Statistiek, handel en prijzen

maart 02, 2021

Coronacrisis hakt ook in op de Belgische aardappelindustrie in 2020. Volume aardappelen voor verwerking het laagst in drie jaar

Niemand kon ernaast kijken in de media vorig jaar : de coronapandemie hakte stevig in op de Belgische aardappelsector.
New frozen storage offers 22,000 extra pallet places for frozen produce
januari 25, 2021

New frozen storage offers 22,000 extra pallet places for frozen produce in the port of Antwerp

Luik Natie opened a new cold store at the beginning of 2019. Just under two years later, the opening of a new frozen storage area is planned.
november 02, 2020

Belgapom start nieuwe zoektocht naar een opvolger voor Romain Cools als CEO voor de Belgische aardappelhandel en -verwerking

Belgapom start met nieuw bestuur nieuwe zoektocht naar een opvolger voor Romain Cools als CEO voor de Belgische aardappelhandel en -verwerking.
Europatat welcomes Romans Vorss as new Technical Affairs Director
oktober 27, 2020

Europatat welcomes Romans Vorss as new Technical Affairs Director

The European Potato Trade Association Europatat has appointed Romans Vorss as the new Technical Affairs Director of the Association, with effect as of 26 October 2020.
Romain Cools: 2020 could well become the toughest NW European potato season in 50 years
september 21, 2020

2020 could become the toughest NW European potato season in 50 years

Last week, the North-western European Potato Growers (NEPG) association announced their harvest estimate for the 2020/2021 season.
Potato harvest in full swing in North-western Europe; Average Yields expected.
september 14, 2020

Average Potato Yields expected in North-western Europe

The NEPG (North-Western European Potato Growers) have estimated that the overall consumption potato yields are on 5 years average level.
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Berta Redondo Benito, Secretary General Europatat
september 01, 2020

Europatat appoints Berta Redondo Benito as Secretary General

The Board of Europatat, the European Potato Trade Association, is pleased to announce the appointment of Berta Redondo Benito as the new Secretary-General of the association, with effect as of 1st of September 2020.
juli 26, 2020

NEPG hoopt dat aardappelareaal met 5 % daalt

De vraag naar aardappelproducten in de foodservice is met 50 tot 60% gedaald net zoals de
potentiële afzet op de exportmarkten is gedaald, waardoor de aardappelverwerkende industrie
haar capaciteit en behoefte aan grondstoffen heeft verminderd. In de NEPG-landen op het vaste
land zal al meer dan 2 miljoen ton waarschijnlijk niet worden verwerkt.
april 13, 2020

Belgische aardappelsector opnieuw gegroeid in 2019

De Belgische aardappelverwerkende industrie heeft vorig jaar, ondanks de moeilijke groeiomstandigheden als gevolg van extreme hitte en droogte en dit zowel in het seizoen 2018-2019 als 2019-2020.
Coronavirus: Belgian fries begin to suffer
april 08, 2020

Coronavirus: Belgian fries begin to suffer

The ongoing coronavirus pandemic has dealt a blow to a, particularly Belgian market, as the country begins to see declining sales of the humble fries.
Vrije markt voor aardappelen ingestort door coronavirus
maart 24, 2020

Vrije markt voor aardappelen ingestort door coronavirus

De coronacrisis heeft de vrije markt voor de aardappelen volledig doen instorten. Zowel de PCA/Fiwap- als de Belgapom-prijsnotering werd geschorst omdat er een gebrek aan transacties was op de vrije aardappelmarkt.
Europatat’s position paper on EU-UK Future Trade Agreement
maart 16, 2020

Europatat's position paper on EU-UK Future Trade Agreement

Following the Council’s green light to the opening of negotiations for a new partnership with the UK, Europatat has sent a position paper to the EU-UK negotiation team, as well as to the relevant officials in DG AGRI and DG SANTE.
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NEPG countries see modest potato production due to below average yields
oktober 29, 2019

NEPG countries see modest potato production due to below average yields

The NEPG (North-Western European Potato Growers) have released a new potato production estimate for consumption potatoes in the leading 5 North-Western potato countries. If all potatoes will be lifted totally about 26.9 million tons will be harvested.
NEPG estimates upcoming potato harvest on almost 5 years average level
september 10, 2019

NEPG estimates upcoming potato harvest on almost 5 years average level

The NEPG (North-Western European Potato Growers) estimates the
forecasted potato harvest 2019 between 27 and 27,3 million tons for the
5 leading potato countries. This is 3% more than the 5 years average and
12% more than last year.
An international fair at the heart of the Belgian potato sector.
september 02, 2019

Potato Europe 2019, an international fair at the heart of the Belgian potato sector.

On 4 and 5 September the international potato fair PotatoEurope 2019 will take place in
Tournai. That the fair continues to grow is demonstrated by the fact that there are almost
20% more exhibitors from 17 different countries.
juni 11, 2019

Noord-West Europees aardappelareaal groeit

Gebaseerd op een voorlopige schatting van de NEPG groeit het areaal consumptieaardappelen in de vijf grootste aardappellanden naar 609.000 hectare. Dit is het grootste areaal ooit.
Potato acreage in North-western Europe to grow between 1 and 2 percent, NEPG estimates
april 24, 2019

Potato acreage in North-western Europe to grow between 1 and 2 percent, NEPG estimates

The NEPG (North-Western European Potato Growers) have estimated that the upcoming area for
consumption potatoes in 2019 will increase between 1 and 2 % towards almost 604.000 ha in the 5
main production countries.
Llevarían a Colombia ante la OMC por imposición de aranceles
november 10, 2018

Llevarían a Colombia ante la OMC por imposición de aranceles

El país suramericano quiere aplicar impuestos contra las papas fritas de Bélgica, Países Bajos y Alemania.


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