
Grote Company Announces New Facility in The Netherlands
maart 18, 2022

Grote Company Announces New Facility in The Netherlands

Grote Company, a manufacturer of reliable, top-quality food slicing and assembly equipment, announced that it has opened a new facility in The Netherlands to better serve EU (European Union) customers. The facility features a parts warehouse and service center.
Agrico starts construction of a mini tuber storage facility
maart 15, 2022

Seed potato company Agrico starts construction of its own mini tuber storage facility

By constructing its own mini tuber storage facility, seed potato company Agrico is taking the next step in its professionalization. Agrico currently rents a separate area from an affiliated grower for its mini tubers.
USPTO grants a steam peeling patent to Kiremko BV
maart 08, 2022

USPTO grants a steam peeling patent to Kiremko BV

Kiremko B.V. announced the issuance to it by the US Patent Office of a patent that covers a system for steam peeling of products having a skin. This unique concept is reflected in the steam peeling vessel of the market-leading Strata Invicta® steam peeler
Ellips highlights the top challenges in potato grading and how to tackle them
februari 24, 2022

Ellips highlights the top challenges in potato grading and how to tackle them

Ellips, a manufacturer of optical grader equipment for individual potatoes, highlights the top challenges in potato grading and how to tackle them.
februari 22, 2022

Royal Avebe sluit eerste contracten met leden voor aankoop certificaten groene stroom

Vandaag tekenen David Fousert, CEO van Royal Avebe, en Avebe-lid Erik Emmens uit Zeijen het contract voor de aankoop van Garanties van Oorsprong(GvO’s).
Insort (Matthias Jeindl) and Kiremko (Ton Hendrickx) join forces: 'This partnership is based on customer advantages.'
februari 22, 2022

Kiremko and Insort: a global partnership focused on efficiency in potato processing - based on data

Matthias Jeindl, CEO and founder of Insort, and Ton Hendrickx, General Sales Manager of Kiremko, are both convinced of the increasing importance of data in potato processing. And their two companies will jointly implement the opportunities this offers.
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februari 17, 2022

Dutch potato exports waiting on Eastern European demand

Dutch potato exports are not currently busy at all. February is never that wild. Things are quieter to most major destinations in West Africa. Those countries have their own crops, so they've closed their borders.
Industrial Potato Cutting: Kiremko and FAM Stumabo announce long-term global partnership.
februari 15, 2022

Industrial Potato Cutting: Kiremko and FAM Stumabo announce long-term global partnership

Kiremko, the leading manufacturer of turnkey potato processing lines, and FAM Stumabo, worldwide known for their progressive industrial potato cutting solutions have entered into a long-term global partnership.
The right potato variety with the robustness index
februari 14, 2022

The right potato variety with the robustness index

The potato is the third-largest food crop in the world and therefore an important part of our diet. Meijer Potato believes that everybody deserves to enjoy food.
Eric Vos, gerente de exportación de patatas de siembra en Agrico.
februari 09, 2022

Agrico: 'La calidad debe ser buena, pero los rendimientos siguen siendo más importantes'

La empresa holandesa Agrico es un actor global en el campo de las variedades de patatas de siembra y de consumo. El desarrollo de variedades innovadoras que se adapten a varios climas y mercados constituye una parte esencial de la empresa.
Tummers optimizes sorting processes with new Delta Roller Spreader
februari 03, 2022

Tummers optimizes sorting processes with new Delta Roller Spreader

Being a machine-building company that strives for continuous improvement, Tummers Food Processing Solutions recently took a closer look at its sorting processes.
februari 03, 2022

NEPG: Zullen betere contractprijzen hoog genoeg zijn om in de toekomst de groeiende vraag naar aardappelen te dekken?

North-western European Potato Growers (NEPG): Alle inputs hebben de afgelopen maanden stijgende prijzen laten zien, gaande van energie tot meststoffen, gewasbeschermingsmiddelen en bouwprijzen, maar ook machines en reserveonderdelen!
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Hybricol Food Technologies last concept
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Hybricol Food Technologies presents new product concept: baked potato sausages

Hybricol, a Dutch company active in the food ingredients business, shared a concept shaped potato product with PotatoPro: baked potato sausages.
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APH Group sluit miljoenencontracten in China, Roemenië en Saudi Arabië

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FoodeQ Engineering will be presenting the unique new CentreQ® System at Interpom 2021.
januari 06, 2022

FoodeQ Engineering introduces CentreQ®: a new monitoring system for vibratory conveyors

With the in-house developed CentreQ® (for which a patent is pending), FoodeQ is introducing a unique monitoring system for vibratory conveyors driven by unbalanced motors.


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