Statistiek, handel en prijzen

Seed potato company HZPC keeps profit expectations intact
mei 05, 2022

Seed potato company HZPC keeps profit expectations intact

Despite the fact that the conflict in Ukraine is affecting HZPC's sales, seed potato company HZPC is keeping its profit forecast intact after three quarters in the 2021-2022 financial year.
Las exportaciones de patatas holandesas están muy tranquilas en estos momentos.
april 27, 2022

Las exportaciones de patatas holandesas están muy tranquilas en estos momentos

Se están enviando camiones a los países de Europa del Este, aunque ese no es el mercado en el que nosotros operamos. En Trinidad, por ejemplo, están llegando grandes cantidades de patatas canadienses a muy bajos precios.
Grote Company Announces New Facility in The Netherlands
maart 18, 2022

Grote Company Announces New Facility in The Netherlands

Grote Company, a manufacturer of reliable, top-quality food slicing and assembly equipment, announced that it has opened a new facility in The Netherlands to better serve EU (European Union) customers. The facility features a parts warehouse and service center.
februari 17, 2022

Dutch potato exports waiting on Eastern European demand

Dutch potato exports are not currently busy at all. February is never that wild. Things are quieter to most major destinations in West Africa. Those countries have their own crops, so they've closed their borders.
februari 03, 2022

NEPG: Zullen betere contractprijzen hoog genoeg zijn om in de toekomst de groeiende vraag naar aardappelen te dekken?

North-western European Potato Growers (NEPG): Alle inputs hebben de afgelopen maanden stijgende prijzen laten zien, gaande van energie tot meststoffen, gewasbeschermingsmiddelen en bouwprijzen, maar ook machines en reserveonderdelen!
januari 28, 2022

Telers in Engeland en Wales mogen Nederlands pootgoed importeren

Op verzoek van de Nederlandse Aardappel Organisatie (NAO) heeft de Nederlandse Voedsel- en Warenautoriteit (NVWA) de mogelijkheden voor export van Nederlands pootgoed naar het Verenigd Koninkrijk (VK) nagegaan.
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december 08, 2021

Average to good potato harvest in North-western Europe, but increased production costs

The NEPG has ended the 2021 campaign with a production of 22.7 million tons, which represents a decrease of 3.4% in relation to the previous one, although it remains 2.7% above the average of the last five years.
Michiel y Frank
september 06, 2021

¿Patatas holandesas todo el año?

¿Por qué importar patatas cuando están disponibles en el país? En los Países Bajos, la disponibilidad de patatas se amplía continuamente, gracias al desarrollo de variedades y a la mejora de los métodos de almacenamiento.
Potato cultivation in the Netherlands in 2021: Less acreage overall, but more for seed and starch potatoes
juli 08, 2021

Potato cultivation in the Netherlands in 2021: Less acreage overall, but more for seed and starch potatoes

According to this year’s agricultural census, the Netherlands has almost 529 thousand hectares of land devoted to arable farming. This is 1.8 thousand ha (0.3 percent) more than in the previous year.
Big demand for import potatoes in the Netherlands.
juni 13, 2021

Big demand for import potatoes in the Netherlands

It's a good season for import potatoes in the Netherlands. More people are cooking at home. That's undoubtedly contributing to this, as are the 'old' potatoes deteriorating quality.
april 26, 2021

Veel zorg over pootgoedhandel met VK

Er is nog weinig zicht op overeenstemming tussen de EU en het VK over onderlinge handel in pootaardappelen. Als er geen akkoord wordt bereikt over de fytosanitaire randvoorwaarden bij in- en uitvoer is de kans groot dat de export van pootgoed vanuit EU-landen naar het VK op 1 juli resoluut op slot gaat.
Potato sales going well, but purchasers reluctant due to ban on sprout inhibitors
maart 20, 2021

Potato sales going well, but purchasers reluctant due to ban on sprout inhibitors

The sale of potatoes is not entirely disappointing at the moment, observes Felix Molenaar of potato and vegetable wholesaler Molenaar from Haarlem.
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Nicola from Morocco kicks off Dutch import potato season
maart 18, 2021

Nicola from Morocco kicks off Dutch import potato season

VerDi Import in the Netherlands has received their first Nicola potatoes. These arrived from Morocco at the beginning of the month.
februari 12, 2021

Cosun: Licht hoger resultaat in uitdagend jaar

Deze uitkomst is het resultaat van de uiteenlopende impact van de coronapandemie op de verschillende businessgroepen in dit uitzonderlijke jaar.
januari 26, 2021

Grote veranderingen bij de aardappeltelersorganisatie NEPG (North-western European Potato Growers)

De NEPG die tot 31 december een organisatie van 5 landen was (EU-05: B, D, F, GB, NL), begon op 1 januari zonder de Britse AHDB. Om verschillende redenen is AHDB gestopt met deelname aan de NEPG.
Criminals use potato exports to African countries to launder money
januari 16, 2021

Dutch criminals have used potato exports to African countries to launder money

Dutch criminals are increasingly using exports to Africa to launder money which is subsequently invested in diamonds and gold from the continent, FIOD chief Bert Langerak has said.
Grandes preocupaciones en el sector de la patata holandesa
december 28, 2020

Grandes preocupaciones en el sector de la patata holandesa

Según Adrie Kleinjan, de la empresa holandesa Kleinjan's Aardappelhandel, el mercado de las patatas no pinta muy bien en este momento.
NEPG uncertain about pending potato season
december 17, 2020

NEPG uncertain about pending potato season

NEPG (North-Western European Potato Growers) is unsure of the current potato situation and does not expect major changes in the demand side of the market in the coming weeks.


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