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Investigadores argentinos desarrollan plantas de papa que resisten la sequía.
december 08, 2021

Investigadores argentinos desarrollan plantas de papa que resisten la sequía

Investigadores argentinos desarrollaron a través de modificaciones genéticas plantas de papa tolerantes a condiciones de sequía y con hasta 17% más de rendimiento que las de la variedad que actualmente se siembra en Argentina.
The Crop Trust and CIP Announce New Disease-Proof Potato.
december 01, 2021

The Crop Trust and CIP Announce New Disease-Proof Potato

The Crop Trust and the International Potato Center (CIP) are announcing the release of a new disease-resistant potato called CIP-Matilde.
Swisspatat adds a new potato variety on its 2022 list
november 19, 2021

Swisspatat adds a new potato variety on its 2022 list

Swisspatat adds early potato variety Colomba as a new entry to its 2022 variety list in order to strengthen the supply of early season firm-skinned, firm-cooking potatoes (green line)
New seed potato lab will benefit Idaho's spud industry
november 16, 2021

University of Idaho new seed potato lab to open this year.

The University of Idaho is close to opening a new Seed Potato Germplasm Laboratory, which is the place where most Idaho potatoes are 'born'.
United States Government invests USD 2.6 Million in Potato Variety Research
november 10, 2021

United States Government invests USD 2.6 Million in Potato Variety Research

The USDA's National Institute of Food & Agriculture (NIFA) recently awarded four Potato Research grants  totaling USD 2.6 million  as part of their Special Research Grants program.
Penn State potato research program chips in with valuable insights for industry
oktober 30, 2021

Penn State potato research program chips in with valuable insights for industry

Pennsylvania has more potato chip manufacturers than any other state in the United States. Consequently, Penn State's potato research program is focused on potatoes for the production of potato chips.
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Environmental health and biodiversity
oktober 27, 2021

International Potato Center: Environmental Health and Biodiversity

The unpredictable impacts of natural disasters, environmental threats and a changing climate threaten global food security. The CIP genebank drives efforts to conserve the world’s genetic diversity of potato and sweet potato for future use.
Fighting late blight: what does it take to bring a resistant potato variety to market?
oktober 27, 2021

Fighting late blight: what does it take to bring a resistant potato variety to market?

Seed breeders work closely with potato growers to develop desirable agronomic traits, and with the wider supply chain for those crucial characteristics such as dry matter distribution, sugar formation, and storability.
Potato Days Live wants to inspire the sector to make sustainable choices
oktober 21, 2021

Potato Days Live wants to inspire the sector to make sustainable choices

The potato sector has the ability to significantly contribute to a sustainable food supply worldwide. HZPC will therefore broadcast an inspiring programme on 3 November during Potato Days 2021 Live.
It's shaping up to be a banner year for Aroostook County (Maine) potatoes
oktober 19, 2021

It's shaping up to be a banner year for Aroostook County (Maine) potatoes

Don Flannery, president of the Maine Potato Board, is not calling it a record year — yet. But with over 80 percent of this season’s potatoes out of the ground, the longtime industry expert said yields are shaping up to be above average.
CIP technicians harvest Matilde potatoes
oktober 14, 2021

The Future of Food is Wild: The story behind the CIP-Matilde potato variety

Climate change is making it harder for farmers to grow enough food to feed their families. A new potato variety called CIP-Matilde, developed by the International Potato Center (CIP) with support from the Crop Trust.
New Potato Variety Will Help Age-Old Crop Prosper Beyond the 21st Century
oktober 03, 2021

New Potato Variety Will Help Age-Old Crop Prosper Beyond the 21st Century

Tubers have battled various scourges for about 10,000 years, as well as an unpredictable climate that can cause unseasonable frost damage to crops every year.
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Midagri aprueba liberación de nueva variedad de papa: 'Perú Bicentenario'.
augustus 24, 2021

Midagri aprueba liberación de nueva variedad de papa: 'Perú Bicentenario'

Este nuevo cultivar, desarrollado por el sector a través del INIA, se diferencia de las demás porque ofrece una producción de 30 toneladas por hectárea, superando a las demás que solo llegan a 20.
Red Candy - a new early maturing potato variety by Technico Agri Sciences Limited
augustus 20, 2021

Technico introduces a new early maturing red skin potato variety: Red Candy

Red Candy, a new potato variety launched by Technico Agri Sciences Ltd, combines early bulking with better storability. This addresses the key concerns of potato growers in e.g. in Bihar and Northern parts of West Bengal.
Early maturing potato varieties in Asia help deliver benefits to 10 million people
augustus 09, 2021

Early maturing potato varieties in Asia help deliver benefits to 10 million people

Across Asia, 170 potato varieties have been released either through the International Potato Center (CIP)’s breeding program over the last four decades or by using germplasm held in its collections.
Neiker colabora con UDAPA en el desarrollo de 'Edurne', una nueva variedad de patata con nombre propio.
augustus 03, 2021

Neiker colabora con UDAPA en el desarrollo de 'Edurne', una nueva variedad de patata con nombre propio

La cooperativa UDAPA realiza un estudio agronómico y de aceptación comercial de la variedad de patata 'Edurne', creada por NEIKER.
Rwandan farmers help validate and disseminate new potato varieties
augustus 02, 2021

Potato Farmers in Rwanda help validate and disseminate new varieties

The triadic comparisons of technologies – or tricot – approach is being used in a citizen-science project funded by the CGIAR Research Program on Roots, Tubers and Bananas (RTB) to identify and scale up best cassava and potato varieties in Rwanda.
'Amber Delight' : An Early Bulking Variety Bringing Prosperity to Table Potato Farmers in India
juli 28, 2021

'Amber Delight' : An Early Bulking Variety Bringing Prosperity to Table Potato Farmers in India

Technico Agricultural Sciences Limited (TASL), India has been carrying out extensive varietal evaluation trials under its Varietal Advancement program across the potato producing states in the country.


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