Trends in landbouw en voedsel

 Algemeen Boerensyndicaat (ABS)
november 18, 2011

"Aardappelteler overgeleverd aan oververzadigde markt"

Een landbouwer ontvangt vandaag amper twee euro per 100 kg aardappelen. “Is dit het lot van de landbouw? Overgeleverd worden aan een oververzadigde markt en hopen op een ramp die het aanbod inperkt?”, vraagt Hendrik Vandamme, voorzitter van het Algemee...
november 18, 2011

School lunch amendment signed into law

President Obama signed a government funding extension that included 2012 appropriations funding for USDA and five other agencies on Friday, November 18. The bill also included the bipartisan Senate amendment sponsored by Senators Susan Collins (R-ME) ...
november 18, 2011

Dodelijk ongeval bij Aviko in Steenderen

Een 44-jarige man uit Zwolle is in de nacht van donderdag op vrijdag bij een bedrijfsongeval in de fabriek van Aviko in Steenderen om het leven gekomen. De Arbeidsinspectie stelt een onderzoek in. Het ongeval werd rond tien over half drie bij de alarmc...
november 18, 2011

Compuestos antioxidantes de la papa la convierten en un alimento funcional

Los polifenoles saludables que se encuentran en las papas ayudan a evitar y tratar muchas enfermedades graves El Instituto de Investigaciones Biológicas IIB-Conicet de la Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata (CEI), en colaboración con INTA Balcarce, ...
Potato Recipes, the ultimate collection
november 17, 2011

Potato Recipes, the ultimate collection

At a time when a record number of people are looking for potato recipes - mainly due to the Thanksgiving holiday in the United States where (sweet) potato plays a star role - we thought: Why not create the “Ultimate Potato Recipe Collection”?
november 17, 2011

Organic potatoes conquer Peruvian supermarkets

The Peruvian farmers cooperative Coopain Cabana recently made a very lucrative deal that benefits the members and the cooperative itself. Their own brand of organic potatoes can now be found on the shelves of the supermarkets of Plaza Vea, one of the...
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 Conagra Foods
november 17, 2011

Andrew Ross Joins ConAgra Foods as Executive Vice President and Chief Strategy Officer

ConAgra Foods, Inc. (NYSE: CAG) announced today that Andrew George Ross joined the company on Nov. 15 as executive vice president and chief strategy officer, reporting to Gary Rodkin, CEO. Ross will lead the company’s strategic planning process, with s...
 BP 2011 British Potato 2011
november 17, 2011

Potato Council marketing and corporate affairs at BP2011

Visit the Potato Council team at BP2011, Harrogate, Yorkshire, November 23 and 24, to find out more about the marketing strategy to sustain potato consumption, see campaign highlights and the positive results to date, and learn about how the industry c...
november 17, 2011

Packaging equipment manufacturer HayssenSandiacre acquires Simionato

Packaging equipment manufacturer HayssenSandiacre, A Barry Wehmiller Company, announces the acquisition of Simionata.
november 17, 2011

FAO says traditional crops key to facing climate change

Traditional food crops and other plant varieties worldwide are in urgent need of protection from climate change and other environmental stresses, the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) said today, as it observed the tenth anniversary of the int...
november 17, 2011

Los cultivos tradicionales son claves frente al cambio climático

Los cultivos alimentarios tradicionales y otras variedades vegetales de todo el mundo necesitan protección urgente frente al cambio climático y demás presiones medioambientales, según subrayó hoy la FAO, en el décimo aniversario del Tratado Internacion...
november 16, 2011

Idaho Potato Shippers In Need Of More Rail Cars

Idaho potato shippers are hitting a bit of a wall when it comes to getting that Idaho gold out of the fields and on the road. It could be the biggest catch-22 in the potato shipment industry right now. The Idaho Grower Shippers Association represents ...
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 NRA Show 2012
november 16, 2011

National Restaurant Association Offers e?Learning Opportunities 365 Days a Year

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november 16, 2011

Conference Committee Retains Senate Amendment Supporting Potatoes in School Meals

As the US legislation regarding school meal programs makes is way through the various stages of the approval process, a new stage has been reached and the provision that prohibits the USDA to set limits to vegetables is preserved in the current text un...
 Hiogh Food Prices
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Wal-Mart halts sales slump through grocery business

Wal-Mart Stores Inc. had its first quarterly sales increase in more than two years, saying efforts to avoid passing rising food costs to consumers fueled ongoing strength in the grocery department. The retailer’s grocery business continued its positiv...
 David Karam
november 15, 2011

The Wendy’s Company Announces David Karam is Leaving the Company to Return to his Franchise Business

The Wendy’s Company (NYSE: WEN) announced today a change in its executive management team. David Karam, President of North America, will be leaving the Company, effective as of the end of 2011. Karam intends to return to his Cedar Enterprises business,...
november 15, 2011

Local Food Is No Small Potatoes: Farmers Rake In Almost $5 Billion

It's easy to think of local food as a diversion for people with plenty of time and money — something that could never be a major source of food in a globalized world. But the number $4.8 billion might change that perception. American farmers say they'...
 Belgapom notering 10 november 2011
november 14, 2011

Belgapom notering blijft € 20,00/ton

De Belgapomprijs is de meest gehanteerde prijs, waargenomen op de vorige werkdag voor Bintje, voor verwerking tot diepgevroren aardappelproducten , veldgewas 35 mm+, frietgeschikt, af producent, los op wagen, voor onmiddellijke levering/ophaling. Vo...


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