Newtec Optical sorters, here applied for potatoes to be packed for retail
juli 18, 2022

Newtec’s Optical Sorting Solution ideal for packers of table potatoes

Newtec’s weighing, sorting and packing solutions offer reliability and efficiency of production for customers in the food industry, such as potato packers.
februari 14, 2022

KMC maakt doorbraak: Deens aardappeleiwit om plantaardige vleesoplossingen te verbeteren

Als eerste ter wereld is het innovatieve Deense ingrediëntenbedrijf KMC erin geslaagd om getextureerd aardappeleiwit te creëren dat kan worden gebruikt als ingrediënt in plantaardig vlees.
Lihme Protein Solutions and Duynie Group partner in the creation of functional proteins from industrial co-products such as potato fruit waterxt generation functional proteins from plants
juli 12, 2021

Lihme Protein Solutions and Duynie Group partner in the creation of functional proteins from industrial co-products such as potato fruit water

Lihme Protein Solutions and Duynie Group agreed to join forces in the creation of a new business venture aimed at creating value from industrial coproducts, such functional protein from potato fruit water.
februari 04, 2021

Gigantische Tummers waslijn overstijgt alle verwachtingen

De resultaten van een Tummers productielijn bij een Deense zetmeelfabriek mogen met recht verbluffend genoemd worden! Deze proceslijn bestaande uit onder andere 4 van onze wasinstallaties draaide gedurende 3 maanden 10 uur per dag en waste in die tijd wel 700.000 ton aardappelen.
ESI Project manager Jan-Erik Dijksman is of to a flying start of 2021!
januari 10, 2021

ESI Eurosilo to construct 88.000 m3 potato starch silo for Karup Kartoffelmel Fabrik

ESI Eurosilo, a Dutch engineering and contracting company specialized in storage solutions for non-free flowing bulk solids and large quantities, will construct an 88.000 m3 potato starch silo for Karup Kartoffelmel Fabrik in Denmark.
Research: New method reveals whether your potato is organic or not
september 02, 2019

Research: New method reveals whether your potato is organic or not

Researchers at the University of Copenhagen have developed a new approach that helps public agencies and commercial interests combat fraudulently-labelled organic foods.
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The potato late blight pathogen. (Courtesy: Jens Gronbech Hasen / EuroBlight)
mei 07, 2019

Potato Blight Trends in Europe: EuroBlight 2018 Results

EuroBlight is continuously examining the ongoing evolution of the European population of the potato late blight pathogen and now reports on the 2018 results. Approximately 1000 samples were genotyped from 22 countries.
februari 26, 2019

Deense aardappelhandelaar veroordeelt voor het illegaal importeren van miniknollen

Breeders Trust, de organisatie die opkomt voor de rechten van een 10tal vooraanstaande Europese aardappelkweekbedrijven heeft eerder deze maand een rechtszaak gewonnen tegen het Deense aardappelhandelshuis Myco Seed A/S te Give (DK)
Potato breeder Danespo inaugurates its new Potato Center in Denmark
januari 29, 2019

Potato breeder Danespo inaugurates its new Potato Center in Denmark

On Tuesday 22 January 2019, exactly a year after the construction of the new potato center officially started, Danish potato breeder Danespo inaugurated its new head office and breeding station
KMC CEO Nicolai Hansen resigns
januari 08, 2019

KMC CEO Nicolai Hansen resigns

At the Annual General Meeting at KMC , it was announced that CEO Nicolai Hansen at his own request has decided to resign from his position by the end of June 2019.
Potato Blight Trends in Europe: EuroBlight 2017 Results
april 14, 2018

Potato Blight Trends in Europe: EuroBlight 2017 Results

The EuroBlight project is examining the ongoing evolution of the potato late blight pathogen (Phytophthora infestans). In 2017, almost 1500 samples from 16 countries in Europe were genotyped. The results indicate that new clones continue to spread.
Cargill and AKV Langholt invest in USD 22.5M potato starch factory in Denmark
januari 30, 2018

Cargill and AKV Langholt invest in USD 22.5M potato starch factory in Denmark

Cargill and its Danish potato starch partner, AKV Langholt AmbA, are investing $22.5 million USD (EUR 19 million) in a new potato starch production unit at their Langholt facility in Denmark.
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Lihme Protein Solutions licenses its functional protein technology to potato starch companies KMC and AKV Langholt
december 20, 2017

Lihme Protein Solutions licenses its functional protein technology to potato starch companies KMC and AKV Langholt

Starch manufacturers KMC and AKV Langholt aim to establish commercial production of functional potato proteins from the potato fruit juice remaining after starch extraction, using Lihme Protein Solutions’ proprietary technology
Research in Denmark: potato waste a potential goldmine
oktober 09, 2017

Research in Denmark: potato waste a potential goldmine

A New research partnership in Denmark will utilize potato and seaweed waste streams for ingredient production.
Siccadania is installing the two largest flash dryers in Denmark dryers, as part of AKM expansion.
oktober 07, 2017

Siccadania is installing the two largest flash dryers in Denmark as potato starch producer AKM expands

Potato starch producer AKM in Brande, Denmark, has entrusted SiccaDania to design and build the two largest flash dryers ever installed in Denmark.
Nicolai Hansen, Managing Director of Danish Potato Starch manufacturer KMC
september 05, 2017

How Danish Potato Starch Manufacturer KMC is 'Taking Food Forward'

Nicolai Hansen, Managing Director of potato starch coop KMC explains how the company is 'taking food forward'
Research: Drones as delivery mechanism for biological control agents
juni 15, 2016

Research: Drones as delivery vehicle for biological control agents

The University of Southern Denmark is developing an ecodrone that will combat pests in completely new ways.
Germicopa parent Florimond Desprez acquires 49% stake in Danespo
februari 04, 2016

Germicopa parent Florimond Desprez acquires 49% stake in Danespo

The owner of Germicopa, Florimond Desprez has acquired 49% of the shares in Danespo from DLG, thus entering into an equal partnership with DLF who owns another 49% of the shares. The remaining 2% are owned by growers and employees.


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