Onderzoek en ontwikkeling (R&D)

PotatoEurope's Golden Innovation Award goes to EGG Microtubers.
september 02, 2021

EGG Microtubers receive PotatoEurope’s Golden Innovation Award

During a special award ceremony on Wednesday, September 1st, a professional jury awarded the PotatoEurope Gold Innovation Award to the Microtubers of E Green Global (EGG).
El consejero Guillermo Blanco ha ofrecido apoyo para avanzar en una Indicación Geográfica Protegida.
augustus 31, 2021

España: Las buenas patatas de Valderredible ya tienen una asociación que las defienda

Once productores fundan en Polientes la Asociación Calidad Diferenciada Patata de la zona. El consejero Guillermo Blanco ha ofrecido apoyo para avanzar en una Indicación Geográfica Protegida, IGP.
James Hutton Institute outlines plans for a 'Potato Innovation Hub' at Potatoes in Practice 2021
augustus 24, 2021

James Hutton Institute outlines plans for a 'Potato Innovation Hub' at Potatoes in Practice 2021

Recent advances in breeding technologies can be harnessed to fast track the breeding of new varieties. Sensors and drone technologies are driving integrated pest management solutions.
Neiker colabora con UDAPA en el desarrollo de 'Edurne', una nueva variedad de patata con nombre propio.
augustus 03, 2021

Neiker colabora con UDAPA en el desarrollo de 'Edurne', una nueva variedad de patata con nombre propio

La cooperativa UDAPA realiza un estudio agronómico y de aceptación comercial de la variedad de patata 'Edurne', creada por NEIKER.
Industry Awards Call for Nominations - 11th World Potato Congress, Dublin, Ireland, May 30 to June 2, 2022
juli 26, 2021

World Potato Congress calls for nominations for the Industry Award ceremony at their next conference in Dublin, Ireland

Romain Cools, President and CEO, World Potato Congress Inc., and Tamas Houlihan, Chairman, WPC Industry Awards Committee, are now requesting nominations for the 2022 World Potato Congress Industry Awards.
ADAPT project: farmer’s survey’s points out climate change as the biggest threat to potato production in Europe
juli 15, 2021

ADAPT project: farmer’s survey’s points out climate change as the biggest threat to potato production in Europe

Europatat is part of an international consortium involved in the research project ADAPT (“Accelerated Development of multiple-stress tolerAnt PoTato”), which aims at developing new strategies to make potatoes fit for the challenging growth conditions of the future.
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juli 06, 2021

Sleutelgen voor zelfbevruchting in aardappel geïdentificeerd

Ontdekking maakt snellere en gerichtere aardappelveredeling mogelijk
España: 'Vamos a proteger la patata para que sea reconocida'.
juli 05, 2021

España: 'Vamos a proteger la patata para que sea reconocida'

Yolanda Medina (León, 1974) lleva más de 25 años vinculada al sector patatero de toda España. Ahora defiende la utilidad de la Interprofesional de Castilla y León con la que buscan ser un ejemplo para todo el país y el reconocimiento del producto
Wageningen scientists discover how the potato blight pathogen penetrates the plant
juli 04, 2021

Wageningen scientists discover how the potato blight pathogen penetrates the plant

Wageningen University & Research experts in plant pathology, cell biology and physics have found an answer to the question of how members of the Phytophthora genus mechanically gain entry through the protective layer on the leaves of crops.
Mathijs Peters New President of The European Snacks Association
juli 01, 2021

Mathijs Peters New President of The European Snacks Association

Mathijs Peters, responsible for EU Corporate Affairs at PepsiCo was elected President of the European Snacks Association asbl (ESA) for a two-year term. He succeeds Dr. Rolf Nilges, Intersnack’s Director of Research & Development and External Affairs.
Nele Cattoor tijdens de opening van het FVPhouse seminar in 2019
juni 24, 2021

Nele Cattoor neemt na 15 jaar afscheid van Vegebe

Vorige week nam Nele Cattoor, algemeen secretaris bij Vegebe en Regulatory Affairs Manager bij Belgapom en Fresh Trade Belgium, na 15 jaar afscheid van de sector om een nieuwe uitdaging aan te gaan.
juni 22, 2021

Onderzoek: Veerkracht en innovatie in de Europese agrarische sector

De Wageningen University & Research heeft onderzoek gedaan naar de veerkracht van de agrarische sector. Hoe bewegen boeren en hun omgeving mee? Denk aan de wisselende weersomstandigheden, klimaatverandering en het overheidsbeleid.
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Union Surveys Potato Growers Ahead of Levy Board Changes
juni 11, 2021

Scottish Farmers Union Surveys Potato Growers on AHDB activities ahead of changes

NFU Scotland is urging its potato growers to complete its survey to identify what functions carried out by the industry’s statutory levy body – AHDB Potatoes - are most valued ahead of body being wound down.
España: La Junta ubvenciona con 65.000 a la interprofesión de la patata de Castilla y León.
juni 04, 2021

España: La Junta ubvenciona con 65.000 a la interprofesión de la patata de Castilla y León

El Consejo de Gobierno de la Junta de Catilla y León ha aprobado una subvención de 65.000 euros a la Organización Interprofesional de la Patata de Castilla y León (OIPACYL) para fortalecer y equilibrar el sector de la patata.
The module stand with automated watering and multichannel LED lighting systems.
mei 20, 2021

Russian research: Smart vertical farm can produce 10 times more seed potatoes a year

Less than a year after the opening of the World-class Scientific Center 'Agrotechnologies for the Future', Russian scientists had a breakthrough: the first-ever vertical farm with dynamic LED lighting.
WUR approach for effective sustainability programmes in the agri-food sector
mei 18, 2021

WUR approach for effective sustainability programmes in the agri-food sector

Wageningen University & Research (WUR) has developed a five-step approach that could help food producing companies create effective sustainability programmes together with supplying farmers.
AHDB winding down horticulture and potatoes operations after farmers vote down levy continuation
mei 18, 2021

AHDB winding down horticulture and potatoes operations after farmers vote down levy continuation

AHDB has announced it is winding down significant activities on behalf of the horticulture and potatoes sectors. While awaiting a decision on the future by Ministers in England, Scotland and Wales, AHDB wants to reassure levy payers their views have been heard.
España: Resultados del proyecto UREZPAPA sobre innovación en riego de patata.
mei 14, 2021

España: Resultados del proyecto UREZPAPA sobre innovación en riego de patata

El objetivo principal del proyecto UREZPAPA es lograr una mayor eficacia en el manejo del agua para conseguir el mayor ahorro posible de este recurso, sin que el rendimiento del cultivo disminuya.


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