Trends in landbouw en voedsel

 Albert Bartlett
februari 04, 2013

Gourmandine Potato variety soon available in the United Kingdom

During the upcoming Fruit Logistica, Agrico will sign a contract with the UK firm Albert Bartlett, who will shortly introduce the Gourmandine potato variety in the United Kingdom.
februari 01, 2013

‘All-star’ team to grow awareness of Australian potato industry research at upcoming Victorian Field Day

Leading industry researchers will team-up with local Victorian agronomists at a Field Day event next month, to help raise awareness amongst potato growers and processors about key research and development (R&D) activities currently being undertaken...
Fruit Logistica 2013
februari 01, 2013

Fruit Logistica: Helping growers meeting food chain requirements

At Fruit Logistica 2013 next week (Berlin, 6-8 February) Syngenta will unveil key elements of the company’s integrated business of seeds and crop protection – a world first for new innovation and crop solutions.
januari 31, 2013

Pressure on West Australian potato growers to meet retail standards

Potato growers across the Warren Blackwood have revealed their struggle to meet standards set by retail giants Coles and Woolworths.
januari 30, 2013

African Agricultural Capital Fund (AACF, Pearl Capital Partners) invests in Midlands Limited

Pearl Capital Partners (Pearl) has recently concluded an investment of KSh 200 million (US$ 2,300,000) in the Kenyan potato processor Midlands Limited through the African Agricultural Capital Fund (AACF).
Canadian consumers speak out on Prince Edward Island potatoes
januari 28, 2013

Canadian consumers speak out on Prince Edward Island potatoes

The Prince Edward Island Potato Board has launched a series of “Tater Talk” videos, featuring consumers talking about why they love PEI Potatoes.
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El Coordinador del Prohuerta provincial
januari 23, 2013

El INTA promociona la papa para el autoconsumo en provincia argentina

A partir del Programa Nacional PROPAPA del INTA de Argentina, se están realizando ensayos y pruebas de papa junto a beneficiarios del Prohuerta en distintos puntos geográficos de la provincia de San Luis. La idea es instalar a la papa como una opción m...
 Logo de la compañía HZPC
januari 21, 2013

HZPC realiza un estudio de mercado para conocer los gustos del consumidor final

La empresa holandesa HZPC quiere saber hacia dónde se encaminan los gustos de los actuales consumidores de patatas. Para ello ha encargado a una empresa especializada la realización de un “consumer research” en varios países, entre los que se incluye E...
 Nels Iverson
januari 18, 2013

Oregon’s Nels Iverson Elected to NPC’s Executive Committee

At the National Potato Council’s (NPC) 2013 Annual Meeting, held January 11-12, 2013, in Las Vegas, Nels Iverson of Jefferson, Ore., was elected to serve as NPC’s vice president of the council’s Finance and Office Procedures Committee.
januari 18, 2013

Research looks at impacts of copper on Idaho spud fields

New University of Idaho research suggests copper concentrations in some sandy-soiled Idaho farm fields treated with dairy lagoon water may be nearing levels that could stymie potato root growth.
januari 18, 2013

Protestors face court for destroying GMO potato field in Belgium

The trial of eleven protesters who in 2011 destroyed a field of genetically modified potatoes started before Dendermonde magistrates on Tuesday.
 Robbvie Davis
januari 15, 2013

Push for fresh potato marketing in Australia

A drop in fresh potato consumption across the country has prompted the state industry body to call for a national promotional campaign to help boost sales.
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januari 15, 2013

10,500 British fish and chips outlets raised prices by 10 percent or more

UK consumers may have to pay more for the 382 million fish-and-chip meals they buy annually after the second-wettest year in a century curbed the potato crop.
januari 15, 2013

Prince Edward Island Potato Board sets research as priority

The P.E.I. Potato Board is holding district meetings to brief farmers about plans to expand the amount of agricultural research it is involved with.
 Fritura en aceite de papas en bastón
januari 14, 2013

Argentina: Colectivos de Rosario funcionarán con aceite de papa frita

Los micros del transporte urbano de pasajeros de la ciudad de Rosario, funcionarán en breve con biocombustible obtenido con el reciclado del aceite vegetal que usan restaurantes y bares para fritar comidas.
Space-saving vacuum fryer minimizes acrylamide formation in savory snacks
januari 14, 2013

Space-saving vacuum fryer minimizes acrylamide formation in savory snacks

Equipment manufacturer Heat and Control presents the savory snack industry with a new version of the vacuum fryer. They call it the Unitized Vacuum Fryer (UVF)
 Oerlemans Foods
januari 11, 2013

French Fry manufacturer Oerlemans Foods to be sold to Baltussen Holding

Today, VION N.V. announced that it has entered into an agreement for the intended sale of its company Oerlemans Foods to Baltussen Holding B.V.
 Smashed Spuddy buddy
januari 10, 2013

Educational Program on Idaho potatoes for Idaho's Elementary School Children

As the Idaho Potato Commission’s (IPC) 75th Anniversary year comes to a close, the IPC has partnered with Idaho’s First Lady, Lori Otter, to launch “Smashed Spuddy Buddy,” an educational and interactive program designed to help teach kids about the nut...


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