ottawa region of Ontario. Potato rot nematode (PRN) is a regulated quarantine pest in Cana...
 Scottish Agricultural College (SAC)
augustus 16, 2011

Award Winning SAC Student Answers Questions on pit rot of Potatoes

SAC 1st Class Honours graduate, Amanda MacLennan, from the Black Isle used the recent Potatoes In Practice Event near Dundee to present the results of her research into Pit rot of potatoes.
mei 27, 2011

Potato fungicides approved for Early blight (Alternaria) protection

In the United Kingdom, potato Late blight fungicides Consento and Prompto (fenamidone + propamocarb) have gained label extensions for protection of potato crops against Early blight (Alternaria).
mei 10, 2011

New Late Blight Tracking System

A new USDA-funded consortium will provide nationwide tracking of late blight infections of potato and tomato.  A web site currently under development will allow users to report where late blight has been found, and to sign up for automatic notifications by email or text message when late blight is found nearby.
 Common Scab
mei 09, 2011

Continuing drought increases common scab threat for UK potato growers

Lack of rain has affected most of England and Wales and unusually dry ground may result in higher levels of common scab than in the last few years, says Potato Council technical executive Chris Steele.
 Potato farmers in Peru (International Potato Center)
april 14, 2011

Resistant potato varieties make the difference between having enough to eat or not

Excessive rains and an increased presence of late blight disease devastated the Cusco region of Peru in January-February 2010, which was declared a national emergency area.


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