Ziektes en gebreken

november 06, 2019

Europlant Holland: 'We ervaren een vraag naar robuuste stressbestendige rassen met nematodenresistentie.'

Jörg Renatus, Europlant Holland, Heerenveen: 'We ervaren een vraag naar robuuste stressbestendige rassen met nematodenresistentie.'
november 06, 2019

Caithness Potatoes Nederland: 'Nieuwe fritesrassen moeten minstens in één eigenschap uitblinken, maar tevens op twee benen lopen.'

Jan-Eric Geersing, Caithness Potatoes Nederland, Emmeloord: 'Nieuwe fritesrassen moeten minstens in één eigenschap uitblinken, maar tevens op twee benen lopen.'
november 05, 2019

Germicopa: 'Bezorg ons geelvlezige frites-rassen met een brede nematoden-resistentie.'

Harry van de Vijver, Germicopa, Quimper (F): 'Bezorg ons geelvlezige fritesrassen met een brede nematodenresistentie.'
El sector de la patata busca alternativas para quitar los ojos al tubérculo
oktober 16, 2019

El sector de la patata busca alternativas para quitar los ojos al tubérculo

La jornada técnica que inauguró la Festa da Pataca de Coristanco abordó temas como la retirada del mercado de productos como Clorprofam o Diquat o cómo el brexit afectará a los productores de toda España.
Researchers using advanced imaging to detect blight in potatoes
oktober 14, 2019

Researchers using advanced imaging to detect blight in potatoes

Researchers in the WARF Accelerator program are using advanced imaging technology to detect late blight in potatoes, which famously led to the Irish potato famine in the mid-nineteenth century.
Codex Alimentarius approves global trade standard for ware potatoes proposed by India
oktober 12, 2019

Codex Alimentarius approves global trade standard for ware potatoes proposed by India

Draft quality standards for ware potatoes proposed to the Codex Alimentarius Commission by India during its recent meeting in Mexico, were approved and will apply to global trade in potatoes
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US Potato Growers Asked To Watch For Tuber Moth As Harvest Approaches
oktober 08, 2019

US Potato Growers Asked To Watch For Tuber Moth As Harvest Approaches

Its harvest time for many in the potato industry, and those not quite to that point, harvest will be here before you know it. Washington State University’s Tim Waters said growers need to continue to watch for pests.
La producción de papas no es la misma en Salcedo
oktober 02, 2019

La producción de papas no es la misma en Salcedo

Desde el 2018 el Ministerio de Agricultura y ganadería alertó a los productores sobre la llegada al país de la plaga de la punta morada la que tomó por sorpresa a muchos ya que no habían escuchado sobre esta y por ende no sabían como manejarla.
NPC scholarship goes to Wisconsin student studying silver scurf disease
september 20, 2019

National Potato Council scholarship goes to Wisconsin student studying silver scurf disease

The National Potato Council (NPC) has named University of Wisconsin-Madison graduate student Sofia Giron the winner of its annual $10,000 scholarship. Giron is a fourth-year grad student studying plant pathology.
El «brexit» augura un futuro desconocido para los profesionales de las patatas
september 18, 2019

El «brexit» augura un futuro desconocido para los profesionales de las patatas

El alcalde de Coristanco, Juan Carlos García dio ayer inicio a la Festa da Pataca de Coristanco, que arrancó de la mejor de las maneras posibles: con una jornada técnica sobre el producto característico del municipio, muy beneficiosa para los productores.
Made for sorting potatoes by the grower: the new TOMRA 3A improves on the FPS
september 06, 2019

Made for sorting potatoes by the grower: the new TOMRA 3A improves on the Field Potato Sorter (FPS)

TOMRA Sorting Food has introduced the TOMRA 3A sensor-based sorting machine for freshly harvested root crops, offering potato growers unrivalled sorting capabilities, dependability, and affordability.
El Principado, dispuesto a levantar la prohibición de plantar patatas, tras el control de la plaga
augustus 28, 2019

El Principado, dispuesto a levantar la prohibición de plantar patatas, tras el control de la plaga

Las restricciones de plantación de patata por la plaga de la polilla parece que tocan a su fin. Si no hay cambios, se podrían levantar las restricciones por la plaga de la patata para recoger cosecha el próximo año.
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New potato variety Lea is suitable for both conventional and organic farming
augustus 26, 2019

New German Potato Variety 'Lea' is suitable for both conventional and organic farming

The Solana Group's stand at last year's Potato Europe at Gut Bockerode, Germany, Breeder and seed supplier Solana GmbH & Co. will use the upcoming potato fairs to introduce a total of three new table potatoes.
Potato mop-top virus response closes out
augustus 16, 2019

Potato mop-top virus response New Zealand closes out

A joint Biosecurity New Zealand and Potatoes New Zealand response to the crop disease potato mop-top virus (PMTV) is being closed out, with industry taking the lead on long-term management.
Late blight detected in central Wisconsin, southern Washington
augustus 13, 2019

Late blight detected in central Wisconsin, southern Washington

Late blight has been confirmed in a potato field in central Wisconsin.
Four 'resistancy' genes in current commercial potato varieties already defeated by Phytophthora Infestans
juli 31, 2019

Four late blight 'resistancy' genes in current commercial potato varieties already defeated by Phytophthora Infestans

Recent research at the James Hutton Institute suggests that limited genetic differences in potato lineages has left British and American spuds vulnerable to late blight, the disease that caused the Irish potato famine.
WSU Researchers looking at nature itself for help to defend potatoes against threats
juli 23, 2019

Looking for help in nature itself to defend potatoes against nematodes and scab

WSU plant pathologists Kiwamu Tanaka and Cynthia Gleason are exploring novel approaches to protect the potato crops against nematodes and scab - mobilizing nature itself.
Collaborative discussion between seed potato schemes
juli 22, 2019

Collaborative discussion between seed potato schemes

On 10 May, a meeting was held between AuSPICA, members of the Tasmanian Certified Seed Potato Scheme (known as TasSeed) and invited industry representatives.


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