Native Andean potato varieties analyzed: Puma Makin, Leona , Yawar Manto (first line) and Añil, Sangre de Toro and Qequrani (second line).
maart 05, 2021

Biodiversity of Native Andean Potatoes: Nutritional Profile and Phenolic Composition

The characterization of six varieties of native Andean potatoes with a wide biodiversity in tuber shape, flesh, and skin color was performed, through the determination of their proximate composition, mineral content, and phenolic profile.
Ukrainian State-Funded Program on Development of Potato Sector
maart 03, 2021

Construction of 35 new potato storages in the Ukraine thanks to government support

The Institute of Agrarian Economics jointly with the Ukrainian Association of Potato Producers have developed a state-funded program for the development of industrial potato growing for 2021-2025.
Jake Blauer joins WSU’s potato research group
maart 02, 2021

Jake Blauer joins WSU’s potato research group

Jake Blauer is the newly hired post-harvest potato physiologist at Washington State University.
Tolsma-Grisnich supplies potato receiving, handling and storage equipment in Russia
maart 02, 2021

Tolsma-Grisnich supplies potato receiving, handling and storage equipment in Russia

Together with a leading processor a greenfield project was developed in Russia, where Tolsma-Grisnich will supply potato receiving, handling and storage equipment.
maart 02, 2021

Coronacrisis hakt ook in op de Belgische aardappelindustrie in 2020. Volume aardappelen voor verwerking het laagst in drie jaar

Niemand kon ernaast kijken in de media vorig jaar : de coronapandemie hakte stevig in op de Belgische aardappelsector.
Europatat Congress 2021 Virtual Edition
maart 02, 2021

Europatat Congress 2021 Virtual Edition

Europatat, the European Potato Trade Association, is excited to announce that the 2021 edition of its annual Congress will be held on Thursday, 10th of June in a virtual format.
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Dewulf adds new options that make MH 24x receiving hoppers even more versatile
maart 02, 2021

Dewulf adds new options that make MH 24x receiving hoppers even more versatile

Dewulf, full-liner in machines for the cultivation of potatoes and root crops, has introduced several new options for their MH 24x series of receiving hoppers.
Perú: Más de 800 hectáreas de cultivos de papa afectadas por heladas en Huancavelica
maart 01, 2021

Perú: Más de 800 hectáreas de cultivos de papa afectadas por heladas en Huancavelica

Los agricultores del distrito de Pazos, ubicado en la provincia de Tayacaja, región Huancavelica han visto afectados el 80 porciento de sus cultivos por las intensas heladas.
Honduras: Evaluarán de siete variedades de semilla papa
maart 01, 2021

Honduras: Evaluarán de siete variedades de semilla papa

La firma del convenio de cooperación fue realizada por el director de Dicta, Gerardo Murillo Gale y el gerente general de Bioquimsa, Ramón Salinas Orellana.
maart 01, 2021

Alomvattend thema bezorgt aardappelvakbeurs Potato Europe 2021 grote belangstelling

Met het beursthema 'What's Now, What's New and What's the Future', belooft Potato Europe 2021inzicht te geven in zowel lopende ontwikkelingen in de aardappelketen als de toekomst van de sector.
Mexico’s Supreme Court Delays Decision on Fresh Potato Imports from the United States
februari 28, 2021

Mexico’s Supreme Court Delays Decision on US Fresh Potato Imports

During the hearing of the Mexican Supreme Court held on February 24, the justice who authored the draft ruling overturning a ban on the importation of U.S. fresh potatoes asked the court to postpone a vote until next week at the earliest.
UK regulations relaxed to allow Mallorcan potato exports
februari 26, 2021

UK regulations relaxed to allow potato import from Mallorca

Mallorca has been exporting potatoes to the United Kingdom since 1927 and future exports are now guaranteed because the British Government has agreed to change the regulations and allow Mallorcan potatoes to be sold in the British market.
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Potato Growers Select 2021 National Potato Council Leaders
februari 25, 2021

Potato Growers Select 2021 National Potato Council Leaders

At the National Potato Council (NPC) 2021 Annual Meeting held virtually due to travel restrictions, Dominic LaJoie of Van Buren, Maine was elected to serve as NPC’s 2021 President and to head the grower-led organization’s Executive Committee.
Kenya seeks Sh656m for potato seed study
februari 23, 2021

Kenya seeks funding for seed potato study

Kenya has applied for a Sh656 million grant from the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) to boost research on potato seed production and cut reliance on imports.
Bengal Cabinet allows cold storages to buy 10 lakh MT of potato
februari 23, 2021

West Bengal allows cold storages to buy 1 Million tons of potato

Predicting a bumper harvest of potato this season, the West Bengal Cabinet on Monday decided to allow cold storage owners to purchase at least 10 lakh (1 Million) metric tons of tuber from farmers at a fixed price, so that they do not have to suffer losses, a senior official said.
México: Inicia cosecha de papa en el Valle del Yaqui
februari 22, 2021

México: Inicia cosecha de papa en el Valle del Yaqui

Se generalizan los cortes de hortalizas en el Valle del Yaqui al iniciar la cosecha de papa. Renán Cruz Valenzuela indicó que las expectativas son favorables, aunque apenas está iniciando la cosecha del tubérculo.
España: Productores de patata de A Limia estudian plantar menos cantidad este año
februari 22, 2021

España: Productores de patata de A Limia estudian plantar menos cantidad este año

El sector de la patata en Xinzo siempre tuvo que capear contratiempos como el precio, la climatología y las pestes, y a todo ello se sumó en 2020 otro enemigo impredecible como es el COVID.
New resistance genes against late blight were identified in a close relative of the potato, Solanum americanum
februari 22, 2021

Late blight resistance genes identified in potato relative Solanum americanum

An international team of researchers has struck an important blow in the ongoing evolutionary arms race with the notorious potato disease late blight (Phytophthora infestans).


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