Statistiek, handel en prijzen

German potato prices set to spike due to drought
augustus 19, 2019

German potato prices set to spike due to drought

Two summers in a row of drought are causing Germany’s potato supply to dwindle - and prices to rise.
Canadian Potato Crop Report August 15, 2019
augustus 16, 2019

Canadian Potato Crop Report August 15, 2019

The United Potato Growers of Canada have released an update on the condition of the Canadian Potato Crop, as per August 15, 2019
augustus 07, 2019

McCain Foods Subsidiary in Argentina, Affected by Retention Taxes, Looks to Brazil

Frozen French Fry manufacturer McCain Foods prioritises its Latin America investments in Brazil, sending waves of concern to its Argentinian subsidiary about its future.
Potato Industry Western Australia looking for best way to grow export
augustus 05, 2019

Potato Industry Western Australia looking for best way to grow export

In Western Australia, the potato industry is embarking on a major effort to develop export opportunities
Costa Rica: Minister says 'no' to potato imports
juli 26, 2019

Costa Rica: Minister says 'no' to potato imports

Minister of Agriculture and Livestock Luis Felipe Arauz said no to the possibility of evaluating imports of potatoes, despite demands made by the industrial sector.
Dutch potato market a bubble that’s about to burst
juli 26, 2019

Dutch potato market a bubble that's about to burst

According to Felix Molenaar of the eponymous potato company from Haarlem, the Netherlands, the table potato market is very calm.
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Prince Edward Island potato farmers receive financial support to overcome wet and cold harvest of 2018
juli 25, 2019

Prince Edward Island potato farmers receive financial support to overcome wet and cold harvest of 2018

The Canadian government of the provincial government of Prince Edward Island are providing some additional help for Island farmers following the poor potato harvest of 2018, they announced at a farm in Pownal, P.E.I., Friday morning.
International Potato Technology Expo Opens Bookings for 2020
juli 25, 2019

International Potato Technology Expo Opens Bookings for 2020

The International Potato Technology Expo, a leading potato event in Canada, returns to the Eastlink Centre in Charlottetown February 21-22, 2020.
Canadian Potato crop 2019: acreage and status mid July
juli 23, 2019

Canadian Potato crop 2019: acreage and status mid July

Statistics Canada has published an estimate of the potato acreage for 2019. An update on the current condition of the crop was provided by United Potato Growers Canada.
Países Bajos: 'El mercado de la patata es una burbuja a punto de estallar'
juli 18, 2019

Países Bajos: 'El mercado de la patata es una burbuja a punto de estallar'

Según Felix Molenaar, de la empresa homónima de la localidad holandesa de Haarlem, el mercado de la patata de mesa se encuentra bastante tranquilo.
En ocho años el salto de calidad dado por el cultivador de patata es espectacular
juli 17, 2019

En ocho años el salto de calidad dado por el cultivador de patata es espectacular

De la mano del Director de Operaciones de Patatas Meléndez, Juan Manuel Coello, AgroNews ha visitado una de las parcelas en las que Santiago Domínguez, uno de los agricultores de referencia para el sector ha iniciado los arranques.
Farmers fight for potato pay as Simplot records $62m profit
juli 08, 2019

Farmers fight for potato pay as Simplot records $62m profit

Tasmanian potato growers say Simplot is not paying them enough for their vegetables, as they negotiate a new contract with the vegetable processing giant.
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Con variedades propias, Honduras se apresta a mejorar ingresos de agricultores de papa
juli 03, 2019

Con variedades propias, Honduras se apresta a mejorar ingresos de agricultores de papa

El cultivo de papa es la fuente principal de ingresos para los pequeños productores de las zonas altas de Honduras, pero los tubérculos semilla importados que siembran son el 40 por ciento de sus costos de producción.
CIP Trustee Elected Head Of Un Agriculture Agency
juli 02, 2019

CIP Trustee Elected Head Of Un Agriculture Agency

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) announced on 23 June 2019 that Qu Dongyu has been elected its new Director-General.
Potato hotel paying dividends for Idaho farmers
juni 18, 2019

Potato hotel paying dividends for Idaho farmers

Giving away the original 6-ton replica Russet Burbank that once toured the nation on its Great Big Idaho Potato Truck is paying major dividends for the Idaho Potato Commission, according to Frank Muir, president and CEO of the organization.
juni 11, 2019

Noord-West Europees aardappelareaal groeit

Gebaseerd op een voorlopige schatting van de NEPG groeit het areaal consumptieaardappelen in de vijf grootste aardappellanden naar 609.000 hectare. Dit is het grootste areaal ooit.
Idaho potato farmers heading to Taiwan on trade mission
juni 11, 2019

Idaho potato farmers heading to Taiwan on trade mission

A team of fresh Idaho potato shippers will soon head to Taiwan to develop new business relationships in the Southeast Asian market.
juni 05, 2019

25% of Chinese potatoes were improved with varieties from Peru

China is the largest producer and consumer of potatoes in the world


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