
The new Duynie logo
september 30, 2024

One Duynie brand exceeds the sum of its parts

As of October 1, 2024 there will be one Duynie brand. To further support the company's co-product partners and customers in achieving ambitious sustainability goals, this unified brand exceeds the sum of its parts.
Peter Erik Ywema, director Sustainability, leaves Royal Avebe
september 27, 2024

Royal Avebe director Sustainability, Peter Erik Ywema, is leaving

Peter Erik Ywema, director of Sustainability, will leave Royal Avebe on 1 October 2024. This has been mutually agreed by Ywema and the board of directors.
Royal Avebe start met aardappelcampagne
augustus 29, 2024

Royal Avebe start met aardappelcampagne

Deze week komen de eerste aardappelen binnen voor de aardappelcampagne van Royal Avebe. De komende maanden worden de aardappelen zes dagen per week bij de fabrieken aangeleverd, waar ze verwerkt worden tot aardappelzetmeel en aardappeleiwit.
Avebe Earns Gold EcoVadis Score, placing the company among the Top 5% in Sustainability
juni 04, 2024

Gold EcoVadis score places Potato Starch manufacturer Avebe in the top 5% in sustainability

Royal Avebe has achieved another gold EcoVadis score. This recognition places Avebe among the top 5% of assessed companies in the industry sector.
Royal Avebe's 2023-2024 potato campaign has ended
maart 18, 2024

Starch manufacturer Royal Avebe has ended the 2023-2024 potato campaign

Dutch Potato Starch manufacturer Royal Avebe just processed the last potatoes of the 2023-2024 campaign at the Ter Apelkanaal production location.
Performance price of EUR 133.34 (USD 145.62) is absolute record for Royal Avebe
december 19, 2023

Performance price of EUR 133.34 is absolute record for starch manufacturer Royal Avebe

Potato Starch manufacturer Royal Avebe closes financial year 2022/2023 with a performance price of EUR 133.34 (USD 145.62) .
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Royal Avebe awarded with a Gold medal for Sustainability efforts
augustus 03, 2023

Starch manufacturer Royal Avebe awarded with a Gold medal for its Sustainability efforts

Dutch Potato Starch cooperative Royal Avebe has been awarded a gold medal by Ecovadis, a global collaborative platform that helps companies assess sustainability performance throughout the supply chain.
Royal Avebe appoints Klaas Hidde Kuipers as its new chief operations officer
juni 18, 2023

Royal Avebe appoints Klaas Hidde Kuipers as its new Chief Operations Officer

Klaas Hidde Kuipers will start at Royal Avebe on August 21, 2023 as Chief Operations Officer (COO). He succeeds Mark Tettelaar, who will leave Avebe on August 31.
Royal Avebe emphasizes the added and distinctive value of potato starch and protein products
april 11, 2023

Royal Avebe strategy: focus on the added and distinctive value of potato starch and protein products

On Thursday 30 March 2023, Royal Avebe presented its strategy for the next five years during a breakfast for invited media. The cooperative will Accelerate and strengthen.
Avebe’s Sustainable Plant-Based Packaging & Building Solutions at European Coatings Show
april 02, 2023

Avebe’s Sustainable Plant-Based Packaging & Building Solutions at European Coatings Show

Avebe makes innovative ingredients derived from potatoes, which they use to create unique solutions for the food, pet food and industrial such as building, and packaging industries.
The future of sustainable packaging
januari 17, 2023

The future of sustainable packaging

Whether you are the sustainability manager at your company, or you’re about to forward this article to them, reducing the environmental impact of your product should be everybody’s goal.
augustus 25, 2022

Start aardappelcampagne bij Royal Avebe

Aardappelzetmeelfabrikant Royal Avebe is de campagne begonnen in Gasselternijveen. De groeiomstandigheden waren tot begin juli voorspoedig, maar hitte en droogte in afgelopen weken baren zorgen over de verdere groei.
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Potato Protein as Good as Animal Protein: Study
juni 14, 2022

Potato Protein as Good as Animal Protein: Study

While many plant proteins are deficient in one or more essential amino acids necessary for optimal muscle growth and repair, a new randomized controlled study published in shows that plant-derived proteins can still induce strong anabolic responses.
mei 24, 2022

Avebe beëindigt campagne met hoog zetmeelgehalte

Op donderdag 12 mei de locatie in Gasselternijveen verwerkte Avebe vorige week de laatste zetmeelaardappelen van de campagne 2021-2022. Op de andere locaties in Ter Apelkanaal en in Duitsland in Lüchow en Dallmin gebeurde dit al in februari en in maart.
februari 22, 2022

Royal Avebe sluit eerste contracten met leden voor aankoop certificaten groene stroom

Vandaag tekenen David Fousert, CEO van Royal Avebe, en Avebe-lid Erik Emmens uit Zeijen het contract voor de aankoop van Garanties van Oorsprong(GvO’s).
november 30, 2021

Royal Avebe verhoogt haar Solanic aardappel-eiwitproductie fors

Royal Avebe, een Nederlandse coöperatie van zetmeelaardappeltelers waarvan de aardappelen worden verwerkt tot hoogwaardige voedingsingrediënten, investeert dit jaar EUR 66 miljoen in haar innovatie- en duurzaamheidsprogramma.
november 23, 2021

Royal Avebe performance price drops to EUR 93.30

Het groeiende areaal zetmeelaardappelen, vooral buiten Nederland, zorgde dit jaar voor prijsdruk voor natief zetmeel. Stijgende kosten als gevolg van de coronacrisis drukten ook de prestatieprijs.
augustus 19, 2021

Aardappelcampagne Royal Avebe van start

De aardappelcampagne van Royal Avebe in Nederland is begonnen. De eerste zetmeelaardappelen werden aangeleverd op de productielocatie in Gasselternijveen


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