uit Zuid Amerika

The Intralox Series 1750 Flush Grid belt is designed to optimize potato washer outfeed systems, offering superior abrasion resistance and reliability for high-volume potato processing lines.
september 10, 2024

Bem Brazil Optimizes Potato Washer Outfeed Belt With Intralox S1750 Belting

Potato washing, rock removal, and debris removal is one of the most challenging applications for French fry manufacturers globally. This is certainly true for BEM Brazil’s Minas Gerais plant, where 110 tons of product go through the washer on a main line every hour.
Perú: apoyo gubernamental en infraestructura
april 03, 2024

Perú: apoyo gubernamental en infraestructura

Continuan los esfuerzos del país por actualizar la infraestructura productiva y mejorar así las condiciones de trabajo para el sector.
Latest technologies and innovations at Bem Brasil
november 04, 2023

The steady expansion of Brazilian French fry manufacturer Bem Brasil

Since 2006, Brazilian Potato processor Bem Brasil has grown from a single line to four. Built in partnership with Idaho Steel and Kiremko, Bem Brasil's fourth processing line features a capacity of 30 tons of french fries per hour
Nueva fábrica de Lamb Weston en Argentina
maart 01, 2023

Lamb Weston Invierte USD 250 millones en una fábrica de papas fritas en Mar del Plata

Funcionarios K y de Juntos presentaron la construcción de la planta, que funcionará en julio del año que viene, en el parque industrial de la ciudad balnearia.
Inka Crops applies Pulsed Electric Field (PEF) in the production of a range of Peruvian snacks
augustus 04, 2022

Inka Crops applies Pulsed Electric Field (PEF) in the production of a range of Peruvian snacks

Inka Crops is a snack manufacturer based in Peru, specialised in the production and marketing of gourmet and alternative snacks. The company produces a wide variety of Peruvian style savory snacks
PEF Advantage for Potato Processor 'Frozen Express' in Colombia
januari 30, 2022

PEF Advantage for Potato Processor 'Frozen Express' in Colombia

Frozen Express is one of the largest potato processors and manufacturers of Frozen French fries in Colombia. The family-owned company has been producing potato products for more than 25 years and is committed to Colombian farmers.
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Bühler’s unique 3-in-1 simultaneous sorting solution boosts quality and efficiency for Pacific Nuts
september 21, 2021

Buhlers unique 3-in-1 simultaneous sorting solution boosts quality and efficiency for Pacific Nuts

Since investing in Bühler’s ‘three-machines-in-one-solution’, the SORTEX F optical sorter, leading exporter of nuts and dried fruits in Chile, Pacific Nuts, has reduced its input shell contamination from 5% to 0.4%.
Bem Brasil goes PEF
november 04, 2020

Bem Brasil goes PEF

Elea GmbH, the world leader in Pulsed Electric Field systems for food processing, has supplied a first PEF Advantage system for potato processing suitable for processing up to 30 t/h.
Bem Brasil Alimentos - Perdizes unit
augustus 12, 2020

Key Technology announces multimillion dollar purchase by Bem Brasil for their new 30 t/h frozen french fries production line

Key Technology announces they are contributing six VERYX® digital sorters, an ADR EXOS® automatic defect removal system, three Sliver Sizer Removers and 57 Iso-Flo® vibratory conveyors to Bem Brasil new processing line designed to produce 30 metric tons of frozen french fries per hour.
TOMRA Food opens new regional headquarters in Latin America
juli 27, 2020

TOMRA Food opens new regional headquarters in Latin America

New premises, with Customer Experience Center and Regional Training Hub, will strengthen the customer support provided across Latin America by TOMRA Food, Compac, and BBC Technologies.
Key Technology assigns the company Juan Neustadtel as its Sales Representative in Colombia
oktober 01, 2019

Key Technology assigns the company Juan Neustadtel as its Sales Representative in Colombia

Key Technology, a member of the Duravant family of operating companies, announces the appointment of the company Juan Neustadtel S.A.S. as its exclusive sales representative in Colombia.
La industrialización: ¿el paso siguiente del rubro papero en Chile?
september 12, 2017

La industrialización: ¿el paso siguiente del rubro papero en Chile?

Sólo el 10% de la producción papera de Chile se procesa, por eso uno de los desafíos del rubro es generar mayor valor agregado en torno a este cultivo. Así lo precisó Luis Miquel, gerente general del Consorcio Papa Chile, en el XII Encuentro Nacional que se realizó entre el 23 y el 25 de agosto en el Hotel Sonesta, de la ciudad de Osorno.
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TOMRA Sorting Food has launched its Portuguese website
mei 10, 2017

TOMRA Sorting Food has launched its Portuguese website

TOMRA Sorting Food has launched its Portuguese website, which provides a dynamic online resource for its Portuguese-speaking customers.
Farm Frites plans potato processing facility in Mar del Plata, Argentina
maart 28, 2017

Farm Frites plans potato processing facility in Mar del Plata, Argentina

Earlier this month, Farm Frites has proposed a plan to establish a potato processing facility in Mar Del Plata, Argentina with an annual capacity of 70.000 tonnes of finished product. Most of the product is expected to be exported to Brasil through the Port of Mar del Plata.
Bolivia: Productores lavan una tonelada de papa en 17 minutos
maart 20, 2017

Bolivia: Productores lavan una tonelada de papa en 17 minutos

Para los agricultores de la provincia del Chapare, el tiempo del lavado y seleccionado de la papa se reduce en 21 veces desde la implementación de la Planta Procesadora de Papa, cuya capacidad es de lavar y seleccionar una tonelada del producto en 17 minutos. Antes, este trabajo se realizaba en seis horas.
processing and packaging specialist tna appoints new regional sales manager for Brazil
september 11, 2016

Processing and Packaging specialist tna appoints new regional sales manager for Brazil

tna has appointed Henrique Vicente to its growing Latin American sales team. As regional sales manager, Henrique will be responsible for supporting tna’s Brazilian customers.
New Specialty Potato Products inspired by Brazilian consumers: That's the promise as Sérya Alimentos invests in innovation
juli 01, 2016

Sérya Alimentos Promises New Specialty Potato Products 'inspired by Brazilian consumers'

Inspired by Brazilian consumers eager to new products, Serya Alimentos decided to go beyond the traditional pre-fried French-Fries and created the first Brazilian factory dedicated to producing potato specialties.
Arjan Brouwer, Kiremko
mei 01, 2012

Kiremko brings Dutch potato industry experience to Peru

Arjan Brouwer, Manager Latin America for the Dutch company Kiremko, one of the three most important manufacturers of industrial potato processing equipment in the world, visited Peru, attracted by the market possibilities for potato in the country. He ...


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