New German Potato Variety 'Lea' is suitable for both conventional and organic farming
The Solana Group's stand at last year's Potato Europe at Gut Bockerode, Germany, Breeder and seed supplier Solana GmbH & Co. will use the upcoming potato fairs to introduce a total of three new table potatoes.
juni 27, 2019
Origins of the European potato
Plants collected by Darwin have helped reveal the ancestry of European potatoes.
januari 18, 2016
Colourful Perupas of potato company HZPC nominated for Fruit Logistica Innovation Award
HZPC proudly announces the nomination of their potato concept WOW! Colourful Perupas® for the Fruit Logistica Innovation Award 2016.
augustus 18, 2014
Homenaje de la Deutsche Welle a la papa
La emisora internacional de Alemania acaba de hacerle un homenaje a la papa. Usando recursos multimedia, la nota destaca la biodiversidad genética del tubérculo en el Perú.