Sharon Dijksma, State Secretary for Economic Affairs (PvdA)
februari 20, 2014

Russia to end Dutch Potato ban

Russia will start importing Dutch seed potatoes again, once a quality inspection has deemed them suitable. This could mean a 10 million euro export opportunity for companies.
Industry flocks to UK stand at Fruit Logistica
februari 19, 2014

Industry flocks to UK stand at Fruit Logistica

Potato Council, Horticultural Development Company (HDC) and the Commercial Horticultural Association (CHA) returned in force to the Fruit Logistica to build their promotion of seed potatoes from Britain and raise the profile of the diversity and quality of UK horticultural crops.
Romain Cools
februari 18, 2014

Russia still says no to potato and seed sector

The expectations were positive, but the doors to Russia are still closed for the European potato and seed potato sector.
Crean en España una red nacional de papa (o patata)
februari 17, 2014

Crean en España una red nacional de papa (o patata)

El Instituto Vasco de Innovación Agraria NEIKER-Tecnalia acaba de inaugurar la Red Nacional de Innovación en Patata (Red Papata).
The potato varieties for potato chips production on offer this year
februari 17, 2014

New Potato Varieties unveiled at Fredericton Potato Research Centre

Potatoes bred to make great potato chips were the feature attraction at the annual unveiling of new potato varieties at the federal Potato Research Centre in Fredericton this week.
Nuevo tipo de resistencia a enfermedad de la papa
februari 17, 2014

Nuevo tipo de resistencia a enfermedad de la papa

Fitopatólogos de la universidad holandesa de Wageningen han descubierto un mecanismo que aumenta la resistencia a Phytophthora infestans, patógeno causante de una de las enfermedades más devastadoras de la papa, el tizón tardío.
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Construyen en Ecuador una planta procesadora de papas
februari 17, 2014

Construyen en Ecuador una planta procesadora de papas

Con una inversión cercana a los USD 2 millones, una planta procesadora de papas industriales tipo bastón se levanta en la población de San Gabriel, en el cantón Montúfar, de Carchi.
Estimulando las defensas naturales de plantas con una sustancia semejante a la aspirina
februari 17, 2014

Estimulan las defensas naturales de plantas con una sustancia semejante a la aspirina

Resultados de nuevos estudios por científicos con el ARS sugieren que un tratamiento con el ácido salicílico podría prevenir o reducir la infección de plantas de cultivos por el fitoplasma de la punta morada de la papa, el cual es una bacteria sin paredes celulares.
Potato Council Maris Piper Ad
februari 17, 2014

UK Shoppers agree to pay more for named Potato Varieties

Potato Council’s latest campaign to encourage shoppers to trade up from generic whites to a named potato variety has been a great success.
Estudian variedad de papas suramericanas para conservar su sostenibilidad
februari 15, 2014

Estudian variedad de papas suramericanas para conservar su sostenibilidad

El geógrafo Karl Zimmerer, de la Universidad estatal de Pennsylvania, presentó sus conclusiones en un simposio sobre biodiversidad en la agricultura durante la reunión anual de la Asociación Estadounidense para el Avance de la Ciencia (AAAS) realizada en Chicago.
februari 13, 2014

Potato Marketing Association of North America Members Meet to Discuss Progress of 2014 Contract Negotiations

The Potato Marketing Association of North America held a special spring meeting this past week in Las Vegas, NV to discuss progress on the 2014 pre-season potato contract negotiations.
Fruit Logistica 2014
februari 13, 2014

Fruit Logistica 2014 sees record participation

Fruit Logistica sees record participation with more than 62,000 trade visitors from 141 countries
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Late blight symptoms on potato leaf
februari 12, 2014

Late Blight expected to affect potato yield in West Bengal

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The Agrico stand at Fruit Logistica 2014 was well-attended
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Agrico looks back on a successful Fruit Logistica

From Wednesday 5 to Friday 7 February 2014 Agrico exhibited at Fruit Logistica in Berlin. During this major and well-attended international trade show, Agrico presented its extensive range of seed and table potatoes.
HZPC's Colourful Perupas come in six types: Magenta Love, Double fun, Violet Queen, Blue Star, Violetta and Anya (Anya not shown)
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HZPC introduces colourful Perupas

Last week, at the Fruit Logistica in Berlin, HZPC launched their new vegetable: Colourful Perupas! Colourful and tasty tubers with a WOW! feeling.
Starchworld 2014
februari 10, 2014

Emsland Group presents 'Potato based clean label innovations' at 3rd Starch World 2014

Emsland Group has announced that Henk Jaap Meijer will be participating as speaker at CMT's 3rd Starch World 2014 on 17-19 Feb, 2014 to be held at Mandarin Oriental Jakarta, Indonesia.
februari 10, 2014

Potandon Produce announces the hiring of Blaine Heiner as a salesman.

Potandon Produce L.L.C., the industry leader in fresh potato marketing, announced today the hiring of Blaine Heiner as a salesman.
A potato field in Turkey during harvest
februari 10, 2014

Turkish Potato Prices surge adds political, economic pressure

The humble potato has become a factor in Turkey's political and economic turmoil as prices of the staple soar, hurting the living standards of poorer Turks just before the ruling AK Party's toughest election test in a decade.


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