
oktober 02, 2008

Restaurantes de California pronto comenzarán a anunciar calorias

California se convirtió el martes en el primer estado estadounidense que exigirá que las cadenas de comida rápida anuncien las calorías en su menú. El estado estima que sus residentes colectivamente han aumentado 165 millones de kilos en la última déc...
Burger King
oktober 02, 2008

BURGER KING Restaurants Now Using Trans Fat Free Cooking Oils as Part of BK Positive Steps Nutrition Program

Burger King Corp. (NYSE:BKC) announced today that all BURGER KING(R) restaurants nationwide are now cooking with trans fat free cooking oils. Furthermore, by Nov. 1, 2008, all BURGER KING(R) menu ingredients will contain zero grams artificial trans f...
oktober 01, 2008

YUM! Brands Announced U.S. Divisions Will Place Calories on All Company Restaurant Menu Boards

Yum! Brands, Inc. (NYSE:YUM) today announced that its U.S. divisions, Kentucky Fried Chicken, Taco Bell, Pizza Hut, Long John Silver’s and A&W All-American Food, will become the first national restaurant chains to begin voluntarily placing product ...
 California first US state to require fast food chains to list calories
september 30, 2008

Californian Restaurants to list calories on Menu

California on Tuesday became the first U.S. state to require fast-food restaurant chains to list calories on their menus.The state estimates that residents collectively have gained 360 million pounds (165 million kg) in the last decade, and it sees the...
september 15, 2008

Impulse snack buys contradict healthy intentions, study

New product design for health-profiled snacks demands a clear message, as a new study demonstrates consumers may opt to ignore the healthy snack, despite what they say. Snacks with a healthy profile are blossoming in terms of sales, but findings...
september 04, 2008

Menu labeling is a hit with New Yorkers, survey finds

Nearly nine out of 10 New Yorkers favor their city’s menu-labeling mandate because they believe it helps them make better choices when dining out, according to a survey conducted last week by Technomic Inc. The Chicago-based foodservice research firm s...
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augustus 14, 2008

Big Mac si, pero sin ’grasas trans’

Tras haber sido declarada la guerra contra la obesidad en Nueva York por la alcaldía, franquicias como Dunkin’ Donuts, Burger King, McDonalds, KFC y Pizza Hut han eliminado de sus locales en la ciudad los tratamientos industriales para prolongar la vid...
juli 26, 2008

Golpe a Burger y McDonald's: California prohibio las grasas trans

California se convierte en el 1er. estado de USA que prohibe las 'grasas trans'. Según una recién aprobada ley, estos lípidos, relacionados con graves problemas cardiovasculares, estarán prohibidos en todos los restaurantes, cafeterías y panaderías de ...
juli 25, 2008

Schwarzenegger signs California trans fat ban

California will be the first state to ban trans fats in restaurants and bakeries under legislation signed today by Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger. The measure requires restaurants to quit using trans fats by January 2010, and for bakeries to follow suit ...
 California banning trans fats
juli 15, 2008

Californian Legislature approves bill banning trans fats

California is poised to become the first state in the nation to ban restaurants and other food facilities from using trans fats, which are known to increase the risk of heart disease, under a bill approved by the state Legislature Monday and sent to ...
juli 09, 2008

New Yorkers altering eating habits in reponse to calorie postings

Two months after many New York chain restaurants began posting the number of calories in their food, customers are shying away from their calorie-laden favorites and opting for lighter fare. All New York City restaurants with 15 or more branches were f...
juli 09, 2008

EU Companies Doing More Than US to Prevent Obesity

European-based food companies are edging ahead of their US rivals in addressing health and wellness concerns relating to their businesses, says a recent report from Insight Investment and JP Morgan. The report looked at the effectiveness of 10 of the w...
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juli 02, 2008

California Senate Votes to Phase-out Artificial Trans Fat from Restaurants

The passage today in the California State Senate of a measure to phase out the use of artificial trans fat in restaurants puts the state on track to being the first in the nation to adopt this life-saving measure. The bill, which Assemblyman Tony Mend...
juli 02, 2008

Study: smaller bags of potato chips more readily opened

Mini packets of crisps, sweets and biscuits, are becoming increasing popular among children and those keen to watch their weight. However, new research suggests that the size of the packaging could actually be counterproductive. Scientists gave diff...
juli 01, 2008

Snacks players must embrace health and wellness to beat obesity

Only a true health and wellness vision can enable global snack players to tap into the booming market for obesity solutions, claim experts. A new report from Credit Suisse projects the market for obesity fighting consumer staples could hit a massive $1...
Burger King Apple Fries
juni 30, 2008

Burger King Introduces New Nutritionally Balanced Kids Meal as Part of BK Positive Steps Nutrition Program

Burger King Corp. (NYSE:BKC) announced today the launch of a new nutritionally balanced BURGER KING® Kids Meal, featuring BK™ Fresh Apple Fries and a family favorite, KRAFT® Macaroni &Cheese. The new meal highlights Burger King Corp.’s commitment t...
 Cubing potatoes may reduce mineral content of cooked potato by as much as 75%
juni 24, 2008

Cubing potatoes may reduce mineral content of cooked potato by as much as 75%

he preparation of a potato can have a big impact on its mineral content, Agricultural Research Service (ARS) scientists report in a new study of this popular vegetable.
juni 12, 2008

ConAgra Foods products are getting new nutrition labels

Nutrition graphics featuring the Agriculture Department's widely recognized "MyPyramid"design are scheduled to appear on nearly 700 ConAgra Foods product labels beginning this summer.In February, Omaha-based ConAgra became the first company ...


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