Energie en Milieu

Hauts-de-France: more organic potato plots despite the limited market
maart 30, 2021

Hauts-de-France: more organic potato plots despite the limited market

With the closure of restaurants and consequent decrease in factory activity, organic potatoes, just like conventional potatoes, have suffered from the Covid-19 crisis.
Green Headlands around potato fields boost soil health and fertility
maart 23, 2021

Green Headlands around potato fields boost soil health and fertility

Planting a Green Headland on uncropped areas around potato and field vegetable crops can capture nutrients worth £200/ha over the growing season.
Potato wastewater could feed bacteria used to recycle high-tech devices
maart 19, 2021

Potato wastewater could feed bacteria used to recycle high-tech devices

new research from Idaho National Laboratory suggests that potato wastewater might serve well as a low-cost food source for a special bacterium that could be used to recycle high-tech devices, industrial catalysts and other sources of rare earth elements.
Tesco to sell unwashed potatoes in order to reduce foods waste
maart 11, 2021

Tesco to sell unwashed potatoes in order to reduce food waste

A move to cut down on food waste by selling unwashed potatoes – and in doing so potentially double their shelf-life - is being launched by Tesco.
Bühler and Vyncke form strategic partnership to offer low-carbon-emissions food plants
maart 06, 2021

Bühler and Vyncke form strategic partnership to offer low-carbon-emissions food plants

Bühler Group and Vyncke form a strategic partnership to offer integrated solutions with which biomass side stream products are transformed into clean process energy while reducing the customers’ carbon footprint.
Perú: Más de 800 hectáreas de cultivos de papa afectadas por heladas en Huancavelica
maart 01, 2021

Perú: Más de 800 hectáreas de cultivos de papa afectadas por heladas en Huancavelica

Los agricultores del distrito de Pazos, ubicado en la provincia de Tayacaja, región Huancavelica han visto afectados el 80 porciento de sus cultivos por las intensas heladas.
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Bedford Industries Launches Plant-Based Bag Closure
februari 22, 2021

Bedford Industries Launches Plant-Based Bag Closure

Bedford Industries introduces CloseIt® Bio-Clip, its new plant-based bag closure containing 100% USDA certified biobased content that is commercially compostable.
Organic farming area in the EU up 46 percent since 2012
februari 22, 2021

Organic farming area in the EU up 46 percent since 2012

The total organic area in the European Union (EU) was 13.8 million hectares in 2019, corresponding to 8.5% of the total utilized agricultural area. This represents an increase of 46% between 2012 and 2019.
España: Productores de patata de A Limia estudian plantar menos cantidad este año
februari 22, 2021

España: Productores de patata de A Limia estudian plantar menos cantidad este año

El sector de la patata en Xinzo siempre tuvo que capear contratiempos como el precio, la climatología y las pestes, y a todo ello se sumó en 2020 otro enemigo impredecible como es el COVID.
Junín, Perú: Movilizan brigadas agrarias para recuperar cultivos afectados por heladas
februari 22, 2021

Junín, Perú: Movilizan brigadas agrarias para recuperar cultivos afectados por heladas

Gobierno Regional de Junín, Perú, movilizó brigadas agrarias para recuperar los cultivos afectados por una inusual helada que se registró en el distrito de Pucará, provincia de Huancayo.
februari 15, 2021

Avebe wint Water Innovatie prijs voor DUCAM project (DUurzaam Concentreren van Aardappelsap met Membranen)

Tijdens het online congres Watervisie 2021 is bekend gemaakt welk project de ‘Water Innovator of the Year’ heeft gewonnen. De drie geselecteerde ideeën waren Mid Mix, Mezt en het DUCAM-project.
New potato packaging compostable at home
februari 15, 2021

New potato packaging compostable at home

February is Potato Lover's Month and Arrowfarms companies Morning Kiss Organic and Gold Bell are introducing new, compostable paper bag potato packaging.
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Mercadona cambia las bolsas de plástico de un solo uso por las de fécula de patata
februari 01, 2021

Mercadona cambia las bolsas de plástico de un solo uso por las de fécula de patata

La cadena valenciana Mercadona ha eliminado las bolsas de plástico de un solo uso de todas las secciones de sus tiendas físicas, en el servicio a domicilio y online, con lo que cumple el primer hito de la Estrategia 6.25, que ha llevado a cabo a lo largo de 2020.
Direct-seed potatoes show no harvest hit
januari 30, 2021

Low tillage potato trial showed no impact on yield and quality

The amount and quality of the potatoes coming off Chad Berry’s field last fall weren’t that much different from one side to the other, but one half came with a lot less tillage.
Kam Quarles, CEO of the National Potato Council discusses the potential impact of the new administration on the industry
januari 28, 2021

Kam Quarles, CEO of the National Potato Council discusses the potential impact of the new US administration on the industry

With the inauguration of US President Biden a week behind us now, Kam Quarles, CEO of the National Potato Council discusses what the impact of the new administration on the potato industry might be.
Potato-washing facility to pay $1,000 fine over 'regretted' waste water spill
januari 25, 2021

PEI Potato washing facility fined over waste water spill

The owners of a potato facility in New Annan confirm they will not dispute a CAD 1,000 fine they received following a spill of waste water at the end of 2020.
PepsiCo Doubles Down on Climate Goal and Pledges Net-Zero Emissions by 2040
januari 14, 2021

PepsiCo Doubles Down on Climate Goal and Pledges Net-Zero Emissions by 2040

Pepsico announced it will accelerate its efforts to build a more resilient and sustainable food system, reducing GHG emissions by more than 40% by 2030. In 2020 the company achieved its objective to use 100% renewable electricity in the United States and plans to do the same in Mexico and Australia by the end of 2021
The potato company Scotty Brand saves 27 tons of plastic from its packaging
januari 06, 2021

The potato company Scotty Brand saves 27 tons of plastic from its packaging

In one year, a Scottish potato company removed almost 27 tons of plastic from its packaging.


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