mei 18, 2010

Could Taurine help reduce acrylamide in French Fries?

Taurine, the ingredient most famously linked to energy drinks, may help reduce levels of acrylamide in foods, suggests new research from Korea.French fries exposed to a taurine solution prior to frying contained 96 per cent less acrylamide than control...
 European Food Safety Authority (EFSA)
mei 18, 2010

EFSA: Acrylamide levels in 2008 published

EFSA has published a summary of acrylamide levels in different types of food sampled in 2008. The report is based on over 3,400 results provided by 22 European Union Member States and Norway. The highest average levels of acrylamide were reported in t...
maart 14, 2010

Do French Fries cause cancer?

A poster adorning the walls of KFC restaurants in California may just take your appetite away. Or at least make you consider giving up the fries. Here's what it says: "Cooked potatoes that have been browned, such as French fries, baked potatoes an...
februari 24, 2010

Gentse onderzoekers proberen acrylamide in friet te verminderen

Onderzoekers van de vakgroep Voedselveiligheid en Voedselkwaliteit van de UGent hebben innovatieve technieken ontwikkeld om het acrylamidegehalte in frietjes te verminderen. Acrylamide is een vermoedelijk kankerverwekkende stof die in meerdere voedings...
december 21, 2009

Health Canada plan would put asparaginase in french fries, potato chips to fight acrylamide

Health Canada is proposing an unorthodox way of combatting acrylamide, a food ingredient suspected in some cancers: It wants to let manufacturers put small amounts of asparaginase - also used as a cancer-fighting drug - into potato chips and similar fo...
november 25, 2009

Frozen Potato Institute behind acrylamide comment period extension

The Frozen Potato Institute [AFFI] whose members supply fast food chains with the raw material for french fries, succeeded in persuading FDA's Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition to extend its comment period on scientific data and information ...
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november 13, 2009

Acrilamida no está asociada con cánceres de tiroides y cabeza

La sustancia química acrilamida, que es un agente potencialmente cancerígeno, no eleva el riesgo de desarrollar cáncer de boca, garganta, cuerdas vocales o tiroides, con una sola excepción. Más allá de una posible asociación con el cáncer de boca en m...
september 03, 2009

US consumers ‘unaware of acrylamide’

The majority of US consumers are unaware of acrylamide even as major North American governments are taking action to deal with the suspected carcinogen, according to new consumer research. Acrylamide is a chemical produced during high temperature cooki...
augustus 26, 2009

Canada adds acrylamide to toxic substance list

Health Canada has added acrylamide to the government’s list of toxic substances.   Having added acrylamide to its toxic list, Health Canada will be pursing a three-pronged strategy to reduce exposure to the substance from food sources. It will press ...
juli 07, 2009

Comisión del Codex Alimentarius adoptó 30 nuevas normas

La Comisión del Codex Alimentarius ha concluido, tras una semana de reunión, adoptar 30 nuevas normas internacionales para mejorar la inocuidad de los alimentos a nivel mundial y proteger así, la salud de los consumidores según la Organización de las N...
juni 16, 2009

FSAI publishes toxicological facts sheets, including Acrylamide in Food

The Food Safety Authority of Ireland (FSAI) recently published a range of toxicological fact sheets. These factsheets aim to give a concise overview on topics such as Dioxins and PCBs, Acrylamide, Aspartame, Mercury, Lead, Cadmium, Tin and Arsenic, Myc...
juni 07, 2009

Nuevos desafíos en la inocuidad de la papa

Presentación en PowerPoint de Rodolfo Rivers, Consultor de Inocuidad y Calidad de los Alimentos del Grupo Sanidad e Inocuidad Agroalimentaria de la FAO/RLC (25/11/2008). En su exposición describe las Buenas Prácticas Agrícolas (BPA) y explica qué promu...
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mei 13, 2009

EFSA finds lower acrylamide content in Potato chips

Commission Recommendation 2007/331/EC on the monitoring of acrylamide levels in food of 3 May 2007 requires the Member States to perform annually in 2007, 2008 and 2009 the monitoring of acrylamide levels in certain foodstuffs. These data have to be t...
mei 07, 2009

Acrylamide has no link to brain cancer: study

Dietary intakes of acrylamide are not related to increased risks of brain cancer, says a new study from Maastricht University in the Netherlands.Acrylamide intake, at levels commonly consumed in the Dutch diet, had no impact on the risk of brain cancer...
mei 01, 2009

Acrylamide in food does not increase lung cancer risk

Consumption of foods containing acrylamide does not increase the risk of lung cancer in men, and in women, it may actually reduce the risk.   In a related editorial, Dr. Lorelei A. Mucci and Dr. Hans-Olov Adami, from Harvard School of Public Health, Bo...
 Thermo Fisher Scientific Arena 20 autoanalyser
april 07, 2009

Thermo Fisher offers asparagine analysis

Snack makers on the alert for acrylamide formation in their baked products have a new tool at their disposal to rapidly analyse asparagine levels.   Thermo Fisher Scientific claims its automated photometric method is a "simple and effective&quo...
maart 16, 2009

Acrylamide not linked to endometrial cancer

Seven years ago, alarms were sounded that acrylamide, a compound found in foods heated at high temperatures, could cause cancer. However, studies have not uncovered links to colon cancer or breast cancer, and now comes word from a Swedish study indicat...
maart 04, 2009

La acrilamida en alimentos no está asociada al cancer de mama

Un nuevo estudio sugiere que una sustancia química potencialmente cancerígena presente en algunos alimentos ricos en carbohidratos no elevaría el riesgo de desarrollar tumores mamarios. La sustancia, llamada acrilamida, ganó notoriedad hace varios año...


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