
PotatoEurope 2017 turns things around for easier access and more space
maart 08, 2017

PotatoEurope 2017 turns things around for easier access and more space

Anyone travelling to PotatoEurope in Emmeloord by car on 13 and 14 September 2017 will have much more convenient access to the event than in previous years.
Mooij Agro provides a breath of fresh air at Interpom | Primeurs with its EC Axial 1000 fan
oktober 11, 2016

Mooij Agro provides a breath of fresh air at Interpom | Primeurs with its EC Axial 1000 fan

Mooij Agro developed a new and larger axial flow EC fan in cooperation with Klima, especially suitable for onion and potato storage projects where low energy use is a priority.
Potato Storage: New Generation Miedema Store Loaders
juli 18, 2016

Potato Storage: New Generation Miedema Store Loaders

Miedema introduces the new, 80 cm wide series of ML (Miedema Loaders) store loaders. ML store loaders are made to fill your potato store as quickly as possible while maintaining maximum product quality.
Potato Storage Specialist builds mini storage for simulation and demonstration
april 11, 2016

Potato Storage Specialist Mooij Agro builds mini storage for simulation and demonstration

Dutch Potato Storage Specialist Mooij Agro has built a complete mini storage able to simulate a full scale storage facility, including all relevant settings.
Miedema launches new MC Belt Conveyor Series
maart 01, 2016

Miedema launches new MC Conveyor Series

Miedema, specialist in planting, storage and sorting technology, is introducing a new generation of the MC (Miedema Conveyor) series, single and duo belt conveyors.
Mooij Agro’s Croptimiz-r potato storage computer now officially IP54 certified
januari 26, 2016

Mooij Agro’s Croptimiz-r potato storage computer now officially IP54 certified

The new Mooij Agro Croptimiz-r storage computer is now officially certified as IP54
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Dutch prime minister visits Hotraco Group (Mooij-Agro)
april 18, 2015

Dutch prime minister visits Hotraco Group (Mooij-Agro)

As part of a working visit to Limburg on Wednesday, 8 April, Prime Minister Mark Rutte visited four internationally operating SME’s, including Hotraco Group (Mooij-Agro), and was full of praise for the innovative companies.
Dewulf / Miedema, Partners in Agriculture
november 12, 2014

Miedema and Dewulf to form single team

The intended fusion between Dewulf and Miedema, made public in early September, is to be completed this year.
EVERY-AIR provides optimal air distribution in box-storages
oktober 11, 2014

EVERY-AIR provides optimal air distribution in box-storages

To improve the air distribution potato storages using boxes, Mooij Agro has developed the EVERY-AIR.
AVR's largest storage loader
mei 27, 2014

Largest AVR storage loader ever leaves the factory

Earlier this month, the first green CTHV 46100 left the factory at the Dutch branch of Belgian agricultural machine manufacturer AVR in Veendam. At 23m long and 1m wide, the CTHV 46100 is the largest storage loader in the AVR range.
Tummers redesigns potato roller dryer for high capacity
september 11, 2013

Tummers redesigns potato roller dryer for high capacity

The potato and potato processing industry is changing and Tummers is taking the lead in offering solutions in response. Up to now at most factories the potatoes have been unloaded at high capacity from the lorry, then sorted by size and stored in bunkers unwashed.
Miedema Smart Grader
februari 01, 2013

Miedema launches Smart Solutions

Because labourers are becoming an ever-scarcer commodity, today’s farmer requires customised machines that perfectly match the way he works. In order to meet this need, Miedema has formed a new department: Miedema Smart Solutions.
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 APH Group Office in Heerenveen
januari 09, 2013

APH Group moves to new office location

Potato and vegetable machinery exporter, the APH Group, moved its corporate headquarters from Joure to Heerenveen (both in the Netherlands) on January 5th 2013.
Europatat congress
maart 02, 2012

Europatat congress 2012 – The potato is coming home!

Europatat and the Dutch Potato Association (NAO) are pleased to announce the opening for registrations for the annual Europatat Congress, taking place in The Hague (The Netherlands) from 24 to 26 May 2012.
 Verenigde Telers Akkerbouw
februari 27, 2012

VTA: aardappelvoorraad Februari 2012

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 Verenigde Telers Akkerbouw (VTA)
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Evenveel aardappelen in opslag als vorig jaar: VTA voorraadinventarisatie

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