Trends in landbouw en voedsel

Cold Fusion: Lineage Logistics completes acquisition of Kloosterboer Group
oktober 17, 2021

Cold Fusion: Lineage Logistics completes acquisition of Kloosterboer Group

Lineage Logistics LLC, a leading global temperature-controlled industrial REIT and logistics solutions provider, has completed its acquisition of Kloosterboer Group.
HZPC reports on positives after challenging corona year
oktober 12, 2021

Seed potato company HZPC reports on positives after challenging COVID-19 year

Seed Potato company HZPC realized that the financial year 2020/2021 would be difficult. Last year, the potato distributor was operating in a global economic recession.
Online potato calculator offers potato specialists tailor-made sustainable varieties
september 30, 2021

Online potato calculator offers potato specialists tailor-made sustainable varieties

HZPC developed an online tool with which customers can easily convert their knowledge and experience into tailor-made solutions – a digital calculator that finds the potato variety that gives the highest yield: the new Even Greener tool.
Is this the reason for our unhealthy eating?
september 28, 2021

Is this the reason for our unhealthy eating?

An increasing number of people in the western world are overweight. Why? Scientists have been seeking an answer to this question for some time now. Researcher Rachelle de Vries sheds (quite) some light: we may be pre-programmed.
SolEye is a product to objectively measure frying colour of potato strips
september 17, 2021

RMA-Techniek takes over HZPC's frying colour measuring system Soleye

As of September 2021, RMA-Techniek will take over the product SolEye. SolEye is a product to objectively measure frying colour, developed by Solentum B.V. (a former subsidiary of HZPC Holding).
Michiel y Frank
september 06, 2021

¿Patatas holandesas todo el año?

¿Por qué importar patatas cuando están disponibles en el país? En los Países Bajos, la disponibilidad de patatas se amplía continuamente, gracias al desarrollo de variedades y a la mejora de los métodos de almacenamiento.
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PotatoEurope's Golden Innovation Award goes to EGG Microtubers.
september 02, 2021

EGG Microtubers receive PotatoEurope’s Golden Innovation Award

During a special award ceremony on Wednesday, September 1st, a professional jury awarded the PotatoEurope Gold Innovation Award to the Microtubers of E Green Global (EGG).
Farm management specialist CropX Acquires Netherland-based Dacom Farm Intelligence
augustus 12, 2021

Farm management specialist CropX Acquires Netherland-based Dacom Farm Intelligence

Farm management specialist CropX has acquired Dacom Farm Intelligence. Dacom is one of the pioneers of the global AgTech sector, located in Groningen, Netherlands.
Lamb Weston Meijer: Expanding production capacity with new state-of-the-art french fry plant in Kruiningen - the Netherlands
juli 28, 2021

Lamb Weston Meijer expanding production capacity with new state-of-the-art french fry plant in Kruiningen, The Netherlands

Lamb Weston / Meijer (LW/M) announced plans to build a new french fry plant, expanding its existing production facility in Kruiningen, the Netherlands.
juli 06, 2021

Sleutelgen voor zelfbevruchting in aardappel geïdentificeerd

Ontdekking maakt snellere en gerichtere aardappelveredeling mogelijk
Wageningen scientists discover how the potato blight pathogen penetrates the plant
juli 04, 2021

Wageningen scientists discover how the potato blight pathogen penetrates the plant

Wageningen University & Research experts in plant pathology, cell biology and physics have found an answer to the question of how members of the Phytophthora genus mechanically gain entry through the protective layer on the leaves of crops.
Nele Cattoor tijdens de opening van het FVPhouse seminar in 2019
juni 24, 2021

Nele Cattoor neemt na 15 jaar afscheid van Vegebe

Vorige week nam Nele Cattoor, algemeen secretaris bij Vegebe en Regulatory Affairs Manager bij Belgapom en Fresh Trade Belgium, na 15 jaar afscheid van de sector om een nieuwe uitdaging aan te gaan.
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juni 22, 2021

Onderzoek: Veerkracht en innovatie in de Europese agrarische sector

De Wageningen University & Research heeft onderzoek gedaan naar de veerkracht van de agrarische sector. Hoe bewegen boeren en hun omgeving mee? Denk aan de wisselende weersomstandigheden, klimaatverandering en het overheidsbeleid.
juni 05, 2021

Hoe duurzaam zijn de aardappeltelers van Royal Avebe? FSA gaf ze Status Goud

De leden van Royal Avebe die meedoen aan het teeltprogramma Optimeel ontvingen de status Goud volgens de norm van FSA 2.1 van het wereldwijde platform SAI voor duurzame landbouw.
mei 20, 2021

Aardappelteelt in de EU-04: Minder hectares en late start voor aardappeljaar 2021

Nu het poten van de oogst 2021 bijna klaar is, lijkt het heel goed mogelijk dat het totale aardappelareaal binnen de NEPG landen (EU-04) 3 tot 5 % lager zal uitvallen dan vorig jaar.
WUR approach for effective sustainability programmes in the agri-food sector
mei 18, 2021

WUR approach for effective sustainability programmes in the agri-food sector

Wageningen University & Research (WUR) has developed a five-step approach that could help food producing companies create effective sustainability programmes together with supplying farmers.
Pessl Instruments GmbH acquires Solentum products
april 29, 2021

Pessl Instruments GmbH acquires Solentum products

Last month HZPC Holding B.V. announced to stop with the business activities of Solentum B.V. Pessl Instruments GmbH will take over some of the products of Solentum B.V. as of May 1, 2021.
april 26, 2021

Veel zorg over pootgoedhandel met VK

Er is nog weinig zicht op overeenstemming tussen de EU en het VK over onderlinge handel in pootaardappelen. Als er geen akkoord wordt bereikt over de fytosanitaire randvoorwaarden bij in- en uitvoer is de kans groot dat de export van pootgoed vanuit EU-landen naar het VK op 1 juli resoluut op slot gaat.


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