
B-hive Innovations collaborates on groundbreaking TuberTurgor project to reduce potato bruising and waste
augustus 22, 2023

B-hive Innovations collaborates on groundbreaking TuberTurgor project to reduce potato bruising and waste

B-hive Innovations, a cutting-edge, agri-tech research and development business is embarking on a new collaborative programme that aims to reduce the risk of potato bruising and develop technologies that could reduce supermarket waste.
Weight loss and compression damage in potato storage
mei 23, 2021

UK: High levels of weight loss and compression damage in potato storage

This season AHDB (United Kingdom) is receiving a lot of reports of high levels of softening, dehydration and compression damage from potato store managers.
augustus 25, 2013

Avoid bruising at potato harvest by managing moisture levels

Avoid bruising at potato harvest by managing moisture levels pre-desiccation is the advice from Hutchinsons Root Crop Technical manager, Darryl Shailes.
 bruised potato
oktober 01, 2012

Potato bruising risk in Britain needs addressing

While recent rain should help boost protective soil intake by harvesters, the risk of potato bruising remains high, potato agronomists and machinery makers are warning.
oktober 17, 2011

Beurse aardappelen kost Britse aardappelteler 26 miljoen pond per jaar

Met het droog weer, dat de kans op beurse plekken verhoogt, op komst roept de Potato Council in Engeland telers op om een actieve houding aan te nemen en gedurende het seizoen alle stappen van de oogst goed te letten op de kwaliteit van het product.  “...
oktober 09, 2011

Bruising costs British potato growers £26 million a year

With dry weather exacerbating the risk of bruising potatoes at harvest, Potato Council has called on growers to take a proactive stance and make quality assessments at all stages of harvesting, from lifting to store loading.
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