Aardappelrassen en pootaardappelen

Norika/Binst: 'For every interesting potato variety that performs better than what we already have, there's a chance in the market.'
oktober 29, 2019

Norika/Binst: 'For every interesting potato variety that performs better than what we already have, there's a chance in the market.'

Tigran Richter, Norika/Binst, Sanitz (D): 'For every interesting potato variety that performs better than what we already have, there's a chance in the market.'
Breeding Company Kooi: 'In order to increase a possible success, we focus mainly on the early segment.'
oktober 29, 2019

Breeding Company Kooi: 'In order to increase a possible success, we focus mainly on the early segment.'

Rindert Dankert, Breeding Company Kooi, Leeuwarden: 'In order to increase a possible success, we focus mainly on the early segment.'
oktober 28, 2019

Danespo Holland: 'Niemand is echt 100 procent tevreden met het ras dat ze telen of verwerken.'

Peter van Eerdt, Danespo Holland, Berltsum: 'Niemand is echt 100 procent tevreden met het aardappelras dat ze telen of verwerken.'
oktober 26, 2019

Agrico Research: 'Zodra een fritesfabrikant een ras accepteert als een grondstof, gaat het ook meteen heel hard.'

Sjefke Allefs, Agrico Research, Bant: 'Zodra een fritesfabrikant een ras accepteert als een grondstof, gaat het ook meteen heel hard.'
Stet Holland: 'The point is to achieve significant improvements and not to have more of the same.'
oktober 26, 2019

Stet Holland: 'The point is to achieve significant improvements and not to have more of the same.'

Jaap Brondijk, Stet Holland, Emmeloord: ’The point is to achieve significant improvements and not to have more of the same.’
Den Hartigh: 'For growers, it's important to offer harvest and quality assurance.'
oktober 26, 2019

Den Hartigh: 'For growers, it's important to offer harvest and quality assurance.'

Jacob Eising, Den Hartigh, Emmeloord: 'For growers, it's important to offer harvest and quality assurance.'
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GPS Potato Breeders: ‘As Scottish growers, we focus mainly on the home market.’
oktober 26, 2019

GPS Potato Breeders: 'As Scottish growers, we focus mainly on the home market.'

David Murdie, Potato Manager at GPS Potato Breeders, Angus: ‘As Scottish growers, we focus mainly on the home market.’
Schaap-Holland BV: ‘There’s always room for new French-fry varieties, as long as it’s a 2.0 or 3.0 version.'
oktober 24, 2019

Schaap-Holland BV: 'There's always room for new French-fry varieties, as long as it's a 2.0 or 3.0 version.'

Dirk Stellingwerf, Schaap-Holland BV, Biddinghuizen: ‘There’s always room for new French-fry varieties, as long as it’s a 2.0 or 3.0 version of existing ones. The demand for this is growing especially now...'
Polish potato season very challenging, shortages made imports necessary
oktober 16, 2019

Polish potato season very challenging, shortages made imports necessary

The drought last summer has had a big impact on the European potato season. These challenges were also felt in Poland, as traders had to import potatoes to be able to meet the domestic demand.
El sector de la patata busca alternativas para quitar los ojos al tubérculo
oktober 16, 2019

El sector de la patata busca alternativas para quitar los ojos al tubérculo

La jornada técnica que inauguró la Festa da Pataca de Coristanco abordó temas como la retirada del mercado de productos como Clorprofam o Diquat o cómo el brexit afectará a los productores de toda España.
Asaja León acusa a los almacenistas de forzar precios a la baja
oktober 02, 2019

Asaja León acusa a los almacenistas de forzar precios a la baja

Asaja ha expresado su preocupación por las importantes caídas de los precios de la patata en la campaña de la provincia de León tras los primeros arranques de los últimos días, en comparación con los precios registrados en el resto de Castilla y León.
Planted area in Great Britain by potato variety and sector in 2019
oktober 01, 2019

Planted area in Great Britain by potato variety and sector in 2019

The total 2019 planted Great Britain area (revised estimate) is 118.95K ha. This updated estimate puts the area 1% higher than last year and represents the GB area covered by over 90% of producers.
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La patata de Galicia también se tiñe de verde

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Buena campaña de patata en Salamanca, España, con unos precios que no acompañan

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Complex potato genome further unveiled
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Further potato genome details unveiled by Solynta and Wageningen University & Research

Scientists from Solynta and Wageningen University & Research (WUR) have published the most complete genome sequence for potatoes to date. A unique aspect is that both sequence and plant material are made available for research.
Brexit won't affect seed potato exports to China
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Brexit won't affect seed potato exports to China

Chinese delegation confirms UK seed potato exports to the world's most populous country won't be affected either Brexit outcome. British seed potatoes will continue to be accepted by Chinese customs whatever the outcome of Brexit, according to AHDB.
La patata más rentable de Navarra: la siembra ecológica se consolida en los valles del Pirineo navarro
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La patata de siembra ecológica es un cultivo con una excelente respuesta en los valles del Pirineo por lo que se consolida como una opción más que recomendable para diversificar las producciones de una zona eminentemente ganadera.
The French company Select’Up joins Europatat
september 03, 2019

The French company Select'Up joins Europatat

Europatat warmly welcomes the French company Select’Up specialised in growing, importing and exporting potatoes, who joined the Association at the beginning of the year.


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