
 Andrew Robinson
maart 20, 2012

Andrew Robinson is New Extension Potato Agronomist at North Dakota State University

Andrew Robinson is New Extension Potato Agronomist - The Extension Potato Agronomist position vacated by Nick David in January 2011 has been filled!  Idaho native Andrew "Andy"Robinson has been hired.  He has a Masters Degree in Agronomy and...
Prince Edward Island Canada
maart 20, 2012

Expansion PEI Potato Quality Institute (PQI) facilitates disease testing

The PEI Potato Quality Institute (PQI) has expanded their facility in the West Royalty Industrial Park to offer local potato farmers more efficient disease testing, thanks to investments made by the federal and provincial governments and industry partners.
 World Potato Congress 2012
maart 20, 2012

Top international researchers to attend World Potato Congress 2012

World Potato Congress has become an important diary date and many of the potato industry’s leading international researchers have already registered to attend. In addition, the Fifth Potato Virus ‘Y’ (PVY-wide) workshop and a meeting of United Nations...
 John Keeling
maart 19, 2012

School menu success gives potatoes another chance at WIC

The National Potato Council’s successful fight to return potatoes to school menu guidelines in the US was a victory for the industry, but executive vice-president and chief executive officer John Keeling isn’t stopping there.
maart 19, 2012

La papa chilena encandila a los productores brasileños

En marzo del año pasado, una delegación de la Asociación Brasilera de Batata (ABBA), integrada por productores, representantes de empresas, académicos e investigadores, viajó a la Región de los Lagos para visitar el Centro Nacional de la Papa en Inia R...
maart 19, 2012

La “revolución de la papa”, respuesta a la crisis en Grecia

Un ejemplo más de que las crisis son oportunidades. Los agricultores griegos de la península del Peloponeso han empezado a vender sus productos así: del campo, al camión y del camión a un barrio hambriento a las afueras de Atenas. Venta directa sin i...
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maart 19, 2012

Greek 'potato movement' links shoppers and farmers

There's some dispute about where and when it all started, but Christos Kamenides, genial professor of agricultural marketing at the University of Thessaloniki, is pretty confident he and his students have made sure 'the potato movement' is not about to stop any time soon.
maart 19, 2012

Inter-state potato marketing system inaugurated in Assam (India)

In Assam, a state in north east of India, an Inter State Potato Marketing System was successfully inaugurated by Assam Agriculture, Horticulture &Food Processing Minister Mr. Nilamoni Sen Deka at Gingia, Biswanath Chariali for the benefit of its potato growers.
maart 18, 2012

Aardappelverwerking Februari 2012

In de maand februari zijn er (bron PA) meer aardappelen verwerkt die afkomstig waren van invoer. Van het totale volume aardappelen verwerkt tot consumptieproducten (286.000 ton) bleek bijna 87.500 ton ingevoerd (30,6%) tegen 73.300 ton (26%) in februari 2011.
maart 18, 2012

Export aardappelen loopt iets achter

In februari is nagenoeg dezelfde hoeveelheid consumptie- en industrieaardappelen uitgevoerd als de maand ervoor: ruim 71.000 ton. Vergeleken met dezelfde periode vorig jaar is dat zo’n 20.000 ton minder. Opmerkelijk is de hoge invoer van zetmeelaarda...
maart 18, 2012

Wil Europa onze aardappel wel?

Wageningen UR ontwikkelt een milieuvriendelijke aardappel met resistentiegenen tegen de agressieve aardappelziekte. Het is onduidelijk of de introductie van deze aardappel kans van slagen heeft in het technofobe Europa. Goede kans dat-ie straks in Chin...
 Belgapom notering 16 maart 2012
maart 17, 2012

Belgapom notering zakt naar € 27,50

De Belgapomprijs is de meest gehanteerde prijs, waargenomen op de vorige werkdag voor Bintje, voor verwerking tot diepgevroren aardappelproducten , veldgewas 35 mm+, frietgeschikt, af producent, los op wagen, voor onmiddellijke levering/ophaling. Voor...
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U.S. Potato Board turns 40, earns praise from USDA

The U.S. Potato Board’s annual meeting March 15 started off on with some good news from the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Bob Keeney, deputy administrator of fruit and vegetable programs for the USDA’s Agricultural Marketing Service gave the board, ...
maart 16, 2012

Duitsland: Omzet aardappelverwerking flink gestegen

De omzet van aardappelverwerkingsbedrijven in Duitsland is het afgelopen jaar opnieuw flink gestegen, namelijk met 8,4%. De aardappelen waren in de tweede helft van het jaar voordelig beschikbaar. Deze omzetstijging zal in de cijfers over de aardappel...
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McDonald's (potato) suppliers making progress in sustainability

McDonald's just announced its 2012 Best of Sustainable Supply Chain winners by highlighting 51 stories of supply chain partners addressing challenges to help improve food sources, the environment, communities and employee wellness across the world. Man...
 Russian Banana (Courtesy Idaho Potato Commission)
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Idaho increases specialty potato market share

Russet potatoes still dominate markets, but specialties are gaining.
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Russet prices rising

Long-sluggish russet markets are beginning to strengthen, and prices should continue to rise as the 2011-2012 deal enters its homestretch this summer. Strong processing demand was beginning to tip the scales in March in what has been a year of abundan...


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