Trends in landbouw en voedsel

 North American Potato Market News (NAPMN)
april 27, 2011

NPPGA: demand for processing potatoes in North Dakota will be high this summer

The Columbia Basin, Idaho, and Wisconsin are all facing potential shortages, while North Dakota is sitting on more spuds than one year ago. The North American Potato Market News is reporting the Columbia Basin will run out by July 3rd if usage continu...
april 26, 2011

International Potato Center's work on (sweet) potato in Africa (Photo series)

The International Potato Center (CIP) operates a network of offices in 30 countries. Using this network, CIP.distributes (potato) plants to local farmers and adds new breeds to its library.
 NPD Group
april 25, 2011

NPD: Canadians more likely to visit restaurant for breakfast than for supper

The Canadian restaurant industry is slowly improving to pre-recession levels but long-term growth will depend on more product innovation, quality, customer service, and convenience.
 Gary Linkletter
april 25, 2011

Chairman PEI Potato Board expects potato acreage to drop

Gary Linkletter, Chairman of the Prince Edward Island Potato Board said Thursday he expects potato acreage will drop somewhere between 5,000 and 10,000 acres this year.
 European Food Safety Authority (EFSA)
april 25, 2011

EFSA publishes report on acrylamide in food

 Grown in Idaho seal promotion by the Idaho Potato Council
april 21, 2011

Focus on the image of Idaho Potatoes

A series of focus groups around the United States has confirmed to the Idaho Potato Commission that consumers have an extremely positive perception of Idaho and its famous potatoes.
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 Sweets and Snacks Expo 2011
april 20, 2011

2011 SWEETS & SNACKS EXPO sells out Expo Space

 French Fries
april 20, 2011

French fries no longer such a hot potato

Fries have been getting downsized. The introduction of dollar menus, effects of the recession and end of supersizing have taken a toll on french fry consumption at restaurants.
 Verenigde Telers Akkerbouw (VTA)
april 20, 2011

VTA: voorraad aardappelen in opslag historisch laag

De Verenigde Telers akkerbouw (VTA) inventariseert jaarlijks in november, februari en april de aardappelvoorraad onder een vaste representatieve groep van haar leden. Onlangs werd de derde voorraadinventarisatie van de opgeslagen aardappelen van oogst...
 Autoridad Europea de Seguridad Alimentaria (EFSA)
april 20, 2011

EFSA publica un informe sobre el seguimiento de los niveles de acrilamida y la evaluación de su exposición

La Autoridad Europea de Seguridad Alimentaria (EFSA) ha publicado un informe sobre niveles de acrilamida en alimentos. Este informe incluye una evaluación de la exposición donde se estima por un lado el consumo de acrilamida por los distintos grupos de...
 Papas a la francesa
april 20, 2011

Las papas a la francesa ya no son el plato fuerte de los restaurantes de comida rápida

La introducción de los menús de dólar, los efectos de la recesión y el final de las porciones gigantes han hecho mella en el consumo de papa a la francesa en los restaurantes. En los Estados Unidos, las ventas de papa congelada procesada a los restaur...
april 19, 2011

Cavendish Farms: Recession still hitting french fry market

The Irving-owned Cavendish Farms has reduced the number of potatoes it's buying this year on P.E.I. for processing by 10 to 15 per cent. President Robert Irving told CBC News Monday the market for french fries has still not shown signs of recovery.
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 Prince Edward Island Canada
april 18, 2011

Cavendish Farms to reduce greenhouse gas emissions with move to natural gas

Cavendish Farms will invest in new technology to use more cost-effective natural gas and achieve a significant reduction in greenhouse gas emissions at the New Annan plant.
april 18, 2011

J & J Snack Foods Corp announces planned Acquisition of Frozen Handheld Business from Conagra Foods

Tavern Traditions
april 17, 2011

Tavern Traditions help operators to use social media to find customers interested in Tavern Heritage Food

New Lamb Weston Tavern Traditions™-brand Beer Battered Onion Rings, Fries, and Mozzarella Sticks allow foodservice operators to tap the heritage of the American tavern renaissance
Lays Limited Edition (Patatje Joppie) beste produkt introduktie in 2010
april 17, 2011

Lays Limited Edition (Patatje Joppie) beste produkt introduktie in 2010

Lays Limited Edition was het beste nieuwe product in 2010 in Nederland. Een innovatie op smaak én op marketing. De Limited Edition-zakken voor Lay's Maak de Smaak waren volgens de fabrikant niet aan te slepen: ruim zes miljoen keer gingen de drie fina...
april 17, 2011

Illinois takes step toward banning trans fats

Illinois restaurants may soon have to find a way to cut artificial trans fats from French fries, onion rings, popcorn shrimp, pies, cakes and fried chicken.
 Breeders trust
april 16, 2011

Belgische boeren aangeklaagd wegens kwekersrechten

Een groep Europese aardappelkwekers sleept vijf Belgische landbouwers voor de rechter omdat die geen kwekersrechten betalen.


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