
Despite unpredictable market, slight increase in seed potato final price for growers
juni 30, 2022

Despite unpredictable market, HZPC realized a slight increase in seed potato price for its growers

The price paid to HZPC Holland’s seed potato growers for the 2021 harvest is EUR 33,70 (about USD 35) per 100 kilo. This is slightly above the forecast price of EUR 33,10 (about USD 34.7) published last spring.
Potato Protein as Good as Animal Protein: Study
juni 14, 2022

Potato Protein as Good as Animal Protein: Study

While many plant proteins are deficient in one or more essential amino acids necessary for optimal muscle growth and repair, a new randomized controlled study published in shows that plant-derived proteins can still induce strong anabolic responses.
Growing sweet potatoes in the Netherlands? Yields must improve to make it profitable
juni 05, 2022

Growing sweet potatoes in the Netherlands? Yields must improve to make it profitable

Five years ago, Mts. Koenraadt-Heerink started growing sweet potatoes on a trial basis in the Netherlands. Over the years, the acreage has grown from less than one to 20.5 hectares. Still, yoelds must improve to make it profitable.
mei 24, 2022

Avebe beëindigt campagne met hoog zetmeelgehalte

Op donderdag 12 mei de locatie in Gasselternijveen verwerkte Avebe vorige week de laatste zetmeelaardappelen van de campagne 2021-2022. Op de andere locaties in Ter Apelkanaal en in Duitsland in Lüchow en Dallmin gebeurde dit al in februari en in maart.
mei 24, 2022

In Tilburg verrijst het hoogste vrieshuis van de Benelux, met ruimte voor 42.000 pallets friet

Het trekt nogal wat bekijks, het duizelingwekkende weefwerk van staal, dat inmiddels hoog uitstijgt boven de andere bedrijfspanden op Vossenberg.
Nomination Jean-Pierre Bienfait as member of Supervisory Board
mei 21, 2022

Jean-Pierre Bienfait nominated as member of HZPC's Supervisory Board

During the General Meeting of Shareholders (AGM) of HZPC Holding B.V. Jean-Pierre Bienfait was appointed as new member of the Supervisory Board. Jean-Pierre fills the vacancy of Meerten Ubbens.
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Solynta and Incotec announce partnership to optimize performance of hybrid true potato seeds
mei 16, 2022

Solynta and Incotec partner to optimize performance of hybrid true potato seed (TPS)

Hybrid potato innovator Solynta and seed enhancement company Incotec announced at the International Seed Federation (ISF) congress they have entered a collaboration agreement.
Groundbreaking event for Marel’s Boxmeer site renovation
mei 15, 2022

Groundbreaking event for Marel’s Boxmeer site renovation

On Monday, 9 May, Equipment manufacturer Marel officially kicked off the renovation of the new site located at the Lionstraat in Boxmeer, the Netherlands.
Seed potato company HZPC keeps profit expectations intact
mei 05, 2022

Seed potato company HZPC keeps profit expectations intact

Despite the fact that the conflict in Ukraine is affecting HZPC's sales, seed potato company HZPC is keeping its profit forecast intact after three quarters in the 2021-2022 financial year.
Las exportaciones de patatas holandesas están muy tranquilas en estos momentos.
april 27, 2022

Las exportaciones de patatas holandesas están muy tranquilas en estos momentos

Se están enviando camiones a los países de Europa del Este, aunque ese no es el mercado en el que nosotros operamos. En Trinidad, por ejemplo, están llegando grandes cantidades de patatas canadienses a muy bajos precios.
HZPC: New generation of potato varieties promising for more food security
april 22, 2022

HZPC: New generation of potato varieties promising for more food security

The new generation of potato varieties is performing better and better under extreme climate conditions such as drought, according to the recent sustainability report of potato breeder HZPC
Northwestern European Potato Growers (NEPG) have a new chairman: Geoffroy d’Evry replaces Jaap Botma.
april 02, 2022

Northwestern European Potato Growers (NEPG) have a new chairman: Geoffroy d’Evry replaces Jaap Botma

After 20 months of service as the first elected chairman of the NEPG, the Dutchman Jaap Botma from Friesland stopped as scheduled. Jaap was an arable farmer (seed potatoes, sugar beets, onions, cereals, …) for 28 years.
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Grote Company Announces New Facility in The Netherlands
maart 18, 2022

Grote Company Announces New Facility in The Netherlands

Grote Company, a manufacturer of reliable, top-quality food slicing and assembly equipment, announced that it has opened a new facility in The Netherlands to better serve EU (European Union) customers. The facility features a parts warehouse and service center.
Agrico starts construction of a mini tuber storage facility
maart 15, 2022

Seed potato company Agrico starts construction of its own mini tuber storage facility

By constructing its own mini tuber storage facility, seed potato company Agrico is taking the next step in its professionalization. Agrico currently rents a separate area from an affiliated grower for its mini tubers.
USPTO grants a steam peeling patent to Kiremko BV
maart 08, 2022

USPTO grants a steam peeling patent to Kiremko BV

Kiremko B.V. announced the issuance to it by the US Patent Office of a patent that covers a system for steam peeling of products having a skin. This unique concept is reflected in the steam peeling vessel of the market-leading Strata Invicta® steam peeler
Ellips highlights the top challenges in potato grading and how to tackle them
februari 24, 2022

Ellips highlights the top challenges in potato grading and how to tackle them

Ellips, a manufacturer of optical grader equipment for individual potatoes, highlights the top challenges in potato grading and how to tackle them.
februari 22, 2022

Royal Avebe sluit eerste contracten met leden voor aankoop certificaten groene stroom

Vandaag tekenen David Fousert, CEO van Royal Avebe, en Avebe-lid Erik Emmens uit Zeijen het contract voor de aankoop van Garanties van Oorsprong(GvO’s).
Insort (Matthias Jeindl) and Kiremko (Ton Hendrickx) join forces: 'This partnership is based on customer advantages.'
februari 22, 2022

Kiremko and Insort: a global partnership focused on efficiency in potato processing - based on data

Matthias Jeindl, CEO and founder of Insort, and Ton Hendrickx, General Sales Manager of Kiremko, are both convinced of the increasing importance of data in potato processing. And their two companies will jointly implement the opportunities this offers.


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