NPC Welcomes Ethan Keller to Team
juli 13, 2021

The National Potato Council welcomes Ethan Keller as Program Coordinator

The National Potato Council today welcomed Ethan Keller to serve as the organization’s Program Coordinator. The recent Ohio State University graduate will support the execution and implementation of NPC’s programs to engage and inform its membership.
Brexit fightback: UK bans EU seed potato imports in snub at Brussels
juli 12, 2021

Brexit fightback: UK bans EU seed potato imports in snub at Brussels

A trade row between Brussels and London threatened to erupt tonight after UK ministers banned the import of seed potatoes from EU countries in a victory for Scottish farmers.
US pushes Mexico for approval of GM crops, access to potato market.
juli 12, 2021

US pushes Mexico for approval of GM crops, access to potato market

The United States pressured Mexico on Wednesday to allow genetically modified crops into the country and to open up access to U.S.-grown potatoes. Trade talks were held Wednesday in Mexico City.
Importante crecimiento de la producción de papa en el Ecuador.
juli 12, 2021

Importante crecimiento de la producción de papa en el Ecuador

En 2020, el cultivo de papa en el Ecuador registró una importante recuperación, según el último informe de la Encuesta de Superficie y Producción Agropecuaria Continua (ESPAC) del INEC.
Managing nutrition during tuber bulking crucial for water regulation
juli 08, 2021

Managing nutrition during tuber bulking crucial for water regulation

With tuber bulking being such a critical, yet energy sapping period in potato crop development, now is the time to consider nutrition applications to support crop health and maintain tuber growth.
PepsiCo invests over USD 30 million in the expansion of its snack production in the Dominican republic
juli 08, 2021

PepsiCo invests over USD 30 million in the expansion of its snack production in the Dominican Republic

The company says that with the expansion of its chips production, PepsiCo contributes to the economic reactivation of the Dominican Republic by buying more local potatoes from Dominican farmers.
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Potato cultivation in the Netherlands in 2021: Less acreage overall, but more for seed and starch potatoes
juli 08, 2021

Potato cultivation in the Netherlands in 2021: Less acreage overall, but more for seed and starch potatoes

According to this year’s agricultural census, the Netherlands has almost 529 thousand hectares of land devoted to arable farming. This is 1.8 thousand ha (0.3 percent) more than in the previous year.
Jammu and Kashmir has potential of becoming a leading seed potato producer: Union Additional Secretary
juli 08, 2021

Jammu and Kashmir has potential of becoming a leading seed potato producer: Union Additional Secretary

Union Additional Secretary Agriculture, Cooperation and Farmers Welfare, Vivek Agarwal said Jammu and Kashmir has the potential to produce high quality virus-free potato seeds and become its largest producer.
The World Potato Congress Inc. Announces Willie Jacobs as its Newest International Advisor
juli 08, 2021

World Potato Congress Inc. announces Willie Jacobs as its Newest International Advisor

The World Potato Congress Inc.'s (WPC) Board of Directors is very pleased to announce Mr. Willie Jacobs as its newest International Advisor from South Africa.
juli 06, 2021

Sleutelgen voor zelfbevruchting in aardappel geïdentificeerd

Ontdekking maakt snellere en gerichtere aardappelveredeling mogelijk
Technico is changing the Potato Value Chain in India and beyond
juli 06, 2021

Technico is changing the Potato Value Chain in India and beyond

Technico Agri Sciences Limited (a 100% subsidiary of ITC Ltd.) is an Agri-Biotech Company involved in the business of producing and selling 'Early Generation' high vigor seed potatoes, with its award winning TECHNITUBER® Seed Technology.
CB-UdeC e Inia avanzan en solución a patología de la papa.
juli 05, 2021

CB-UdeC e Inia avanzan en solución a patología de la papa

Sembrado mayormente por pequeños agricultores, es uno de los cultivos más relevantes en Chile y puede ser amenazado por una bacteria contra la que aún no hay nada efectivo para contrarrestar. Las pérdidas son de gran impacto social.
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China produce primera generación de papas híbridas a través de diseño de genoma.
juli 05, 2021

China produce primera generación de papas híbridas a través de diseño de genoma

Un equipo de investigación del Instituto de Genómica Agrícola de Shenzhen, dependiente de la Academia China de Ciencias Agrícolas, avanza en un plan de diseño del genoma para papas híbridas.
INTA propone variedades de patata con mejor rendimiento para el consumo y la industria.
juli 05, 2021

INTA propone variedades de patata con mejor rendimiento para el consumo y la industria

Un estudio del INTA analizó cinco variedades de papa y determinó una con mejor peso y mayor número de tubérculos. Malargüe es la segunda mayor productora nacional de papa semilla.
España: 'Vamos a proteger la patata para que sea reconocida'.
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España: 'Vamos a proteger la patata para que sea reconocida'

Yolanda Medina (León, 1974) lleva más de 25 años vinculada al sector patatero de toda España. Ahora defiende la utilidad de la Interprofesional de Castilla y León con la que buscan ser un ejemplo para todo el país y el reconocimiento del producto
AKILIMO digital platform improves potato yields in Rwanda
juli 04, 2021

AKILIMO digital platform improves potato yields in Rwanda

CIP and RAB are focusing their efforts in this area to release varieties that are high-yielding, pest and disease resistant, and climate-resilient.  But is this enough to overcome the low potato yields faced by Rwandan farmers?
Wageningen scientists discover how the potato blight pathogen penetrates the plant
juli 04, 2021

Wageningen scientists discover how the potato blight pathogen penetrates the plant

Wageningen University & Research experts in plant pathology, cell biology and physics have found an answer to the question of how members of the Phytophthora genus mechanically gain entry through the protective layer on the leaves of crops.
Potato imports from Bhutan allowed again
juli 01, 2021

Indian Government removes restrictions on potato imports from Bhutan

With retail potato prices rising sharply over April and May, the government of India has decided to permit the import of Potatoes from Bhutan without any license up to June 30, 2022.


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