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Neiker constata la presencia en España de dos tipos de reproducción A1 y A2 del hongo causante del tizón tardío de la papa
april 14, 2014

Neiker constata la presencia en España de dos tipos de reproducción A1 y A2 del hongo causante del tizón tardío de la papa

El cruzamiento entre ambos tipos producen variantes más resistentes a fungicidas convencionales y puede sobrevivir en condiciones adversas.
España: Recomiendan a productores de papapa la suscripción de contratos para garantizar un nivel mínimo de ingresos
maart 23, 2014

España: Recomiendan a productores de papa suscribirse a contratos para garantizar un nivel mínimo de ingresos

La Consejería de Agricultura y Ganadería de Castilla y León ha publicado el octavo Boletín de la Papa en el que se recomienda a los agricultores que cultivan más de una hectárea y media de este tubérculo suscribir los contratos con los operadores comerciales para garantizarse un nivel mínimo de ingresos.
Roundtable Report Potato Council: Unearthing the role of potatoes in a healthy sustainable diet
februari 25, 2014

Potatoes: convincing government of their importance

Potato Council acts as a knowledge house for Government raising the importance of the potato. Two years since this work programme started there has been a real increase in knowledge about potatoes amongst parliamentarians with 83% now regarding potatoes as an important crop.
Industry flocks to UK stand at Fruit Logistica
februari 19, 2014

Industry flocks to UK stand at Fruit Logistica

Potato Council, Horticultural Development Company (HDC) and the Commercial Horticultural Association (CHA) returned in force to the Fruit Logistica to build their promotion of seed potatoes from Britain and raise the profile of the diversity and quality of UK horticultural crops.
Romain Cools
februari 18, 2014

Russia still says no to potato and seed sector

The expectations were positive, but the doors to Russia are still closed for the European potato and seed potato sector.
Crean en España una red nacional de papa (o patata)
februari 17, 2014

Crean en España una red nacional de papa (o patata)

El Instituto Vasco de Innovación Agraria NEIKER-Tecnalia acaba de inaugurar la Red Nacional de Innovación en Patata (Red Papata).
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Nuevo tipo de resistencia a enfermedad de la papa
februari 17, 2014

Nuevo tipo de resistencia a enfermedad de la papa

Fitopatólogos de la universidad holandesa de Wageningen han descubierto un mecanismo que aumenta la resistencia a Phytophthora infestans, patógeno causante de una de las enfermedades más devastadoras de la papa, el tizón tardío.
Potato Council Maris Piper Ad
februari 17, 2014

UK Shoppers agree to pay more for named Potato Varieties

Potato Council’s latest campaign to encourage shoppers to trade up from generic whites to a named potato variety has been a great success.
Fruit Logistica 2014
februari 13, 2014

Fruit Logistica 2014 sees record participation

Fruit Logistica sees record participation with more than 62,000 trade visitors from 141 countries
HZPC's Colourful Perupas come in six types: Magenta Love, Double fun, Violet Queen, Blue Star, Violetta and Anya (Anya not shown)
februari 11, 2014

HZPC introduces colourful Perupas

Last week, at the Fruit Logistica in Berlin, HZPC launched their new vegetable: Colourful Perupas! Colourful and tasty tubers with a WOW! feeling.
United Kingdom: Is your Chip Shop ready for Chip Week?
februari 05, 2014

United Kingdom: Is your Chip Shop ready for Chip Week?

Supporting the chipping sector is high on the agenda for Potato Council all year round, but with Chip Week (17 – 23 February) just around the corner, the team is more focused than ever on helping chips shops improve the quality of their chips and drive sales as a result.
Urschel DiversaCut Sprint
februari 05, 2014

Urschel is making the cut at Fruit Logistica 2014

Cutting Technology specialist Urschel Laboratories will present its DiversaCut Sprint® Dicer, the TranSlicer® 2510 Cutter, the Model CC Slicer, and the Comitrol® Model 1700 at the the Fruit Logistica Messe Berlin event between the 5th and 7th February.
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Graph representing Per Capita food losses and waste at consumption and pre-consumption stages
februari 05, 2014

DuPont highlights Food Chain Collaboration at Fruit Logistica

At the 2014 Fruit Logistica event, being held in Berlin from 5-7 February, DuPont Food Chain Manager for the EMEA region, Mr Luigi Coffano, highlighted the challenges faced by a world population that is growing by 150,000 people every day.
Dr. Christian Göke , CEO of Messe Berlin GmbH, commented: “FRUIT LOGISTICA is one of a kind"
februari 05, 2014

Fruit Logistica 2014 open for business

Some 58,000 trade visitors from more than 120 countries are expected to visit over 2,600 exhibitors from 84 countries at the Fruit Logistica in Berlin.
Agrico to celebrate sustainable choices during Fruit Logistica in Berlin
februari 03, 2014

Agrico to celebrate sustainable choices during Fruit Logistica in Berlin

From Wednesday 5 to Friday 7 February 2014 Agrico will be exhibiting at Fruit Logistica in Berlin. During this major international trade show, Agrico will be presenting its extensive range of seed and table potatoes.
La FAO lanza nuevas normas para los bancos de germoplasma
februari 02, 2014

La FAO lanza nuevas normas para los bancos de germoplasma

Esta nueva publicación pretende mejorar la conservación de los cultivos alimentarios, muchos de los cuales son cruciales para la seguridad alimentaria y nutricional a nivel mundial.
Good year expected for Bulgarian potato farmers, despite irrigation issues
januari 26, 2014

Good year expected for Bulgarian potato farmers, despite irrigation issues

“The major troubles faced by the potato producers in Bulgaria were connected with irrigation,” said Ventsislav Kaymakanov, chairperson of the National Association of Potato Producers
VLAM Fruit Logistica stand in 2013
januari 23, 2014

Fruit Logistica 2014: meet 25 Belgian exporters on the VLAM stand

With its annual exports of approximately 418,000 tons, Flandria is Europe’s biggest vegetable brand. You can get to know the products and sixteen fruit and vegetable suppliers at Fruit Logistica.


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