Dan Blackstone of Caribou, Maine has been selected as the 2018 Young Farmer of the Year
oktober 19, 2017

Dan Blackstone of Caribou, Maine has been selected as the 2018 Young Farmer of the Year

The Maine Potato Board has announced that Dan Blackstone of Caribou has been selected as the 2018 Young Farmer of the Year.
India: Lanzan variedad de papa que soporta altas temperaturas
oktober 18, 2017

India: Lanzan variedad de papa que soporta altas temperaturas

Desarrollada en colaboración con el CIP y el CPRI, Kufri Lima, como se llama la variedad, es temprana, tolerante al calor y resistente a los virus, características muy apreciadas por los agricultores locales.
Universidad pública argentina diversifica los servicios al productor; ahora configura fertilizadoras e inspecciona pulverizadoras
oktober 18, 2017

Universidad pública argentina diversifica los servicios al productor; ahora configura fertilizadoras e inspecciona pulverizadoras

La Cátedra de Mecanización Agrícola de la Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias de Balcarce (Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata) ofrece dichos servicios con el fin de mejorar los procesos mecanizados en los sistemas productivos de la región.
Potato Retail Sales in the United States for the month of August is up compared to last year.
oktober 18, 2017

Potato Retail Sales in the United States for the month of August is UP compared to last year

August was a great month for retail potato sales in the United States, with all categories enjoying volume growth when compared to the same four weeks a year ago.
RPE highlights product innovations at PMA Fresh Summit Convention and Expo
oktober 17, 2017

RPE highlights product innovations at PMA Fresh Summit Convention and Expo

What’s new in the fresh potato category? Check it out on Saturday, October 21 and Sunday, October 22 on the PMA Fresh Summit Convention and Expo, at booth #4669 from RPE!
Potato Chip manufacturer Hanawa Super Foods contracts 1000 farmers in Zimbabwe
oktober 17, 2017

Potato Chip manufacturer Hanawa Super Foods contracts 1000 farmers in Zimbabwe

Hanawa Super Foods has contracted over 1 000 farmers to grow potatoes as it moves to cut imports, a company official said.
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New potato variety in India, Kufri Lima, to take on the heat...
oktober 16, 2017

New potato variety in India, Kufri Lima, to take on the heat...

Farmers in India can expect higher yields and profits with the release of a new potato variety, Kufri Lima, developed by the International Potato Center (CIP) and the Central Potato Research Institute (CPRI)
International Potato Center (CIP) and Blackpace Group to cooperate in advancing potato production in Africa
oktober 16, 2017

International Potato Center (CIP) and Blackpace Group to cooperate in advancing potato production in Africa

The International Potato Center (CIP) and BlackPace Africa Group (BPA) executed a Technical and Scientific agreement to advance potato production in Africa, with focus on Rwanda.
Wet weather causes potato shortage in new Zealand
oktober 15, 2017

Wet weather causes potato shortage in New Zealand

Stocks of the potato chips are stretched thin as New Zealand battles a nationwide potato shortage after the wet winter. UPDATE: it turns grocery stores right now have NO shortage in stocks after all...
The International Potato Center opens representation in Tbilisi, Geogia
oktober 15, 2017

The International Potato Center opens representation in Tbilisi, Georgia

The International Potato Center (CIP) opened its representation in Tbilisi, Georgia on October 11.
Programa preliminar del Congreso Mundial de la Papa
oktober 14, 2017

Programa preliminar del Congreso Mundial de la Papa

El próximo Congreso Mundial de la Papa (WPC) se celebrará del 27 al 31 de mayo de 2018 en en Cusco, Perú. Es la primera vez que se realiza en América Latina y que coincide con el Congreso de la Asociación Latinoamericana de la Papa (ALAP). Conozca el programa tentativo del primero de los eventos.
España: Usando radiación infraroja identifican las papas más cardiosaludables
oktober 13, 2017

España: Usando radiación infraroja identifican las papas más cardiosaludables

Empleando la técnica de espectroscopia en el infrarrojo cercano, una investigadora de la Universidad de Navarra es capaz de identificar las variedades de papa con mayor contenido de compuestos fenólicos. Estas sustancias son beneficiosas para la salud por su contribución a la reducción de enfermedades cardiovasculares.
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Myanmar Chip Processors Prefer Chipping Potatoes from the United States
oktober 12, 2017

Myanmar Chip Processors Prefer Chipping Potatoes from the United States

Potatoes USA has distributed chip-stock potatoes to four local potato chip manufacturers in Myanmar to conduct product trials.
Argentina: Descifran el genoma del virus del enrollamiento de la hoja
oktober 11, 2017

Argentina: Descifran el genoma del virus del enrollamiento de la hoja

El conocimiento de la secuencia completa, a cargo de investigadores del INTA, permite caracterizar el virus a nivel molecular y estudiar aspectos básicos y particulares de la infección. Además posibilita el desarrollo de herramientas biotecnológicas para mitigar las pérdidas ocasionadas por la infección, que pueden llegar hasta un 90 por ciento.
Potato Growers Georgia harvest enough potatoes to reach 100 percent self-sufficiency
oktober 10, 2017

Potato Growers Georgia harvest enough potatoes to reach 100 percent self-sufficiency

Georgia is reducing its dependency on potato imports as this year local farmers harvested enough to meet the needs of the local market.
Chile: Con papa nativa quieren ponerle color a los alimentos
oktober 09, 2017

Chile: Con papa nativa quieren ponerle color a los alimentos

Este tubérculo, de múltiples formas y colores, cultivado principalmente en Chiloé, está siendo investigado por su potencial para producir pigmentos para la industria alimentaria.
India needs robust cold chain supply system to increase farmers’ income, say experts
oktober 09, 2017

India needs robust cold chain supply system to increase farmers’ income, say experts

The Government of India is looking for solutions for preventing physical waste and loss of value of perishable agricultural commodities, according to agriculture experts.
Nederland is heel goed in friet
oktober 09, 2017

Nederland is heel goed in friet

Op Zaterdag 7 oktober was in het Groningse Hornhuizen het Aardappelfeest, georganiseerd door vrijwilligers. Met eten, cultuur en sprekers, onder wie Jan van Hoogen.


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